module Rubykon class Game attr_reader :board, :group_tracker, :move_count, :ko, :captures attr_accessor :komi DEFAULT_KOMI = 6.5 # the freakish constructor is here so that we can have a decent dup def initialize(size = 19, komi = DEFAULT_KOMI, board =, move_count = 0, consecutive_passes = 0, ko = nil, captures = initial_captures, move_validator =, group_tracker = @board = board @komi = komi @move_count = move_count @consecutive_passes = consecutive_passes @ko = ko @captures = captures @move_validator = move_validator @group_tracker = group_tracker end def play(x, y, color) identifier = @board.identifier_for(x, y) if valid_move?(identifier, color) set_valid_move(identifier, color) true else false end end def play!(x, y, color) raise IllegalMoveException unless play(x, y, color) end def no_moves_played? @move_count == 0 end def next_turn_color move_count.even? ? Board::BLACK : Board::WHITE end def finished? @consecutive_passes >= 2 end def set_valid_move(identifier, color) @move_count += 1 if Game.pass?(identifier) @consecutive_passes += 1 else set_move(color, identifier) end end def safe_set_move(identifier, color) return if color == Board::EMPTY set_valid_move(identifier, color) end def dup @size, @komi, @board.dup, @move_count, @consecutive_passes, @ko, @captures.dup, @move_validator, @group_tracker.dup end def self.other_color(color) if color == :black :white else :black end end def self.pass?(identifier) identifier.nil? end def self.from(string) game = new(string.index("\n") / Board::CHARS_PER_GLYPH) Board.each_move_from(string) do |identifier, color| game.safe_set_move(identifier, color) end game end private def initial_captures {Board::BLACK => 0, Board::WHITE => 0} end def valid_move?(identifier, color) @move_validator.valid?(identifier, color, self) end def set_move(color, identifier) @board[identifier] = color potential_eye =, @board) captures = @group_tracker.assign(identifier, color, board) determine_ko_move(captures, potential_eye) @captures[color] += captures.size @consecutive_passes = 0 end def determine_ko_move(captures, potential_eye) if captures.size == 1 && potential_eye @ko = captures[0] else @ko = nil end end end end