module Effective module EffectiveDatatable module Compute BLANK = ''.freeze private # So the idea here is that we want to do as much as possible on the database in ActiveRecord # And then run any array_columns through in post-processed results def compute col = collection # Assign total records @total_records = (active_record_collection? ? column_tool.size(col) : value_tool.size(col)) # Apply scope col = column_tool.scope(col) # Apply column searching col = @display_records = column_tool.size(col) unless value_tool.searched.present? # Apply column ordering col = column_tool.order(col) # Arrayize if we have value tool work to do col = arrayize(col) if value_tool.searched.present? || value_tool.ordered.present? # Apply value searching col = @display_records = value_tool.size(col) if value_tool.searched.present? # Apply value ordering col = value_tool.order(col) # Apply pagination col = col.kind_of?(Array) ? value_tool.paginate(col) : column_tool.paginate(col) # Arrayize the searched, ordered, paginated results col = arrayize(col) unless col.kind_of?(Array) # Assign display records @display_records ||= @total_records # Compute aggregate data @aggregates_data = aggregate(col) if _aggregates.present? # Charts too @charts_data = chart(col) if _charts.present? # Format all results format(col) # Finalize hook finalize(col) end def arrayize(collection) do |obj| do |name, opts| if state[:visible][name] == false && (name != order_name) # Sort by invisible array column BLANK elsif opts[:partial] || (opts[:format] && !opts[:compute]) active_record_collection? ? obj : obj[opts[:index]] elsif opts[:compute] dsl_tool.instance_exec(obj, (active_record_collection? ? collection : obj[opts[:index]]), &opts[:compute]) elsif opts[:as] == :effective_obfuscation obj.to_param elsif array_collection? obj[opts[:index]] elsif opts[:sql_as_column] obj[name] || (obj.send(name) if obj.respond_to?(name)) else obj.send(name) end end end end def aggregate(collection) cols = collection.transpose do |_, aggregate| do |name, opts| next if state[:visible][name] == false && datatables_ajax_request? values = cols[opts[:index]] || [] if state[:visible][name] == false BLANK elsif aggregate[:compute] dsl_tool.instance_exec(values, columns[name], &aggregate[:compute]) else format_column(aggregate_column(values, opts, aggregate), opts) end end.compact end end def aggregate_column(values, column, aggregate) labeled = false length = values.length values = values.reject { |value| value.nil? } if [:bulk_actions, :actions].include?(column[:as]) || length == 0 return BLANK end case aggregate[:name] when :total if values.all? { |value| value.kind_of?(Numeric) } values.sum elsif values.all? { |value| value == true || value == false } "#{values.count { |val| val == true }} / #{values.count { |val| val == false}}" elsif !labeled labeled = aggregate[:label] elsif values.any? { |value| value.kind_of?(String) == false } "#{values.flatten.count} total" end when :average if values.all? { |value| value.kind_of?(Numeric) } values.sum / [length, 1].max elsif values.all? { |value| value == true || value == false } values.count { |val| val == true } >= (length / 2) ? true : false elsif !labeled labeled = aggregate[:label] elsif values.any? { |value| value.kind_of?(String) == false } '-' end else raise 'not implemented' end || BLANK end def chart(collection) _charts.inject({}) do |retval, (name, chart)| retval[name] = { as: chart[:as], data: dsl_tool.instance_exec(collection, &chart[:compute]), name: chart[:name], options: chart[:options] } unless retval[name][:data].kind_of?(Array) && retval[name][:data].first.kind_of?(Array) raise "invalid chart :#{name}. The block must return an Array of Arrays" end retval end end end end end