module("basic context"); Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(helper, context) { if(helper === "link_to") { return new Handlebars.SafeString("" + context + ""); } }); var shouldCompileTo = function(string, hash, expected, message) { var template = Handlebars.VM.compile(string); if( === "[object Array]") { if(hash[1]) { for(var prop in Handlebars.helpers) { hash[1][prop] = Handlebars.helpers[prop]; } } } else { hash = [hash]; } result = template.apply(this, hash) equal(result, expected, "'" + expected + "' should === '" + result + "': " + message); } var shouldThrow = function(fn, exception, message) { var caught = false; try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof exception) { caught = true; } } ok(caught, message || null); } test("compiling with a basic context", function() { shouldCompileTo("Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!", {cruel: "cruel", world: "world"}, "Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!", "It works if all the required keys are provided"); }); test("comments", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{! Goodbye}}Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!", {cruel: "cruel", world: "world"}, "Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!", "comments are ignored"); }); test("boolean", function() { var string = "{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!"; shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: true, world: "world"}, "GOODBYE cruel world!", "booleans show the contents when true"); shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: false, world: "world"}, "cruel world!", "booleans do not show the contents when false"); }); test("zeros", function() { shouldCompileTo("num1: {{num1}}, num2: {{num2}}", {num1: 42, num2: 0}, "num1: 42, num2: 0"); shouldCompileTo("num: {{.}}", 0, "num: 0"); shouldCompileTo("num: {{num1/num2}}", {num1: {num2: 0}}, "num: 0"); }); test("newlines", function() { shouldCompileTo("Alan's\nTest", {}, "Alan's\nTest"); shouldCompileTo("Alan's\rTest", {}, "Alan's\rTest"); }); test("escaping text", function() { shouldCompileTo("Awesome's", {}, "Awesome's", "text is escaped so that it doesn't get caught on single quotes"); shouldCompileTo("Awesome\\", {}, "Awesome\\", "text is escaped so that the closing quote can't be ignored"); shouldCompileTo("Awesome\\ foo", {}, "Awesome\\ foo", "text is escaped so that it doesn't mess up backslashes"); shouldCompileTo(' " " ', {}, ' " " ', "double quotes never produce invalid javascript"); }); test("escaping expressions", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{{awesome}}}", {awesome: "&\"\\<>"}, '&\"\\<>', "expressions with 3 handlebars aren't escaped"); shouldCompileTo("{{awesome}}", {awesome: "&\"\\<>"}, '&\"\\<>', "by default expressions should be escaped"); shouldCompileTo("{{&awesome}}", {awesome: "&\"\\<>"}, '&\"\\<>', "expressions with {{& handlebars aren't escaped"); }); test("functions returning safestrings shouldn't be escaped", function() { var hash = {awesome: function() { return new Handlebars.SafeString("&\"\\<>"); }}; shouldCompileTo("{{awesome}}", hash, '&\"\\<>', "functions returning safestrings aren't escaped"); }); test("functions", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{awesome}}", {awesome: function() { return "Awesome"; }}, "Awesome", "functions are called and render their output"); }); test("functions with context argument", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{awesome frank}}", {awesome: function(context) { return context; }, frank: "Frank"}, "Frank", "functions are called with context arguments"); }); test("nested paths", function() { shouldCompileTo("Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!", {alan: {expression: "beautiful"}}, "Goodbye beautiful world!", "Nested paths access nested objects"); }); test("nested paths with empty string value", function() { shouldCompileTo("Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!", {alan: {expression: ""}}, "Goodbye world!", "Nested paths access nested objects with empty string"); }); test("--- TODO --- bad idea nested paths", function() { return; var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: "goodbye"}, {text: "Goodbye"}, {text: "GOODBYE"}], world: "world"}; shouldThrow(function() { Handlebars.compile("{{#goodbyes}}{{../name/../name}}{{/goodbyes}}")(hash); }, Handlebars.Exception, "Cannot jump (..) into previous context after moving into a context."); var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{.././world}} {{/goodbyes}}"; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "world world world ", "Same context (.) is ignored in paths"); }); test("that current context path ({{.}}) doesn't hit fallback", function() { shouldCompileTo("test: {{.