module Browsery class Parallel attr_reader :all_tests, :simultaneous_jobs def initialize(simultaneous_jobs, all_tests) @start_time = @result_dir = 'logs/tap_results' connector = Browsery.settings.connector @on_sauce = true if connector.include? 'saucelabs' @platform = connector.split(':')[2] || '' @simultaneous_jobs = simultaneous_jobs @simultaneous_jobs = 10 if run_on_mac? # saucelabs account limit for parallel is 10 for mac @all_tests = all_tests @pids = [] @static_run_command = "browsery -c #{Browsery.settings.connector} -e #{Browsery.settings.env}" if Browsery.settings.rerun_failure @static_run_command += " -R #{Browsery.settings.rerun_failure}" end tap_reporter_path = Browsery.gem_root.join('lib/tapout/custom_reporters/fancy_tap_reporter.rb') @pipe_tap = "--tapy | tapout --no-color -r #{tap_reporter_path.to_s} fancytap" end # return true only if specified to run on mac in connector # @return [boolean] def run_on_mac? @platform.include?('osx') end # remove all results files under @result_dir if there's any def clean_result! raise Exception, '@result_dir is not set' if @result_dir.nil? unless Dir.glob("#{@result_dir}/*").empty? FileUtils.rm_rf(Dir.glob("#{@result_dir}/*")) end puts "Cleaning result files.\n" end def remove_redundant_tap ever_failed_tests_file = "#{@result_dir}/ever_failed_tests.json" if File.file? ever_failed_tests_file data_hash = JSON.parse( data_hash.keys.each do |test| if test.start_with? 'test_' tap_result_file = "#{@result_dir}/#{test}.t" result_lines = IO.readlines(tap_result_file) last_tap_start_index = 0 last_tap_end_index = result_lines.size - 1 result_lines.each_with_index do |l, index| last_tap_start_index = index if l.delete!("\n") == '1..1' end, 'w') do |f| f.puts result_lines[last_tap_start_index..last_tap_end_index] end puts "Processed #{tap_result_file}" else next end end else puts "==> File #{ever_failed_tests_file} doesn't exist - all tests passed!" end end # Aggregate all individual test_*.t files # replace them with one file - test_aggregated_result.tap # so they will be considered as one test plan by tap result parser def aggregate_tap_results results_count = Dir.glob("#{@result_dir}/*.t").size"#{@result_dir}/test_aggregated_result.tap", 'a+') do |result_file| result_stats = { 'pass' => 0, 'fail' => 0, 'errs' => 0, 'todo' => 0, 'omit' => 0 } result_stats_line_start = ' # 1 tests:' result_file.puts "1..#{results_count}" file_count = 0 Dir.glob("#{@result_dir}/*.t") do |filename| file_count += 1, 'r') do |file| breakpoint_line = 0 file.each_with_index do |line, index| next if index == 0 || (breakpoint_line > 0 && index > breakpoint_line) if line.start_with?(result_stats_line_start) pass, fail, errs, todo, omit = line.match(/(\d+) pass, (\d+) fail, (\d+) errs, (\d+) todo, (\d+) omit/).captures one_test_result = { 'pass' => pass.to_i, 'fail' => fail.to_i, 'errs' => errs.to_i, 'todo' => todo.to_i, 'omit' => omit.to_i } result_stats = result_stats.merge(one_test_result) { |k, total, one| total + one } breakpoint_line = index elsif line.strip == '#' next else if line.start_with?('ok 1') || line.start_with?('not ok 1') line_begin, line_end = line.split('1 -') result_file.puts [line_begin, line_end].join("#{file_count} -") else result_file.puts line end end end end File.delete(filename) end result_file.puts ' #' result_file.puts " # #{results_count} tests: #{result_stats['pass']} pass, #{result_stats['fail']} fail, #{result_stats['errs']} errs, #{result_stats['todo']} todo, #{result_stats['omit']} omit" result_file.puts " # [00:00:00.00 0.00t/s 00.0000s/t] Finished at: #{}" end end def count_browsery_process counting_process_output = IO.popen "ps -ef | grep 'bin/#{@static_run_command}' -c" counting_process_output.readlines[0].to_i - 1 # minus grep process end # run multiple commands with logging to start multiple tests in parallel # @param [Integer, Array] # n = number of tests will be running in parallel def run_in_parallel! size = all_tests.size if size <= simultaneous_jobs run_test_set(all_tests) puts "CAUTION! All #{size} tests are starting at the same time!" puts "will not really run it since computer will die" if size > 30 sleep 20 else first_test_set = all_tests[0, simultaneous_jobs] all_to_run = all_tests[simultaneous_jobs..