# frozen_string_literal: true module Asciidoctor # A built-in {Converter} implementation that generates DocBook 5 output. The output is inspired by the output produced # by the docbook45 backend from AsciiDoc.py, except it has been migrated to the DocBook 5 specification. class Converter::DocBook5Converter < Converter::Base register_for 'docbook5' # default represents variablelist (DLIST_TAGS = { 'qanda' => { list: 'qandaset', entry: 'qandaentry', label: 'question', term: 'simpara', item: 'answer' }, 'glossary' => { list: nil, entry: 'glossentry', term: 'glossterm', item: 'glossdef' }, }).default = { list: 'variablelist', entry: 'varlistentry', term: 'term', item: 'listitem' } (QUOTE_TAGS = { monospaced: ['', ''], emphasis: ['', '', true], strong: ['', '', true], double: ['', '', true], single: ['', '', true], mark: ['', ''], superscript: ['', ''], subscript: ['', ''], }).default = ['', '', true] MANPAGE_SECTION_TAGS = { 'section' => 'refsection', 'synopsis' => 'refsynopsisdiv' } TABLE_PI_NAMES = ['dbhtml', 'dbfo', 'dblatex'] CopyrightRx = /^(#{CC_ANY}+?)(?: ((?:\d{4}-)?\d{4}))?$/ ImageMacroRx = /^image::?(\S|\S#{CC_ANY}*?\S)\[(#{CC_ANY}+)?\]$/ def initialize backend, opts = {} @backend = backend init_backend_traits basebackend: 'docbook', filetype: 'xml', outfilesuffix: '.xml', supports_templates: true end def convert_document node result = [''] result << ((node.attr? 'toclevels') ? %() : '') if node.attr? 'toc' result << ((node.attr? 'sectnumlevels') ? %() : '') if node.attr? 'sectnums' lang_attribute = (node.attr? 'nolang') ? '' : %( xml:lang="#{node.attr 'lang', 'en'}") if (root_tag_name = node.doctype) == 'manpage' root_tag_name = 'refentry' end root_tag_idx = result.size id = node.id result << (document_info_tag node) unless node.noheader unless (docinfo_content = node.docinfo :header).empty? result << docinfo_content end result << node.content if node.blocks? unless (docinfo_content = node.docinfo :footer).empty? result << docinfo_content end id, node.id = node.id, nil unless id # defer adding root tag in case document ID is auto-generated on demand result.insert root_tag_idx, %(<#{root_tag_name} xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"#{lang_attribute}#{common_attributes id}>) result << %() result.join LF end alias convert_embedded content_only def convert_section node if node.document.doctype == 'manpage' tag_name = MANPAGE_SECTION_TAGS[tag_name = node.sectname] || tag_name else tag_name = node.sectname end title_el = node.special && (node.option? 'untitled') ? '' : %(#{node.title}\n) %(<#{tag_name}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext}> #{title_el}#{node.content} ) end def convert_admonition node %(<#{tag_name = node.attr 'name'}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext}> #{title_tag node}#{enclose_content node} ) end alias convert_audio skip def convert_colist node result = [] result << %() result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? node.items.each do |item| result << %() result << %(#{item.text}) result << item.content if item.blocks? result << '' end result << %() result.join LF end def convert_dlist node result = [] if node.style == 'horizontal' result << %(<#{tag_name = node.title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable'}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext} tabstyle="horizontal" frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0"> #{title_tag node} ) node.items.each do |terms, dd| result << %( ) terms.each {|dt| result << %(#{dt.text}) } result << %( ) if dd result << %(#{dd.text}) if dd.text? result << dd.content if dd.blocks? end result << %( ) end result << %( ) else tags = DLIST_TAGS[node.style] list_tag = tags[:list] entry_tag = tags[:entry] label_tag = tags[:label] term_tag = tags[:term] item_tag = tags[:item] if list_tag result << %(<#{list_tag}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext}>) result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? end