Feature: Text editing commands Background: Given I open a new edit tab Scenario: Delete char When I replace the contents with "Foo\nBar\nBaz" And I move the cursor to 0 And I run the command Redcar::Top::DeleteCharCommand Then the cursor should be at 0 And the contents should be "oo\nBar\nBaz" Scenario: Delete char at end of document When I replace the contents with "Foo" And I move the cursor to 3 And I run the command Redcar::Top::DeleteCharCommand Then the cursor should be at 3 And the contents should be "Foo" Scenario: Backspace When I replace the contents with "Foo" And I move the cursor to 1 And I run the command Redcar::Top::BackspaceCommand Then the cursor should be at 0 And the contents should be "oo" Scenario: Backspace at start of document When I replace the contents with "Foo" And I move the cursor to 0 And I run the command Redcar::Top::BackspaceCommand Then the cursor should be at 0 And the contents should be "Foo"