(all_tests.size - 1)] run_test_set(first_test_set) keep_running_full(all_to_run) end Process.waitall puts "\nAll Complete! Started at #{@start_time} and finished at #{}\n" end # runs each test from a test set in a separate child process def run_test_set(test_set) test_set.each do |test| run_command = "#{@static_run_command} -n #{test} #{@pipe_tap} > #{@result_dir}/#{test}.t" pipe = IO.popen(run_command) puts "Running #{test} #{}" end end # recursively keep running #{simultaneous_jobs} number of tests in parallel # exit when no test left to run def keep_running_full(all_to_run) running_subprocess_count = count_browsery_process - 1 # minus parent process puts "WARNING: running_subprocess_count = #{running_subprocess_count} is more than what it is supposed to run(#{simultaneous_jobs}), notify browsery maintainers" if running_subprocess_count > simultaneous_jobs + 1 while running_subprocess_count >= simultaneous_jobs sleep 5 running_subprocess_count = count_browsery_process - 1 end to_run_count = simultaneous_jobs - running_subprocess_count tests_to_run = all_to_run.slice!(0, to_run_count) run_test_set(tests_to_run) keep_running_full(all_to_run) if all_to_run.size > 0 end # @deprecated Use more native wait/check of Process def wait_for_pids(pids) running_pids = pids # assume all pids are running at this moment while running_pids.size > 1 sleep 5 puts "running_pids = #{running_pids}" running_pids.each do |pid| unless process_running?(pid) puts "#{pid} is not running, removing it from pool" running_pids.delete(pid) end end end end # @deprecated Too time consuming and fragile, should use more native wait/check of Process def wait_all_done_saucelabs size = all_tests.size job_statuses = saucelabs_last_n_statuses(size) while job_statuses.include?('in progress') puts "There are tests still running, waiting..." sleep 20 job_statuses = saucelabs_last_n_statuses(size) end end private # call saucelabs REST API to get last #{limit} jobs' statuses # possible job status: complete, error, in progress def saucelabs_last_n_statuses(limit) username = Browsery.settings.sauce_username access_key = Browsery.settings.sauce_access_key # call api to get most recent #{limit} jobs' ids http_auth = "https://#{username}:#{access_key}{username}/jobs?limit=#{limit}" response = get_response_with_retry(http_auth) # response was originally an array of hashs, but RestClient converts it to a string # convert response back to array response[0] = '' response[response.length-1] = '' array_of_hash = response.split(',') id_array = array_of_hash.each do |hash| hash = hash.gsub(':', '=>') hash = eval(hash) id_array << hash['id'] # each hash contains key 'id' and value of id end # call api to get job statuses statuses = id_array.each do |id| http_auth = "https://#{username}:#{access_key}{username}/jobs/#{id}" response = get_response_with_retry(http_auth) begin # convert response back to hash str = response.gsub(':', '=>') # this is a good example why using eval is dangerous, the string has to contain only proper Ruby syntax, here it has 'null' instead of 'nil' formatted_str = str.gsub('null', 'nil') hash = eval(formatted_str) statuses << hash['status'] rescue SyntaxError puts "SyntaxError, response from saucelabs has syntax error" end end return statuses end def get_response_with_retry(url) retries = 5 # number of retries begin response = RestClient.get(url) # returns a String rescue puts "Failed at getting response from #{url} via RestClient \n Retrying..." retries -= 1 retry if retries > 0 response = RestClient.get(url) # retry the last time, fail if it still throws exception end end def process_running?(pid) begin Process.getpgid(pid) true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end end end end