## Couch Potato ... is a persistence layer written in ruby for CouchDB. This gem, *davber_couch_potato*, is a clone of the *couch_potato*, adding the capability to set the names of the design document and the *type* field, which is hard-coded to "ruby-class" in the original gem. This to enable interaction between other systems than the Couch Potato app with the CouchDB database. Hard-coded names are evil. Always. This variant of the gem is created by David Bergman. ### Mission The goal of Couch Potato is to create a minimal framework in order to store and retrieve Ruby objects to/from CouchDB and create and query views. It follows the document/view/querying semantics established by CouchDB and won't try to mimic ActiveRecord behavior in any way as that IS BAD. Code that uses Couch Potato should be easy to test. Lastly Couch Potato aims to provide a seamless integration with Ruby on Rails, e.g. routing, form helpers etc. ### Core Features * persisting objects by including the CouchPotato::Persistence module * declarative views with either custom or generated map/reduce functions * extensive spec suite ### Supported Environments * Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.1, 1.9.2 * CouchDB 1.0.1 (Supported means I run the specs against those before releasing a new gem.) ### Installation Couch Potato is hosted as a gem which you can install like this: (sudo) gem install davber_couch_potato #### Using with your ruby application: require 'rubygems' require 'couch_potato' After that you configure the name of the database: CouchPotato::Config.database_name = 'name_of_the_db' The server URL will default to http://localhost:5984/ unless specified: CouchPotato::Config.database_name = "http://example.com:5984/name_of_the_db" Or with authentication CouchPotato::Config.database_name = "http://username:password@example.com:5984/name_of_the_db" Optionally you can configure which framework you want to use for validations (either validatable or ActiveModel) CouchPotato::Config.validation_framework = :validatable | :active_model #### Using with Rails Create a config/couchdb.yml: default: &default validation_framework: :active_model #optional development: <<: *default database: development_db_name test: <<: *default database: test_db_name production: <<: *default database: <%= ENV['DB_NAME'] %> #### Rails 2.x Add to your _config/environment.rb_: config.gem 'davber_couch_potato', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org' config.frameworks -= [:active_record] # if you switch completely #### Rails 3.x Add to your _Gemfile_: # gem 'rails' # we don't want to load activerecord so we can't require rails gem 'railties' gem 'actionpack' gem 'actionmailer' gem 'activemodel' gem "couch_potato" Note: please make sure that when you run `Date.today.as_json` in the Rails console it returns something like `2010/12/10` and not `2010-12-10` - if it does another gem has overwritten Couch Potato's Date patches - in this case move Couch Potato further down in your Gemfile or whereever you load it. ### Introduction This is a basic tutorial on how to use Couch Potato. If you want to know all the details feel free to read the specs and the [rdocs](http://rdoc.info/projects/langalex/couch_potato). #### Save, load objects First you need a class. class User end To make instances of this class persistent include the persistence module: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence end If you want to store any properties you have to declare them: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :name end Properties can be typed: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :address, :type => Address end In this case Address also implements CouchPotato::Persistence which means its JSON representation will be added to the user document. Couch Potato also has support for the basic types (right now Fixnum, Date, Time and :boolean are supported): class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :age, :type => Fixnum property :receive_newsletter, :type => :boolean end With this in place when you set the user's age as a String (e.g. using an hTML form) it will be converted into a Fixnum automatically. Properties can have a default value: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :active, :default => true end Now you can save your objects. All database operations are encapsulated in the CouchPotato::Database class. This separates your domain logic from the database access logic which makes it easier to write tests and also keeps you models smaller and cleaner. user = User.new :name => 'joe' CouchPotato.database.save_document user # or save_document! You can of course also retrieve your instance: CouchPotato.database.load_document "id_of_the_user_document" # => <#User 0x3075> #### Properties You can access the properties you declared above through normal attribute accessors. user.name # => 'joe' user.name = {:first => ['joe', 'joey'], :last => 'doe', :middle => 'J'} # you can set any ruby object that responds_to :to_json (includes all