}}", [null, {helper: "awesome"}], "test: "); }); test("complex but empty paths", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{person/name}}", {person: {name: null}}, ""); shouldCompileTo("{{person/name}}", {person: {}}, ""); }); test("this keyword in paths", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {goodbyes: ["goodbye", "Goodbye", "GOODBYE"]}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "goodbyeGoodbyeGOODBYE", "This keyword in paths evaluates to current context"); string = "{{#hellos}}{{this/text}}{{/hellos}}" hash = {hellos: [{text: "hello"}, {text: "Hello"}, {text: "HELLO"}]}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "helloHelloHELLO", "This keyword evaluates in more complex paths"); }); module("inverted sections"); test("inverted sections with unset value", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "Right On!", "Inverted section rendered when value isn't set."); }); test("inverted section with false value", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {goodbyes: false}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "Right On!", "Inverted section rendered when value is false."); }); test("inverted section with empty set", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {goodbyes: []}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "Right On!", "Inverted section rendered when value is empty set."); }); test("inverted section using result of function call", function() { var string = "{{goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {goodbyes: function() { return false; }} shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "Right On!", "Inverted section rendered when result of function in expression is false."); }); module("blocks"); test("array", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!" var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: "goodbye"}, {text: "Goodbye"}, {text: "GOODBYE"}], world: "world"}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "goodbye! Goodbye! GOODBYE! cruel world!", "Arrays iterate over the contents when not empty"); shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: "world"}, "cruel world!", "Arrays ignore the contents when empty"); }); test("empty block", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!" var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: "goodbye"}, {text: "Goodbye"}, {text: "GOODBYE"}], world: "world"}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "cruel world!", "Arrays iterate over the contents when not empty"); shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: "world"}, "cruel world!", "Arrays ignore the contents when empty"); }); test("incorrectly matched blocks", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{/hellos}}"; shouldThrow(function() { Handlebars.compile(string); }, Handlebars.Exception, "Incorrectly matched blocks return an exception at compile time."); }); test("nested iteration", function() { }); test("block with complex lookup", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{text}} cruel {{../name}}! {{/goodbyes}}" var hash = {name: "Alan", goodbyes: [{text: "goodbye"}, {text: "Goodbye"}, {text: "GOODBYE"}]}; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "goodbye cruel Alan! Goodbye cruel Alan! GOODBYE cruel Alan! ", "Templates can access variables in contexts up the stack with relative path syntax"); }); test("helper with complex lookup", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{{link ../prefix}}}{{/goodbyes}}" var hash = {prefix: "/root", goodbyes: [{text: "Goodbye", url: "goodbye"}]}; var fallback = {link: function(prefix) { return "" + this.text + "" }}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Goodbye") }); test("helper block with complex lookup expression", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{../name}}{{/goodbyes}}" var hash = {name: "Alan"}; var fallback = {goodbyes: function(fn) { var out = ""; var byes = ["Goodbye", "goodbye", "GOODBYE"]; for (var i = 0,j = byes.length; i < j; i++) { out += byes[i] + " " + fn(this) + "! "; } return out; }}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! "); }); test("helper with complex lookup and nested template", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}"; var hash = {prefix: '/root', goodbyes: [{text: "Goodbye", url: "goodbye"}]}; var fallback = {link: function (prefix, fn) { return "" + fn(this) + ""; }}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Goodbye") }); test("block with deep nested complex lookup", function() { var string = "{{#outer}}Goodbye {{#inner}}cruel {{../../omg}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}"; var hash = {omg: "OMG!", outer: [{ inner: [{ text: "goodbye" }] }] }; shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "Goodbye cruel OMG!"); }); test("block helper", function() { var string = "{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!"; var template = Handlebars.compile(string); result = template({goodbyes: function(context, fn) { return fn({text: "GOODBYE"}); }, world: "world"}); equal(result, "GOODBYE! cruel world!"); }); test("block helper staying in the same context", function() { var string = "{{#form}}