node.items.each do |terms, dd| result << %(<#{entry_tag}>) result << %(<#{label_tag}>) if label_tag terms.each {|dt| result << %(<#{term_tag}>#{dt.text}) } result << %() if label_tag result << %(<#{item_tag}>) if dd result << %(#{dd.text}) if dd.text? result << dd.content if dd.blocks? end result << %() result << %() end result << %() if list_tag end result.join LF end def convert_example node if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{enclose_content node} ) else %( #{enclose_content node} ) end end def convert_floating_title node %(#{node.title}) end def convert_image node # NOTE according to the DocBook spec, content area, scaling, and scaling to fit are mutually exclusive # See http://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/4.5/imagedata-x.html#d0e79635 if node.attr? 'scaledwidth' width_attribute = %( width="#{node.attr 'scaledwidth'}") depth_attribute = '' scale_attribute = '' elsif node.attr? 'scale' # QUESTION should we set the viewport using width and depth? (the scaled image would be contained within this box) #width_attribute = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : '' #depth_attribute = (node.attr? 'height') ? %( depth="#{node.attr 'height'}") : '' scale_attribute = %( scale="#{node.attr 'scale'}") else width_attribute = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( contentwidth="#{node.attr 'width'}") : '' depth_attribute = (node.attr? 'height') ? %( contentdepth="#{node.attr 'height'}") : '' scale_attribute = '' end align_attribute = (node.attr? 'align') ? %( align="#{node.attr 'align'}") : '' mediaobject = %( #{node.alt} ) if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{mediaobject} ) else %( #{mediaobject} ) end end def convert_listing node informal = !node.title? common_attrs = common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext if node.style == 'source' if (attrs = node.attributes).key? 'linenums' numbering_attrs = (attrs.key? 'start') ? %( linenumbering="numbered" startinglinenumber="#{attrs['start'].to_i}") : ' linenumbering="numbered"' else numbering_attrs = ' linenumbering="unnumbered"' end if attrs.key? 'language' wrapped_content = %(#{node.content}) else wrapped_content = %(#{node.content}) end else wrapped_content = %(#{node.content}) end informal ? wrapped_content : %( #{node.title} #{wrapped_content} ) end def convert_literal node if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{node.content} ) else %(#{node.content}) end end alias convert_pass content_only def convert_stem node if (idx = node.subs.index :specialcharacters) node.subs.delete_at idx equation = node.content || '' idx > 0 ? (node.subs.insert idx, :specialcharacters) : (node.subs.unshift :specialcharacters) else equation = node.content || '' end if node.style == 'asciimath' # NOTE fop requires jeuclid to process mathml markup equation_data = asciimath_available? ? ((::AsciiMath.parse equation).to_mathml 'mml:', 'xmlns:mml' => 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML') : %() else # unhandled math; pass source to alt and required mathphrase element; dblatex will process alt as LaTeX math equation_data = %( ) end if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{equation_data} ) else # WARNING dblatex displays the element inline instead of block as documented (except w/ mathml) %( #{equation_data} ) end end def convert_olist node result = [] num_attribute = node.style ? %( numeration="#{node.style}") : '' start_attribute = (node.attr? 