core objects) user._id # => "02097f33a0046123f1ebc0ebb6937269" user._rev # => "2769180384" user.created_at # => Fri Oct 24 19:05:54 +0200 2008 user.updated_at # => Fri Oct 24 19:05:54 +0200 2008 user.new? # => false If you want to have properties that don't map to any JSON type, i.e. other than String, Number, Boolean, Hash or Array you have to define the type like this: class User property :date_of_birth, :type => Date end The date_of_birth property is now automatically serialized to JSON and back when storing/retrieving objects. #### Dirty tracking CouchPotato tracks the dirty state of attributes in the same way ActiveRecord does: user = User.create :name => 'joe' user.name # => 'joe' user.name_changed? # => false user.name_was # => nil You can also force a dirty state: user.name = 'jane' user.name_changed? # => true user.name_not_changed user.name_changed? # => false CouchPotato.database.save_document user # does nothing as no attributes are dirty #### Object validations Couch Potato uses the validatable library for validation (http://validatable.rubyforge.org/)\ class User property :name validates_presence_of :name end user = User.new user.valid? # => false user.errors.on(:name) # => [:name, 'can't be blank'] #### Finding stuff / views / lists In order to find data in your CouchDB you have to create a [view](http://books.couchdb.org/relax/design-documents/views) first. Couch Potato offers you to create and manage those views for you. All you have to do is declare them in your classes: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :name view :all, :key => :created_at end This will create a view called "all" in the "user" design document with a map function that emits "created_at" for every user document. CouchPotato.database.view User.all This will load all user documents in your database sorted by created_at. CouchPotato.database.view User.all(:key => (Time.now- 10)..(Time.now), :descending => true) Any options you pass in will be passed onto CouchDB. Composite keys are also possible: class User property :name view :all, :key => [:created_at, :name] end You can also pass conditions as a JavaScript string: class User property :name view :completed, :key => :name, :conditions => 'doc.completed === true' end The creation of views is based on view specification classes (see [CouchPotato::View::BaseViewSpec](http://rdoc.info/rdoc/langalex/couch_potato/blob/e8f0069e5529ad08a1bd1f02637ea8f1d6d0ab5b/CouchPotato/View/BaseViewSpec.html) and its descendants for more detailed documentation). The above code uses the ModelViewSpec class which is used to find models by their properties. For more sophisticated searches you can use other view specifications (either use the built-in or provide your own) by passing a type parameter: If you have larger structures and you only want to load some attributes you can use the PropertiesViewSpec (the full class name is automatically derived): class User property :name property :bio view :all, :key => :created_at, :properties => [:name], :type => :properties end CouchPotato.database.view(User.everyone).first.name # => "joe" CouchPotato.database.view(User.everyone).first.bio # => nil You can also pass in custom map/reduce functions with the custom view spec: class User view :all, :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc.created_at, null)}", :include_docs => true, :type => :custom end If you don't want the results to be converted into models the raw view is your friend: class User view :all, :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc.created_at, doc.name)}", :type => :raw end When querying this view you will get the raw data returned by CouchDB which looks something like this: {'total_entries': 2, 'rows': [{'value': 'alex', 'key': '2009-01-03 00:02:34 +000', 'id': '75976rgi7546gi02a'}]} To process this raw data you can also pass in a results filter: class User view :all, :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc.created_at, doc.name)}", :type => :raw, :results_filter => lambda {|results| results['rows'].map{|row| row['value']}} end In this case querying the view would only return the emitted value for each row. You can pass in your own view specifications by passing in :type => MyViewSpecClass. Take a look at the CouchPotato::View::*ViewSpec classes to get an idea of how this works. ##### Lists CouchPotato also supports [CouchDB lists](http://books.couchdb.org/relax/design-documents/lists). With lists you can process the result of a view query with another JavaScript function. This can be useful for example if you want to filter your results, or add some data to each document. Defining a list works similarly to views: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence property :first_name view :with_full_name, key: first_namne, list: :add_last_name view :all, key: :first_name list :add_last_name, <<-JS function(head, req) { var row; send('{"rows": ['); while(row = getRow()) { row.doc.name = row.doc.first_name + ' doe'; send(JSON.stringify(row)); }; send(']}'); } JS end