{{/form}}" var template = Handlebars.compile(string); result = template({form: function(context, fn) { return "
" + fn(this) + "
" }, name: "Yehuda"}); equal(result, "


"); }); test("block helper should have context in this", function() { var source = ""; var link = function(fn) { return '' + fn(this) + ''; }; var data = { "people": [ { "name": "Alan", "id": 1 }, { "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 } ]}; shouldCompileTo(source, [data, {link: link}], ""); }); test("block helper passing a new context", function() { var string = "{{#form yehuda}}


{{/form}}" var template = Handlebars.compile(string); result = template({form: function(context, fn) { return "
" + fn(context) + "
" }, yehuda: {name: "Yehuda"}}); equal(result, "


"); }); test("block helper passing a complex path context", function() { var string = "{{#form yehuda/cat}}


{{/form}}" var template = Handlebars.compile(string); result = template({form: function(context, fn) { return "
" + fn(context) + "
" }, yehuda: {name: "Yehuda", cat: {name: "Harold"}}}); equal(result, "


"); }); test("nested block helpers", function() { var string = "{{#form yehuda}}


{{#link}}Hello{{/link}}{{/form}}" var template = Handlebars.compile(string); result = template({ form: function(context, fn) { return "
" + fn(context) + "
" }, yehuda: {name: "Yehuda", link: function(context, fn) { return "" + fn(context) + ""; } } }); equal(result, "


"); }); test("block inverted sections", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{#people}}{{name}}{{^}}{{none}}{{/people}}", {none: "No people"}, "No people"); }); test("block inverted sections with empty arrays", function() { shouldCompileTo("{{#people}}{{name}}{{^}}{{none}}{{/people}}", {none: "No people", people: []}, "No people"); }); test("block helper inverted sections", function() { var string = "{{#list people}}{{name}}{{^}}Nobody's here{{/list}}" var list = function(context, fn, inverse) { if (context.length > 0) { var out = ""; return out; } else { return "

" + inverse(this) + "

"; } }; var hash = {list: list, people: [{name: "Alan"}, {name: "Yehuda"}]}; var empty = {list: list, people: []}; var rootMessage = { list: function(context, fn, inverse) { if(context.length === 0) { return "

" + inverse(this) + "

"; } }, people: [], message: "Nobody's here" } var messageString = "{{#list people}}Hello{{^}}{{message}}{{/list}}"; // the meaning here may be kind of hard to catch, but list.not is always called, // so we should see the output of both shouldCompileTo(string, hash, "", "an inverse wrapper is passed in as a new context"); shouldCompileTo(string, empty, "

Nobody's here

", "an inverse wrapper can be optionally called"); shouldCompileTo(messageString, rootMessage, "

