## Contributing Contributions to mime-types-data is encouraged in any form: a bug report, new MIME type defintions, or additional code to help manage the MIME types. As with many of my projects, I have a few suggestions for improving the chance of acceptance of your code contributions: - The support files are written in Ruby and should remain in the coding style that already exists, and I use hoe for releasing the mime-types-data RubyGem. - Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your commits into logical chunks as necessary. - Use [quality commit messages][qcm]. - Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release is made, the version will be updated at that point. - Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes. - New or changed behaviours require new or updated documentation. Although mime-types-data was extracted from the [Ruby mime-types][rmt] gem and the support files are written in Ruby, the _target_ of mime-types-data is any implementation that wishes to use the data as a MIME types registry, so I am particularly interested in tools that will create a mime-types-data package for other languages. ### Adding or Modifying MIME Types The Ruby mime-types gem loads its data from files encoded in the `data` directory in this gem by loading `mime-types-data` and reading MIME::Types::Data::PATH. These files are compiled files from the collection of data in the `types` directory. Pull requests that include changes to these files will require amendment to revert these files. New or modified MIME types should be edited in the appropriate YAML file under `types`. The format is as shown below for the `application/xml` MIME type in `types/application.yml`. ```yaml - !ruby/object:MIME::Type content-type: application/xml encoding: 8bit extensions: - xml - xsl references: - IANA - RFC3023 xrefs: !ruby/hash:MIME::Types::Container rfc: - rfc3023 registered: true ``` There are other fields that can be added, matching the fields discussed in the documentation for MIME::Type. Pull requests for MIME types should just contain the changes to the YAML files for the new or modified MIME types; I will convert the YAML files to JSON prior to a new release. I would rather not have to verify that the JSON matches the YAML changes, which is why it is not necessary to convert for the pull request. If you are making a change for a private fork, use `rake convert:yaml:json` to convert the YAML to JSON, or `rake convert:yaml:columnar` to convert it to the new columnar format. #### Updating Types from the IANA or Apache Lists If you are maintaining a private fork and wish to update your copy of the MIME types registry used by this gem, you can do this with the rake tasks: ```sh $ rake mime:iana $ rake mime:apache ``` ### Development Dependencies mime-types-data uses Ryan Davis’s {Hoe}[https://github.com/seattlerb/hoe] to manage the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be interested in: ```sh $ rake ``` which runs the tests the same way that: ```sh $ rake test $ rake travis ``` will do. To assist with the installation of the development dependencies for mime-types-data, I have provided the simplest possible Gemfile pointing to the (generated) `mime-types-data.gemspec` file. This will permit you to do: ```sh $ bundle install ``` to get the development dependencies. If you aleady have `hoe` installed, you can accomplish the same thing with: ```sh $ rake newb ``` This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and generate the RDoc. You can run tests with code coverage analysis by running: ```sh $ rake test:coverage ``` ### Workflow Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project: - Fork the project. - Clone down your fork (`git clone git://github.com//mime-types-data.git`). - Create a topic branch to contain your change (`git checkout -b my\_awesome\_feature`). - Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order. - Make sure everything still passes by running `rake`. - If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors. - Push the branch up (`git push origin my\_awesome\_feature`). - Create a pull request against mime-types/mime-types-data and describe what your change does and the why you think it should be merged. ### The Release Process The release process needs automation; as it includes generating code and committing to the repository, it is not clear how this will happen safely. 1. Review any outstanding issues or pull requests to see if anything needs to be addressed. This is necessary because there is currently no automated source for extensions for the thousands of MIME entries. (Suggestions and/or pull requests for same would be deeply appreciated.) 2. `bundle install` 3. `bundle exec rake mime:apache` 4. `bundle exec rake mime:iana` 5. Review the changes to make sure that the changes are sane. The IANA data source changes from time to time, resulting in big changes or even a broken step 4. (The most recent change was the addition of the font/\* top-level category.) 6. `bundle exec rake convert` 7. `bundle exec rake update:version` 8. Write up the changes in History.md. If any PRs have been merged, these should be noted specifically. 9. Commit the changes and push to GitHub. 10. `bundle exec rake release VERSION=newversion` ### Automating the Release If anyone wishes to provide suggestions on automation, this would be a two-phase process: 1. A system would need to periodically create PRs to the GitHub repository with the output of the following commands (steps 2, 3, and 4): ```sh bundle install bundle exec rake mime:apache bundle exec rake mime:iana git add . git commit -m "[Automated] MIME Type update for $(date)" # Somehow make the PR from here. ``` 2. Once this PR is approved and merged, the next steps would be conversion, version update, automatic update of History.md, and release (steps 6–10). This is based on an issue [#18][]. ### Contributors - Austin Ziegler created mime-types. Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to mime-types: - Aaron Patterson - Aggelos Avgerinos - Alessio Parma - Alex Balhatchet - Andre Pankratz - Andrey Eremin - Andy Brody - Arnaud Meuret - Bradley Meck - Brandon Galbraith - Chris Gat - David Genord - Eric Marden - Garret Alfert - Godfrey Chan - Greg Brockman - Hans de Graaff - Henrik Hodne - Jeremy Evans - John Gardner - Juanito Fatas - Keerthi Siva - Ken Ip - Łukasz Śliwa - Lucia - Martin d'Allens - Mauricio Linhares - Myk Klemme - nycvotes-dev - Postmodern - Richard Hirner - Richard Hurt - Richard Schneeman - Robert Buchberger - Sergio Baptista - Tao Guo - Thomas Leese - Tibor Szolár - Todd Carrico - Yoran Brondsema [qcm]: http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html [rmt]: https://github.com/mime-types/ruby-mime-types/ [#18]: https://github.com/mime-types/mime-types-data/issues/18