'start') ? %( startingnumber="#{node.attr 'start'}") : '' result << %() result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? node.items.each do |item| result << %() result << %(#{item.text}) result << item.content if item.blocks? result << '' end result << %() result.join LF end def convert_open node case node.style when 'abstract' if node.parent == node.document && node.document.doctype == 'book' logger.warn 'abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.' '' else %( #{title_tag node}#{enclose_content node} ) end when 'partintro' if node.level == 0 && node.parent.context == :section && node.document.doctype == 'book' %( #{title_tag node}#{enclose_content node} ) else logger.error 'partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and must be a child of a book part. Excluding block content.' '' end else reftext = node.reftext if (id = node.id) role = node.role if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{content_spacer = node.content_model == :compound ? LF : ''}#{node.content}#{content_spacer} ) elsif id || role if node.content_model == :compound %( #{node.content} ) else %(#{node.content}) end else enclose_content node end end end def convert_page_break node '' end def convert_paragraph node if node.title? %( #{node.title} #{node.content} ) else %(#{node.content}) end end def convert_preamble node if node.document.doctype == 'book' %( #{title_tag node, false}#{node.content} ) else node.content end end def convert_quote node blockquote_tag(node, (node.has_role? 'epigraph') && 'epigraph') { enclose_content node } end def convert_thematic_break node '' end def convert_sidebar node %( #{title_tag node}#{enclose_content node} ) end def convert_table node has_body = false result = [] pgwide_attribute = (node.option? 'pgwide') ? ' pgwide="1"' : '' frame = 'topbot' if (frame = node.attr 'frame', 'all', 'table-frame') == 'ends' grid = node.attr 'grid', nil, 'table-grid' result << %(<#{tag_name = node.title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable'}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext}#{pgwide_attribute} frame="#{frame}" rowsep="#{['none', 'cols'].include?(grid) ? 0 : 1}" colsep="#{['none', 'rows'].include?(grid) ? 0 : 1}"#{(node.attr? 'orientation', 'landscape', 'table-orientation') ? ' orient="land"' : ''}>) if node.option? 'unbreakable' result << '' elsif node.option? 'breakable' result << '' end result << %(#{node.title}) if tag_name == 'table' if (width = (node.attr? 'width') ? (node.attr 'width') : nil) TABLE_PI_NAMES.each do |pi_name| result << %() end col_width_key = 'colabswidth' else col_width_key = 'colpcwidth' end result << %() node.columns.each do |col| result << %() end node.rows.to_h.each do |tsec, rows| next if rows.empty? has_body = true if tsec == :body result << %() rows.each do |row| result << '' row.each do |cell| colspan_attribute = cell.colspan ? %( namest="col_#{colnum = cell.column.attr 'colnumber'}" nameend="col_#{colnum + cell.colspan - 1}") : '' rowspan_attribute = cell.rowspan ? %( morerows="#{cell.rowspan - 1}") : '' # NOTE may not have whitespace (e.g., line breaks) as a direct descendant according to DocBook rules entry_start = %() if tsec == :head cell_content = cell.text else case cell.style when :asciidoc cell_content = cell.content when :literal cell_content = %(#{cell.text}) when :header cell_content = (cell_content = cell.content).empty? ? '' : %(#{cell_content.join ''}) else cell_content = (cell_content = cell.content).empty? ? '' : %(#{cell_content.join ''}) end end entry_end = (node.document.attr? 'cellbgcolor') ? %() : '' result << %(#{entry_start}#{cell_content}#{entry_end}) end result << '' end result << %() end result << '' result << %() logger.warn 'tables must have at least one body row' unless has_body result.join LF end alias convert_toc skip def convert_ulist node result = [] if node.style == 'bibliography' result << %() result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? node.items.each do |item| result << '' result << %(#{item.text}) result << item.content if item.blocks? result << '' end result << '' else mark_type = (checklist = node.option? 'checklist') ? 'none' : node.style mark_attribute = mark_type ? %( mark="#{mark_type}") : '' result << %() result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? node.items.each do |item| text_marker = (item.attr? 'checked') ? '✓ ' : '❏ ' if checklist && (item.attr? 