[Blue Ribbon]Colleges and Universities - China

(C)Copyright 1995,1996 Christina DeMello. Reproduction and distribution are permissible for non-profit purposes only, but no changes are to be made to this document without the author's written consent.

Please send additions, corrections, and comments to cdemello@mit.edu. Please give me a few days to respond as I no longer have a direct net connection at work every day. Also, this list may be updated more quickly than I can respond personally to email.

    Last modified: Thu Jul 11 20:53:17 1996
  1. Nanjing Normal University
  2. Beijing Agricultural University
  3. Beijing Agriculture University
  4. Beijing Institute of Technology
  5. Beijing Polytechnic University
  6. Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
  7. Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
  8. Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  9. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  10. Central University for Nationalities
  11. China Academy of Railway Sciences
  12. Dalian University of Technology
  13. East China University of Science and Technology (Alumni)
  14. Foshan University
  15. Fudan University
  16. Hangzhou University
  17. Harbin Engineering University
  18. Harbin Institute of Technology
  19. Hohai University
  20. Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  21. Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  22. Hunan Agricultural University
  23. Jilin University
  24. Jilin University (Alumni)
  25. Lanzhou University
  26. NanJing University
  27. Nanjing Agricultural University (Alumni)
  28. Nanjing University of Science & Technology
  29. Nankai University
  30. National University of Defence Science & Technology (Alumni)
  31. Northeastern University, China
  32. Northern Jiaotong University
  33. Northwestern Polytechnical University
  34. Peking University
  35. Shandong University
  36. Shanghai JiaoTong University
  37. Shanghai Medical University
  38. South China University of Technology
  39. Southeast University
  40. Southwest Agriculture University
  41. Southwest University of Finance & Economics
  42. Suzhou Medical College
  43. Suzhou University
  44. Tianjin University
  45. Tongji University
  46. Tsinghua University
  47. University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
  48. University of International Business and Economics
  49. University of Petroleum of China
  50. University of Science and Technology of China
  51. Wuhan University (Alumni)
  52. Wuhan University of Technology
  53. Xi'an Jiao Tong University
  54. Xiamen University
  55. Xian Medical University
  56. Xiangtan University
  57. Zhejiang Medical University
  58. Zhejiang University
  59. Zhengzhou University
  60. Zhongshan University
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cdemello@mit.edu, cdemello@us.oracle.com

Last updated: Mon Jul 15 00:41:33 PDT 1996