module EmailSpec module Matchers class DeliverTo def initialize(expected_email_addresses_or_objects_that_respond_to_email) emails = do |email_or_object| email_or_object.kind_of?(String) ? email_or_object : end @expected_email_addresses = emails.sort end def description "be delivered to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}" end def matches?(email) @email = email @actual_recipients = ( || []).sort @actual_recipients == @expected_email_addresses end def failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} to deliver to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it delievered to #{@actual_recipients.inspect}" end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} not to deliver to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it did" end end def deliver_to(*expected_email_addresses_or_objects_that_respond_to_email) end alias :be_delivered_to :deliver_to class DeliverFrom def initialize(email) @expected_email_addresses = email end def description "be delivered from #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}" end def matches?(email) @email = email @actual_sender = (email.from || []).first @actual_sender.eql? @expected_email_addresses end def failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} to deliver from #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it delievered from #{@actual_recipients.inspect}" end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} not to deliver from #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it did" end end def deliver_from(email) end alias :be_delivered_from :deliver_from class BccTo def initialize(expected_email_addresses_or_objects_that_respond_to_email) emails = do |email_or_object| email_or_object.kind_of?(String) ? email_or_object : end @expected_email_addresses = emails.sort end def description "be bcc'd to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}" end def matches?(email) @email = email @actual_recipients = (email.bcc || []).sort @actual_recipients == @expected_email_addresses end def failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} to bcc to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it was bcc'd to #{@actual_recipients.inspect}" end def negative_failure_message "expected #{@email.inspect} not to bcc to #{@expected_email_addresses.inspect}, but it did" end end def bcc_to(*expected_email_addresses_or_objects_that_respond_to_email) end def have_subject(expected) simple_matcher do |given, matcher| given_subject = given.subject if expected.is_a?(String) matcher.description = "have subject of #{expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the subject to be #{expected.inspect} but was #{given_subject.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the subject not to be #{expected.inspect} but was" given_subject == expected else matcher.description = "have subject matching #{expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the subject to match #{expected.inspect}, but did not. Actual subject was: #{given_subject.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the subject not to match #{expected.inspect} but #{given_subject.inspect} does match it." !!(given_subject =~ expected) end end end def include_email_with_subject(expected) simple_matcher do |given_emails, matcher| if expected.is_a?(String) matcher.description = "include email with subject of #{expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected at least one email to have the subject #{expected.inspect} but none did. Subjects were #{}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected no email with the subject #{expected.inspect} but found at least one. Subjects were #{}" else matcher.description = "include email with subject matching #{expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected at least one email to have a subject matching #{expected.inspect}, but none did. Subjects were #{}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected no email to have a subject matching #{expected.inspect} but found at least one. Subjects were #{}" !!(given_emails.any?{ |mail| mail.subject =~ expected }) end end end def have_body_text(expected) simple_matcher do |given, matcher| if expected.is_a?(String) normalized_body = given.body.gsub(/\s+/, " ") normalized_expected = expected.gsub(/\s+/, " ") matcher.description = "have body including #{normalized_expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the body to contain #{normalized_expected.inspect} but was #{normalized_body.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the body not to contain #{normalized_expected.inspect} but was #{normalized_body.inspect}" normalized_body.include?(normalized_expected) else given_body = given.body matcher.description = "have body matching #{expected.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the body to match #{expected.inspect}, but did not. Actual body was: #{given_body.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the body not to match #{expected.inspect} but #{given_body.inspect} does match it." !!(given_body =~ expected) end end end def have_header(expected_name, expected_value) simple_matcher do |given, matcher| given_header = given.header if expected_value.is_a?(String) matcher.description = "have header #{expected_name}: #{expected_value}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the headers to include '#{expected_name}: #{expected_value}' but they were #{given_header.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the headers not to include '#{expected_name}: #{expected_value}' but they were #{given_header.inspect}" given_header[expected_name].to_s == expected_value else matcher.description = "have header #{expected_name} with value matching #{expected_value.inspect}" matcher.failure_message = "expected the headers to include '#{expected_name}' with a value matching #{expected_value.inspect} but they were #{given_header.inspect}" matcher.negative_failure_message = "expected the headers not to include '#{expected_name}' with a value matching #{expected_value.inspect} but they were #{given_header.inspect}" given_header[expected_name].to_s =~ expected_value end end end end end