'checkbox') result << %() result << %(#{text_marker || ''}#{item.text}) result << item.content if item.blocks? result << '' end result << '' end result.join LF end def convert_verse node blockquote_tag(node, (node.has_role? 'epigraph') && 'epigraph') { %(#{node.content}) } end alias convert_video skip def convert_inline_anchor node case node.type when :ref %() when :xref if (path = node.attributes['path']) %(#{node.text || path}) else if (linkend = node.attributes['refid']).nil_or_empty? root_doc = get_root_document node # Q: should we warn instead of generating a document ID on demand? linkend = (root_doc.id ||= generate_document_id root_doc) end # NOTE the xref tag in DocBook does not support explicit link text, so the link tag must be used instead # The section at http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/CrossRefs.html#IdrefLinks gives an explanation for this choice # "link - a cross reference where you supply the text of the reference as the content of the link element." (text = node.text) ? %(#{text}) : %() end when :link %(#{node.text}) when :bibref %(#{text}) else logger.warn %(unknown anchor type: #{node.type.inspect}) nil end end def convert_inline_break node %(#{node.text}) end def convert_inline_button node %(#{node.text}) end def convert_inline_callout node %() end def convert_inline_footnote node if node.type == :xref %() else %(#{node.text}) end end def convert_inline_image node width_attribute = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( contentwidth="#{node.attr 'width'}") : '' depth_attribute = (node.attr? 'height') ? %( contentdepth="#{node.attr 'height'}") : '' %( #{node.alt} ) end def convert_inline_indexterm node if (see = node.attr 'see') rel = %(\n#{see}) elsif (see_also_list = node.attr 'see-also') rel = see_also_list.map {|see_also| %(\n#{see_also}) }.join else rel = '' end if node.type == :visible %( #{node.text}#{rel} #{node.text}) elsif (numterms = (terms = node.attr 'terms').size) > 2 %( #{terms[0]}#{terms[1]}#{terms[2]}#{rel} #{(node.document.option? 'indexterm-promotion') ? %[ #{terms[1]}#{terms[2]} #{terms[2]} ] : ''}) elsif numterms > 1 %( #{terms[0]}#{terms[1]}#{rel} #{(node.document.option? 'indexterm-promotion') ? %[ #{terms[1]} ] : ''}) else %( #{terms[0]}#{rel} ) end end def convert_inline_kbd node if (keys = node.attr 'keys').size == 1 %(#{keys[0]}) else %(#{keys.join ''}) end end def convert_inline_menu node menu = node.attr 'menu' if (submenus = node.attr 'submenus').empty? if (menuitem = node.attr 'menuitem') %(#{menu} #{menuitem}) else %(#{menu}) end else %(#{menu} #{submenus.join ' '} #{node.attr 'menuitem'}) end end def convert_inline_quoted node if (type = node.type) == :asciimath # NOTE fop requires jeuclid to process mathml markup asciimath_available? ? %(#{(::AsciiMath.parse node.text).to_mathml 'mml:', 'xmlns:mml' => 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'}) : %() elsif type == :latexmath # unhandled math; pass source to alt and required mathphrase element; dblatex will process alt as LaTeX math %() else open, close, supports_phrase = QUOTE_TAGS[type] text = node.text if node.role if supports_phrase quoted_text = %(#{open}#{text}#{close}) else quoted_text = %(#{open.chop} role="#{node.role}">#{text}#{close}) end else quoted_text = %(#{open}#{text}#{close}) end node.id ? %(#{quoted_text}) : quoted_text end end private def common_attributes id, role = nil, reftext = nil if id attrs = %( xml:id="#{id}"#{role ? %[ role="#{role}"] : ''}) elsif role attrs = %( role="#{role}") else attrs = '' end if reftext if (reftext.include? '<') && ((reftext = reftext.gsub XmlSanitizeRx, '').include? ' ') reftext = (reftext.squeeze ' ').strip end reftext = reftext.gsub '"', '"' if reftext.include? '"' %(#{attrs} xreflabel="#{reftext}") else attrs end end def author_tag doc, author result = [] result << '' result << '' result << %(#{doc.sub_replacements author.firstname}) if author.firstname result << %(#{doc.sub_replacements author.middlename}) if author.middlename result << %(#{doc.sub_replacements author.lastname}) if author.lastname result << '' result << %(#{author.email}) if author.email result << '' result.join LF end def document_info_tag doc result = [''] unless doc.notitle if (title = doc.doctitle partition: true, use_fallback: true).subtitle? result << %(#{title.main} #{title.subtitle}) else result << %(#{title}) end end if (date = (doc.attr? 