# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: false require_relative '../jruby_art' require_relative 'sketchbook' # The processing wrapper module module Processing # Encapsulate library loader functionality as a class class LibraryLoader attr_reader :sketchbook_library_path def initialize @sketchbook_library_path = File.join(Sketchbook.find_path, 'libraries') @loaded_libraries = Hash.new(false) end # Detect if a library has been loaded (for conditional loading) def library_loaded?(library_name) @loaded_libraries[library_name.to_sym] end # Load a list of Ruby or Java libraries (in that order) # Usage: load_libraries :opengl, :boids # # If a library is put into a 'library' folder next to the sketch it will # be used instead of the library that ships with JRubyArt. def load_libraries(*args) message = 'no such file to load -- %s' args.each do |lib| loaded = load_ruby_library(lib) || load_java_library(lib) fail(LoadError.new, format(message, lib)) unless loaded end end alias_method :load_library, :load_libraries # For pure ruby libraries. # The library should have an initialization ruby file # of the same name as the library folder. def load_ruby_library(library_name) library_name = library_name.to_sym return true if @loaded_libraries.include?(library_name) path = get_library_paths(library_name, 'rb').first return false unless path @loaded_libraries[library_name] = (require path) end # HACK: For pure java libraries, such as the ones that are available # on this page: http://processing.org/reference/libraries/index.html # that include native code, we mess with the 'Java ClassLoader', so that # you don't have to futz with your PATH. But it's probably bad juju. def load_java_library(library_name) library_name = library_name.to_sym return true if @loaded_libraries.include?(library_name) jpath = get_library_directory_path(library_name, 'jar') jars = get_library_paths(library_name, 'jar') return false if jars.empty? jars.each { |jar| require jar } platform_specific_library_paths = get_platform_specific_library_paths(jpath) platform_specific_library_paths = platform_specific_library_paths.select do |ppath| FileTest.directory?(ppath) && !Dir.glob(File.join(ppath, '*.{so,dll,jnilib}')).empty? end unless platform_specific_library_paths.empty? platform_specific_library_paths << java.lang.System.getProperty('java.library.path') new_library_path = platform_specific_library_paths.join(java.io.File.pathSeparator) java.lang.System.setProperty('java.library.path', new_library_path) field = java.lang.Class.for_name('java.lang.ClassLoader').get_declared_field('sys_paths') if field field.accessible = true field.set(java.lang.Class.for_name('java.lang.System').get_class_loader, nil) end end @loaded_libraries[library_name] = true end def platform match = %w(mac linux windows).find do |os| java.lang.System.getProperty('os.name').downcase.index(os) end return 'other' unless match return match unless match =~ /mac/ 'macosx' end def get_platform_specific_library_paths(basename) # for MacOSX, but does this even work, or does Mac return '64'? bits = 'universal' if java.lang.System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '32' || java.lang.System.getProperty('java.vm.name').index('32') bits = '32' elsif java.lang.System.getProperty('sun.arch.data.model') == '64' || java.lang.System.getProperty('java.vm.name').index('64') bits = '64' unless platform =~ /macosx/ end [platform, platform + bits].map { |p| File.join(basename, p) } end def get_library_paths(library_name, extension = nil) dir = get_library_directory_path(library_name, extension) Dir.glob("#{dir}/*.{rb,jar}") end protected def get_library_directory_path(library_name, extension = nil) extensions = extension ? [extension] : %w(jar rb) extensions.each do |ext| [ "#{SKETCH_ROOT}/library/#{library_name}", "#{Processing::RP_CONFIG['PROCESSING_ROOT']}/modes/java/libraries/#{library_name}/library", "#{K9_ROOT}/library/#{library_name}/library", "#{K9_ROOT}/library/#{library_name}", "#{@sketchbook_library_path}/#{library_name}/library" ].each do |jpath| if File.exist?(jpath) && !Dir.glob(format('%s/*.%s', jpath, ext)).empty? return jpath end end end nil end end end