require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'helper')) require 'set' class TestCurbCurlMulti < Test::Unit::TestCase def teardown # get a better read on memory loss when running in valgrind ObjectSpace.garbage_collect end # for # must connect to an external def test_connection_keepalive # this test fails with libcurl 7.22.0. I didn't investigate, but it may be related # to CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS bug fixed in 7.30.0: # omit("Skip, libcurl too old (< 7.22.0)") if Curl::CURL_VERSION.split('.')[1].to_i <= 22 @server.shutdown if @server @test_thread.kill if @test_thread @server = nil File.unlink(locked_file) Curl::Multi.autoclose = true assert Curl::Multi.autoclose # XXX: thought maybe we can clean house here to have the full suite pass in osx... but for now running this test in isolate does pass # additionally, if ss allows this to pass on linux without requesting google i think this is a good trade off... leaving some of the thoughts below # in hopes that coming back to this later will find it and remember how to fix it # types = # close_types =[TCPServer,TCPSocket,Socket,Curl::Multi, Curl::Easy,WEBrick::Log]) # ObjectSpace.each_object {|o| # if o.respond_to?(:close) # types << o.class # end # if close_types.include?(o.class) # o.close # end # } #puts "unique types: #{types.to_a.join("\n")}" GC.start # cleanup FDs left over from other tests server_setup GC.start # cleanup FDs left over from other tests if `which ss`.strip.size == 0 # osx need lsof still :( open_fds = lambda do out = `/usr/sbin/lsof -p #{} | egrep "TCP|UDP"`# | egrep ':#{TestServlet.port} ' | egrep ESTABLISHED`# | wc -l`.strip.to_i #puts out.lines.join("\n") out.lines.size end else ss = `which ss`.strip open_fds = lambda do `#{ss} -n4 state established dport = :#{TestServlet.port} | wc -l`.strip.to_i end end Curl::Multi.autoclose = false before_open = #puts "before_open: #{before_open.inspect}" assert !Curl::Multi.autoclose multi = multi.max_connects = 1 # limit to 1 connection within the multi handle did_complete = false 5.times do |n| easy = do |curl| curl.timeout = 5 # ensure we don't hang for ever connecting to an external host curl.on_complete { did_complete = true } end multi.add(easy) end multi.perform assert did_complete after_open = #puts "after_open: #{after_open} before_open: #{before_open.inspect}" assert_equal 1, (after_open - before_open), "with max connections set to 1 at this point the connection to google should still be open" multi.close after_open = #puts "after_open: #{after_open} before_open: #{before_open.inspect}" assert_equal 0, (after_open - before_open), "after closing the multi handle all connections should be closed" Curl::Multi.autoclose = true multi = did_complete = false 5.times do |n| easy = do |curl| curl.timeout = 5 # ensure we don't hang for ever connecting to an external host curl.on_complete { did_complete = true } end multi.add(easy) end multi.perform assert did_complete after_open = #puts "after_open: #{after_open} before_open: #{before_open.inspect}" assert_equal 0, (after_open - before_open), "auto close the connections" ensure Curl::Multi.autoclose = false # restore default end def test_connection_autoclose assert !Curl::Multi.autoclose Curl::Multi.autoclose = true assert Curl::Multi.autoclose ensure Curl::Multi.autoclose = false # restore default end def test_new_multi_01 d1 = "" c1 =$TEST_URL) do |curl| curl.headers["User-Agent"] = "myapp-0.0" curl.on_body {|d| d1 << d; d.length } end d2 = "" c2 =$TEST_URL) do |curl| curl.headers["User-Agent"] = "myapp-0.0" curl.on_body {|d| d2 << d; d.length } end m = m.add( c1 ) m.add( c2 ) m.perform assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, d1) assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, d2) m = nil end def test_perform_block c1 =$TEST_URL) c2 =$TEST_URL) m = m.add( c1 ) m.add( c2 ) m.perform do # idle #puts "idling..." end assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c1.body_str) assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c2.body_str) m = nil end # NOTE: if this test runs slowly on Mac OSX, it is probably due to the use of a port install curl+ssl+ares install # on my MacBook, this causes curl_easy_init to take nearly 0.01 seconds / * 100 below is 1 second too many! def test_n_requests n = 100 m = responses = [] n.times do|i| responses[i] = "" c =$TEST_URL) do|curl| curl.on_body{|data| responses[i] << data; data.size } end m.add c end m.perform assert_equal n, responses.size n.times do|i| assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, responses[i], "response #{i}") end m = nil end def test_n_requests_with_break # process n requests then load the handle again and run it again n = 2 m = 5.times do|it| responses = [] n.times do|i| responses[i] = "" c =$TEST_URL) do|curl| curl.on_body{|data| responses[i] << data; data.size } end m.add c end m.perform assert_equal n, responses.size n.times do|i| assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, responses[i], "response #{i}") end end m = nil end def test_idle_check m = e =$TEST_URL) assert(m.idle?, 'A new Curl::Multi handle should be idle') assert_nil e.multi m.add(e) assert_not_nil e.multi assert((not m.idle?), 'A Curl::Multi handle with a request should not be idle') m.perform assert(m.idle?, 'A Curl::Multi handle should be idle after performing its requests') end def test_requests m = assert_equal(0, m.requests.length, 'A new Curl::Multi handle should have no requests') 10.times do m.add($TEST_URL)) end assert_equal(10, m.requests.length, 'multi.requests should contain all the active requests') m.perform assert_equal(0, m.requests.length, 'A new Curl::Multi handle should have no requests after a perform') end def test_cancel m = m.cancel! # shouldn't raise anything 10.times do m.add($TEST_URL)) end m.cancel! assert_equal(0, m.requests.size, 'A new Curl::Multi handle should have no requests after being canceled') end def test_with_success c1 =$TEST_URL) c2 =$TEST_URL) success_called1 = false success_called2 = false c1.on_success do|c| success_called1 = true assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c.body_str) end c2.on_success do|c| success_called2 = true assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c.body_str) end m = m.add( c1 ) m.add( c2 ) m.perform do # idle #puts "idling..." end assert success_called2 assert success_called1 m = nil end def test_with_success_cb_with_404 c1 ="#{$TEST_URL.gsub(/file:\/\//,'')}/not_here") c2 =$TEST_URL) success_called1 = false success_called2 = false c1.on_success do|c| success_called1 = true #puts "success 1 called: #{c.body_str.inspect}" assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c.body_str) end c1.on_failure do|c,rc| # rc => [Curl::Err::MalformedURLError, "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL"] assert_equal Curl::Easy, c.class assert_equal Curl::Err::MalformedURLError, rc.first assert_equal "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL", rc.last end c2.on_success do|c| # puts "success 2 called: #{c.body_str.inspect}" success_called2 = true assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, c.body_str) end m = #puts "c1: #{c1.url}" m.add( c1 ) #puts "c2: #{c2.url}" m.add( c2 ) #puts "calling" m.perform do # idle end assert success_called2 assert !success_called1 m = nil end # This tests whether, ruby's GC will trash an out of scope easy handle class TestForScope attr_reader :buf def t_method @buf = "" @m = 10.times do|i| c =$TEST_URL) c.on_success{|b| @buf << b.body_str } ObjectSpace.garbage_collect @m.add(c) ObjectSpace.garbage_collect end ObjectSpace.garbage_collect end def t_call @m.perform do ObjectSpace.garbage_collect end end def self.test ObjectSpace.garbage_collect tfs = ObjectSpace.garbage_collect tfs.t_method ObjectSpace.garbage_collect tfs.t_call ObjectSpace.garbage_collect tfs.buf end end def test_with_garbage_collect ObjectSpace.garbage_collect buf = TestForScope.test ObjectSpace.garbage_collect assert_match(/^# DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT/, buf) end =begin def test_remote_requests responses = {} requests = ["", ""] m = # add a few easy handles requests.each do |url| responses[url] = "" responses["#{url}-header"] = "" c = do|curl| curl.follow_location = true curl.on_header{|data| responses["#{url}-header"] << data; data.size } curl.on_body{|data| responses[url] << data; data.size } curl.on_success { puts curl.last_effective_url } end m.add(c) end m.perform requests.each do|url| puts responses["#{url}-header"].split("\r\n").inspect #puts responses[url].size end end =end def test_multi_easy_get_01 urls = [] root_uri = '' # send a request to fetch all c files in the ext dir Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../ext/*.c"].each do|path| urls << root_uri + File.basename(path) end urls = urls[0..