'revdate') ? (doc.attr 'revdate') : ((doc.attr? 'reproducible') ? nil : (doc.attr 'docdate'))) result << %(#{date}) end if doc.attr? 'copyright' CopyrightRx =~ (doc.attr 'copyright') result << '' result << %(#{$1}) result << %(#{$2}) if $2 result << '' end if doc.header? unless (authors = doc.authors).empty? if authors.size > 1 result << '' authors.each {|author| result << (author_tag doc, author) } result << '' else result << (author_tag doc, (author = authors[0])) result << %(#{author.initials}) if author.initials end end if (doc.attr? 'revdate') && ((doc.attr? 'revnumber') || (doc.attr? 'revremark')) result << %( ) result << %(#{doc.attr 'revnumber'}) if doc.attr? 'revnumber' result << %(#{doc.attr 'revdate'}) if doc.attr? 'revdate' result << %(#{doc.attr 'authorinitials'}) if doc.attr? 'authorinitials' result << %(#{doc.attr 'revremark'}) if doc.attr? 'revremark' result << %( ) end if (doc.attr? 'front-cover-image') || (doc.attr? 'back-cover-image') if (back_cover_tag = cover_tag doc, 'back') result << (cover_tag doc, 'front', true) result << back_cover_tag elsif (front_cover_tag = cover_tag doc, 'front') result << front_cover_tag end end result << %(#{doc.attr 'orgname'}) if doc.attr? 'orgname' unless (docinfo_content = doc.docinfo).empty? result << docinfo_content end end result << '' if doc.doctype == 'manpage' result << '' result << %(#{doc.attr 'mantitle'}) if doc.attr? 'mantitle' result << %(#{doc.attr 'manvolnum'}) if doc.attr? 'manvolnum' result << %(#{doc.attr 'mansource', ' '}) result << %(#{doc.attr 'manmanual', ' '}) result << '' result << '' result += (doc.attr 'mannames').map {|n| %(#{n}) } if doc.attr? 'mannames' result << %(#{doc.attr 'manpurpose'}) if doc.attr? 'manpurpose' result << '' end result.join LF end def get_root_document node while (node = node.document).nested? node = node.parent_document end node end def generate_document_id doc %(__#{doc.doctype}-root__) end # FIXME this should be handled through a template mechanism def enclose_content node node.content_model == :compound ? node.content : %(#{node.content}) end def title_tag node, optional = true !optional || node.title? ? %(#{node.title}\n) : '' end def cover_tag doc, face, use_placeholder = false if (cover_image = doc.attr %(#{face}-cover-image)) width_attr = '' depth_attr = '' if (cover_image.include? ':') && ImageMacroRx =~ cover_image attrlist = $2 cover_image = doc.image_uri $1 if attrlist attrs = (AttributeList.new attrlist).parse ['alt', 'width', 'height'] if attrs.key? 'scaledwidth' # NOTE scalefit="1" is the default in this case width_attr = %( width="#{attrs['scaledwidth']}") else width_attr = %( contentwidth="#{attrs['width']}") if attrs.key? 'width' depth_attr = %( contentdepth="#{attrs['height']}") if attrs.key? 'height' end end end %( ) elsif use_placeholder %() end end def blockquote_tag node, tag_name = nil if tag_name start_tag, end_tag = %(<#{tag_name}), %() else start_tag, end_tag = '' end result = [%(#{start_tag}#{common_attributes node.id, node.role, node.reftext}>)] result << %(#{node.title}) if node.title? if (node.attr? 'attribution') || (node.attr? 'citetitle') result << '' result << (node.attr 'attribution') if node.attr? 'attribution' result << %(#{node.attr 'citetitle'}) if node.attr? 'citetitle' result << '' end result << yield result << end_tag result.join LF end def asciimath_available? (@asciimath_status ||= load_asciimath) == :loaded end def load_asciimath (defined? ::AsciiMath.parse) ? :loaded : (Helpers.require_library 'asciimath', true, :warn).nil? ? :unavailable : :loaded end end end