path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require path + "/helper.rb" class TestLeanback < Test::Unit::TestCase #should "probably rename this file and start testing for real" do # flunk "hey buddy, you should probably rename this file and start testing for real" #end should "create a database if it doesn't already exist" do hash = Couchdb.create 'staff' assert_equal '{"ok"=>true}', hash.to_s response = RestClient.get '', {:content_type => :json} assert_equal true,response.include?("staff") end should "create a database if it doesn't already exist, and handle exception if it exists" do begin hash = Couchdb.create 'contacts' assert_equal '{"ok"=>true}', hash.to_s rescue => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - file_exists. Reason - The database could not be created, the file already exists.", e.to_s assert_equal "file_exists", e.error end end should "try to delete a database that doesn't exist and handle the exception" do begin hash = Couchdb.delete 'buildings' #puts hash.inspect rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - not_found. Reason - missing", e.to_s assert_equal "not_found", e.error end end should "add a finder method to the database or handle exception if a finder already exists" do hash = Couchdb.add_finder(:database => 'contacts', :key => 'email') assert_equal true,hash.include?("_design/email_finder") assert_equal true,hash.include?("true") assert_equal true,hash.include?("rev") doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/email_finder'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal '_design/email_finder', hash["_id"] end should "find items by key" do #docs = Couchdb.find_by( :database => 'contacts', :email => '') docs = Couchdb.find_by( :database => 'contacts', :lastname => 'smith') #docs = Couchdb.find_by( :database => 'contacts', :country => 'female') d = docs[0] assert_equal "smith", d["lastname"] end should "create and view document doc" do data = {:firstname => 'John', :lastname =>'smith', :phone => '202-234-1234', :email =>'', :age =>'34', :gender =>'male'} doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john', :data => data} Document.create doc doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal 'john', hash["_id"] end should "Query a permanent view that doesn't exist and handle exception" do begin view = { :database => "contacts", :design_doc => 'more_views', :view => 'get_user_email'} Couchdb.find view rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - not_found. Reason - missing_named_view", e.to_s assert_equal "not_found", e.error end end should "Query a permanent view" do view = { :database => "contacts", :design_doc => 'more_views', :view => 'get_email'} docs = Couchdb.find view assert_equal true,docs[0].include?("Email") assert_equal true,docs[0].include?("Lastname") end should "Query a permanent view and create the view on the fly, if it doesn't already exist" do view = {:database => 'contacts', :design_doc => 'my_views', :view => 'get_emails', :json_doc => '/home/obi/bin/my_views.json'} docs = Couchdb.find_on_fly(view) assert_equal true,docs[0].include?("Email") assert_equal true,docs[0].include?("Name") #verify that the view was created doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/my_views'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal '_design/my_views', hash["_id"] end should "Query a permanent view by key and create the view on the fly, if it doesn't already exist" do view = { :database => 'contacts', :design_doc => 'the_view', :view => 'age', :json_doc => '/home/obi/bin/view_age.json'} age = '36' docs = Couchdb.find_on_fly(view,key = age) assert_equal true,docs[0].include?("age") d = docs[0] assert_equal '36', d["age"] #verify that the view was created doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/the_view'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal '_design/the_view', hash["_id"] end should "Create a design doc/permanent view or handle exception" do doc = { :database => 'contacts', :design_doc => 'more_views', :json_doc => '/home/obi/bin/leanback/test/my_views.json' } hash = Couchdb.create_design doc assert_equal '_design/more_views', hash["id"] assert_equal true, hash["ok"] doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/more_views'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal '_design/more_views', hash["_id"] end should "return a display a list of all databases" do databases = Couchdb.all assert_equal true,databases.include?("contacts") end should "delete a database" do hash = Couchdb.delete 'staff' assert_equal true, hash["ok"] response = RestClient.get '', {:content_type => :json} assert_equal false,response.include?("staff") end should "create a document and handle exception if one occurs" do data = {:firstname => 'Nancy', :lastname =>'Lee', :phone => '347-808-3734',:email =>'',:gender => 'female'} doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Nancy', :data => data} hash = Document.create doc assert_equal 'Nancy', hash["id"] assert_equal true, hash["ok"] doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Nancy'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal 'Nancy', hash["_id"] assert_equal 'Nancy', hash["firstname"] assert_equal 'Lee', hash["lastname"] assert_equal '347-808-3734', hash["phone"] end should "update the document" do #data = {"age" => "42", "lastname" => "arnold", "phone" => "202-456-1234", "hobbies" => "football,running, video gamess" } data = {:age => "41", :lastname => "Stevens" } doc = { :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john', :data => data} hash = Document.update doc assert_equal 'john', hash["id"] assert_equal true, hash["ok"] doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john'} hash = Couchdb.view doc assert_equal 'john', hash["_id"] assert_equal '41', hash["age"] assert_equal 'Stevens', hash["lastname"] Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john' end should "delete sample documents - ready for next test run" do Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Nancy' Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/more_views' Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/the_view' Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/my_views' Document.delete :database => 'contacts', :doc_id => '_design/email_finder' end should "edit a document - handle exceptions" do begin #see delete without _rev above data = {:firstname => 'john', :lastname =>'smith', :email => '',:gender=>'male', :_rev=>'2-e813a0e902e3ac114400ff3959a2adde'} doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'john', :data => data} hash = Document.edit doc #puts hash.inspect rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - conflict. Reason - Document update conflict.", e.to_s assert_equal "conflict", e.error end end should "create and delete a document" do data = {:firstname => 'Sun', :lastname =>'Nova', :phone => '212-234-1234', :email =>''} doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Sun', :data => data} Document.create doc doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Sun'} hash = Document.delete doc assert_equal 'Sun', hash["id"] assert_equal true, hash["ok"] begin doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'Sun'} Couchdb.view doc rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - not_found. Reason - deleted", e.to_s assert_equal "not_found", e.error end end should "delete a document with revision number - any handle exceptions" do begin doc = {:database => 'contacts', :doc_id => 'james', :rev => '4-4e70528f7400e2e43d6543aec4d8aa2b'} hash = Document.delete_rev doc #puts hash.inspect rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - conflict. Reason - Document update conflict.", e.to_s assert_equal "conflict", e.error end end should "attempt to display all documents in the database that doesn't exist and handle exception" do begin docs = Couchdb.docs_from 'buildings' rescue CouchdbException => e assert_equal "CouchDB: Error - not_found. Reason - no_db_file", e.to_s assert_equal "not_found", e.error end end should "display all documents in the database" do #docs = Couchdb.docs_from 'monitors' #puts 'docs = Couchdb.docs_from monitors' #docs.each do |d| # puts "_rev: " + d["_rev"] #puts "_id: " + d["_id"] #puts "every: " + d["every"] #puts "monitor: " + d["monitor"] #puts "url: " + d["url"] #puts "test: " + d["test"] #puts "contact: " + d["contact"] #puts "via: " + d["via"] #puts "notify_interval: " + d["notify_interval"] #end end should " switch to default bind address" do Couchdb.address = nil Couchdb.port = nil #Couchdb.all end end