(urls.size/2)] # keep it fast, webrick... Curl::Multi.get(urls, {:follow_location => true}, {:pipeline => true}) do|curl| assert_equal 200, curl.response_code end end def test_multi_easy_download_01 # test collecting response buffers to file e.g. on_body root_uri = '' urls = [] downloads = [] file_info = {} FileUtils.mkdir("tmp/") # for each file store the size by file name Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../ext/*.c"].each do|path| urls << (root_uri + File.basename(path)) downloads << "tmp/" + File.basename(path) file_info[File.basename(path)] = {:size => File.size(path), :path => path} end # start downloads,{},{},downloads) do|curl,download_path| assert_equal 200, curl.response_code assert File.exist?(download_path) assert_equal file_info[File.basename(download_path)][:size], File.size(download_path), "incomplete download: #{download_path}" end ensure FileUtils.rm_rf("tmp/") end def test_multi_easy_post_01 urls = [ { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=1', :post_fields => {'field1' => 'value1', 'k' => 'j'}}, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=2', :post_fields => {'field2' => 'value2', 'foo' => 'bar', 'i' => 'j' }}, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=3', :post_fields => {'field3' => 'value3', 'field4' => 'value4'}} ], {:follow_location => true, :multipart_form_post => true}, {:pipeline => true}) do|easy| str = easy.body_str assert_match(/POST/, str) fields = {} str.gsub(/POST\n/,'').split('&').map{|sv| k, v = sv.split('='); fields[k] = v } expected = urls.find{|s| s[:url] == easy.last_effective_url } assert_equal expected[:post_fields], fields #puts "#{easy.last_effective_url} #{fields.inspect}" end end def test_multi_easy_put_01 urls = [{ :url => TestServlet.url, :method => :put, :put_data => "message", :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } }, { :url => TestServlet.url, :method => :put, :put_data => "message", :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } }] Curl::Multi.put(urls, {}, {:pipeline => true}) do|easy| assert_match(/PUT/, easy.body_str) assert_match(/message/, easy.body_str) end end def test_multi_easy_http_01 urls = [ { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=1', :method => :post, :post_fields => {'field1' => 'value1', 'k' => 'j'}}, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=2', :method => :post, :post_fields => {'field2' => 'value2', 'foo' => 'bar', 'i' => 'j' }}, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=3', :method => :post, :post_fields => {'field3' => 'value3', 'field4' => 'value4'}}, { :url => TestServlet.url, :method => :put, :put_data => "message", :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } }, { :url => TestServlet.url, :method => :get } ] Curl::Multi.http(urls, {:pipeline => true}) do|easy, code, method| assert_equal nil, code case method when :post assert_match(/POST/, easy.body_str) when :get assert_match(/GET/, easy.body_str) when :put assert_match(/PUT/, easy.body_str) end #puts "#{easy.body_str.inspect}, #{method.inspect}, #{code.inspect}" end end def test_multi_easy_http_with_max_connects urls = [ { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=1', :method => :get }, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=2', :method => :get }, { :url => TestServlet.url + '?q=3', :method => :get } ] Curl::Multi.http(urls, {:pipeline => true, :max_connects => 1}) do|easy, code, method| assert_equal nil, code case method when :post assert_match(/POST/, easy.body_str) when :get assert_match(/GET/, easy.body_str) when :put assert_match(/PUT/, easy.body_str) end end end def test_multi_recieves_500 m = e ="") failure = false e.post_body = "hello=world&s=500" e.on_failure{|c,r| failure = true } e.on_success{|c| failure = false } m.add(e) m.perform assert failure e2 = e2.post_body = "hello=world" e2.on_failure{|c,r| failure = true } m.add(e2) m.perform failure = false assert !failure assert_equal "POST\nhello=world", e2.body_str end def test_remove_exception_is_descriptive m = c ="") m.remove(c) rescue => e assert_equal 'CURLError: Invalid easy handle', e.message assert_equal 0, m.requests.size end def test_retry_easy_handle m = tries = 10 c1 ='') do |curl| curl.on_failure {|c,e| assert_equal [Curl::Err::MalformedURLError, "URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL"], e if tries > 0 tries -= 1 m.add(c) end } end tries -= 1 m.add(c1) m.perform assert_equal 0, tries assert_equal 0, m.requests.size end def test_reusing_handle m = c ='') do|easy| easy.on_complete{|e,r| puts e.inspect } end m.add(c) m.add(c) rescue => e assert Curl::Err::MultiBadEasyHandle == e.class || Curl::Err::MultiAddedAlready == e.class end def test_multi_default_timeout assert_equal 100, Curl::Multi.default_timeout Curl::Multi.default_timeout = 12 assert_equal 12, Curl::Multi.default_timeout assert_equal 100, (Curl::Multi.default_timeout = 100) end include TestServerMethods def setup server_setup end end