Nobody's here

", "the context of an inverse is the parent of the block"); }); module("fallback hash"); test("providing a fallback hash", function() { shouldCompileTo("Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!", [{cruel: "cruel"}, {world: "world"}], "Goodbye cruel world!", "Fallback hash is available"); shouldCompileTo("Goodbye {{#iter}}{{cruel}} {{world}}{{/iter}}!", [{iter: [{cruel: "cruel"}]}, {world: "world"}], "Goodbye cruel world!", "Fallback hash is available inside other blocks"); }); test("in cases of conflict, the explicit hash wins", function() { }); test("the fallback hash is available is nested contexts", function() { }); module("partials"); test("basic partials", function() { var string = "Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}"; var partial = "{{name}} ({{url}}) "; var hash = {dudes: [{name: "Yehuda", url: "http://yehuda"}, {name: "Alan", url: "http://alan"}]}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], "Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ", "Basic partials output based on current context."); }); test("partials with context", function() { var string = "Dudes: {{>dude dudes}}"; var partial = "{{#this}}{{name}} ({{url}}) {{/this}}"; var hash = {dudes: [{name: "Yehuda", url: "http://yehuda"}, {name: "Alan", url: "http://alan"}]}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], "Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ", "Partials can be passed a context"); }); test("partial in a partial", function() { var string = "Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{>dude}}{{/dudes}}"; var dude = "{{name}} {{> url}} "; var url = "{{url}}"; var hash = {dudes: [{name: "Yehuda", url: "http://yehuda"}, {name: "Alan", url: "http://alan"}]}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude, url: url}], "Dudes: Yehuda http://yehuda Alan http://alan ", "Partials are rendered inside of other partials"); }); test("rendering undefined partial throws an exception", function() { shouldThrow(function() { var template = Handlebars.compile("{{> whatever}}"); template(); }, Handlebars.Exception, "Should throw exception"); }); test("GH-14: a partial preceding a selector", function() { var string = "Dudes: {{>dude}} {{another_dude}}"; var dude = "{{name}}"; var hash = {name:"Jeepers", another_dude:"Creepers"}; shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, {}, {dude:dude}], "Dudes: Jeepers Creepers", "Regular selectors can follow a partial"); }); test("Partial containing complex expression", function() { var template = "Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}} {{/dudes}}"; var dude = "{{../salutation}} {{name}}"; var hash = {salutation: "Mr.", dudes: [{name: "Yehuda"}, {name: "Alan"}]}; shouldCompileTo(template, [hash, {}, {dude: dude}], "Dudes: Mr. Yehuda Mr. Alan "); }); module("String literal parameters"); test("simple literals work", function() { var string = 'Message: {{hello "world"}}'; var hash = {}; var fallback = {hello: function(param) { return "Hello " + param; }} shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Message: Hello world", "template with a simple String literal"); }); test("using a quote in the middle of a parameter raises an error", function() { shouldThrow(function() { var string = 'Message: {{hello wo"rld"}}'; Handlebars.compile(string); }, Error, "should throw exception"); }); test("escaping a String is possible", function(){ var string = 'Message: {{hello "\\"world\\""}}'; var hash = {} var fallback = {hello: function(param) { return "Hello " + param; }} shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Message: Hello \"world\"", "template with an escaped String literal"); }); test("it works with ' marks", function() { var string = 'Message: {{hello "Alan\'s world"}}'; var hash = {} var fallback = {hello: function(param) { return "Hello " + param; }} shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Message: Hello Alan's world", "template with a ' mark"); }); module("multiple parameters"); test("simple multi-params work", function() { var string = 'Message: {{goodbye cruel world}}'; var hash = {cruel: "cruel", world: "world"} var fallback = {goodbye: function(cruel, world) { return "Goodbye " + cruel + " " + world; }} shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Message: Goodbye cruel world", "regular helpers with multiple params"); }); test("block multi-params work", function() { var string = 'Message: {{#goodbye cruel world}}{{greeting}} {{adj}} {{noun}}{{/goodbye}}'; var hash = {cruel: "cruel", world: "world"} var fallback = {goodbye: function(cruel, world, fn) { return fn({greeting: "Goodbye", adj: cruel, noun: world}); }} shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, fallback], "Message: Goodbye cruel world", "block helpers with multiple params"); }) module("safestring"); test("constructing a safestring from a string and checking its type", function() { var safe = new Handlebars.SafeString("testing 1, 2, 3"); ok(safe instanceof Handlebars.SafeString, "SafeString is an instance of Handlebars.SafeString"); equal(safe, "testing 1, 2, 3", "SafeString is equivalent to its underlying string"); }); module("helperMissing"); test("if a context is not found, helperMissing is used", function() { var string = "{{hello}} {{link_to world}}" var context = { hello: "Hello", world: "world" }; shouldCompileTo(string, context, "Hello world") }); module("built-in helpers"); test("with", function() { var string = "{{#with person}}{{first}} {{last}}{{/with}}"; shouldCompileTo(string, {person: {first: "Alan", last: "Johnson"}}, "Alan Johnson"); });