$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require 'spackle/configuration' require 'spackle/error' require 'spackle/output' require 'spackle/spec' if defined? Spec require 'spackle/helpers/ruby_project_root' module Spackle class << self def already_initialized? @already_initialized == true end def callback_command Spackle.configuration.callback_command end def configuration @configuration ||= Spackle::Configuration.new end def configure yield configuration end def error_formatter_class class_name = configuration.error_formatter.to_s. split("_").collect { |w| w.capitalize }.join begin eval("Spackle::Output::#{class_name}") rescue SyntaxError raise RuntimeError.new("Spackle Error: no configuration for error_formatter_class -- have you configured Spackle with a .spackle file?") rescue NameError raise RuntimeError.new("Spackle Error: Cannot find Spackle::Output::#{class_name} -- have you configured Spackle with a .spackle file?") end end def init(options = {}) return if already_initialized? @already_initialized = true load_config File.unlink(spackle_file) if File.exists?(spackle_file) case options[:with] when :spec_formatter ::Spec::Runner.options.parse_format "Spackle::Spec::SpackleFormatter:/dev/null" end end def load_config load_config_from_dotfile end def load_config_from_dotfile config_files = [] if ENV['SPACKLE_CONFIG'] # SPACKLE_CONFIG is mostly intended for use with the integration tests config_files << File.expand_path(ENV['SPACKLE_CONFIG']) else config_files << File.expand_path("~/.spackle") project_root = Spackle::Helpers::RubyProjectRoot.search Dir.pwd if project_root config_files << File.join(project_root, ".spackle") end end config_files.inject(false) do |config_loaded, file| if File.exists? file load file config_loaded = true end config_loaded end end def spackle_file projectname = Spackle::Helpers::RubyProjectRoot.search Dir.pwd projectname = File.basename(projectname) + ".spackle" if projectname filename = configuration.spackle_file || projectname || "default.spackle" File.join(tempdir, filename) end def tempdir configuration.tempdir || '/tmp' end def test_finished(errors) return unless configuration.error_formatter File.open( spackle_file, "w", 0600 ) do |f| errors.each do |error| f.write error_formatter_class.format(error) end end system(configuration.callback_command, spackle_file) if configuration.callback_command end end end