CouchPotato.database.save User.new(first_name: 'joe') CouchPotato.database.view(User.with_full_name).first.name # => 'joe doe' You can also pass in the list at query time: CouchPotato.database.view(User.all(list: :add_last_name)) #### Associations Not supported. Not sure if they ever will be. You can implement those yourself using views and custom methods on your models. #### Callbacks Couch Potato supports the usual lifecycle callbacks known from ActiveRecord: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence before_create :do_something_before_create before_update {|user| user.do_something_on_update} end This will call the method do_something_before_create before creating an object and run the given lambda before updating one. Lambda callbacks get passed the model as their first argument. Method callbacks don't receive any arguments. Supported callbacks are: :before_validation, :before_validation_on_create, :before_validation_on_update, :before_validation_on_save, :before_create, :after_create, :before_update, :after_update, :before_save, :after_save, :before_destroy, :after_destroy. If you need access to the database in a callback: Couch Potato automatically assigns a database instance to the model before saving and when loading. It is available as _database_ accessor from within your model instance. #### Attachments There is basic attachment support: if you want to store any attachments set the _attachments attribute of a model before saving like this: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence end data = File.read('some_file.text') # or from upload user = User.new user._attachments = {'photo' => {'data' => data, 'content_type' => 'image/png'}} When saving this object an attachment with the name _photo_ will be uploaded into CouchDB. It will be available under the url of the user object + _/photo_. When loading the user at a later time you still have access to the _content_type_ and additionally to the _length_ of the attachment: user_reloaded = CouchPotato.database.load user.id user_reloaded._attachments['photo'] # => {'content_type' => 'image/png', 'length' => 37861} #### Testing To make testing easier and faster database logic has been put into its own class, which you can replace and stub out in whatever way you want: class User include CouchPotato::Persistence end # RSpec describe 'save a user' do it 'should save' do couchrest_db = stub 'couchrest_db', database = CouchPotato::Database.new couchrest_db user = User.new couchrest_db.should_receive(:save_doc).with(...) database.save_document user end end By creating you own instances of CouchPotato::Database and passing them a fake CouchRest database instance you can completely disconnect your unit tests/spec from the database. For stubbing out the database couch potato offers some helpers: class Comment view :by_commenter_id, :key => :commenter_id end # RSpec require 'couch_potato/rspec' db = stub_db # stubs CouchPotato.database db.stub_view(Comment, :by_commenter_id).with('23').and_return([:comment1, :comment2]) CouchPotato.database.view(Comment.by_commenter_id('23)) # => [:comment1, :comment2] ##### Testing map/reduce functions Couch Potato provides custom RSpec matchers for testing the map and reduce functions of your views. For example you can do this: Class User include CouchPotato::Persistence view :by_name, :key => :name view :by_age, :key => :age end #RSpec require 'couch_potato/rspec' describe User, 'by_name' do it "should map users to their name" do User.by_name.should map(User.new(:name => 'bill', :age => 23)).to(['bill', null]) end it "should reduce the users to the sum of their age" do User.by_age.should reduce([], [[23], [22]]).to(45) end it "should rereduce" do User.by_age.should rereduce([], [[23], [22]]).to(45) end end This will actually run your map/reduce functions in a JavaScript interpreter, passing the arguments as JSON and converting the results back to Ruby. For more examples see the [spec](http://github.com/langalex/couch_potato/blob/master/spec/unit/rspec_matchers_spec.rb). In order for this to work you must have the `js` executable in your PATH. This is usually part of the _spidermonkey_ package/port. (On MacPorts that's _spidemonkey_, on Linux it could be one of _libjs_, _libmozjs_ or _libspidermonkey_). When you installed CouchDB via your packet manager Spidermonkey should already be there. ### Helping out Please fix bugs, add more specs, implement new features by forking the github repo at http://github.com/langalex/couch_potato. Issues are tracked at github: http://github.com/langalex/couch_potato/issues There is a mailing list, just write to: couchpotato@librelist.com You can run all the specs by calling 'rake spec_unit' and 'rake spec_functional' in the root folder of Couch Potato. The specs require a running CouchDB instance at http://localhost:5984 I will only accept patches that are covered by specs - sorry. ### Contact If you have any questions/suggestions etc. please contact me at alex at upstream-berlin.com or @langalex on twitter.