%aside.main-sidebar %section.sidebar .user-panel .pull-left.image %img.img-circle{:alt => "User Image", :src => asset_url("dist/img/user2-160x160.jpg")}/ .pull-left.info %p Alexander Pierce %a{:href => "#"} %i.fa.fa-circle.text-success Online / search form %form.sidebar-form{:action => "#", :method => "get"} .input-group %input.form-control{:name => "q", :placeholder => "Search...", :type => "text"}/ %span.input-group-btn %button#search-btn.btn.btn-flat{:name => "search", :type => "submit"} %i.fa.fa-search / /.search form / sidebar menu: : style can be found in sidebar.less %ul.sidebar-menu{"data-widget" => "tree"} %li.header MAIN NAVIGATION = render 'layouts/lte/menu' / Control Sidebar %aside.control-sidebar.control-sidebar-dark / Create the tabs %ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-justified.control-sidebar-tabs %li %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#control-sidebar-home-tab"} %i.fa.fa-home %li %a{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#control-sidebar-settings-tab"} %i.fa.fa-gears / Tab panes .tab-content / Home tab content #control-sidebar-home-tab.tab-pane %h3.control-sidebar-heading Recent Activity %ul.control-sidebar-menu %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %i.menu-icon.fa.fa-birthday-cake.bg-red .menu-info %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Langdon's Birthday %p Will be 23 on April 24th %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %i.menu-icon.fa.fa-user.bg-yellow .menu-info %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Frodo Updated His Profile %p New phone +1(800)555-1234 %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %i.menu-icon.fa.fa-envelope-o.bg-light-blue .menu-info %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Nora Joined Mailing List %p nora@example.com %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %i.menu-icon.fa.fa-file-code-o.bg-green .menu-info %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Cron Job 254 Executed %p Execution time 5 seconds / /.control-sidebar-menu %h3.control-sidebar-heading Tasks Progress %ul.control-sidebar-menu %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Custom Template Design %span.label.label-danger.pull-right 70% .progress.progress-xxs .progress-bar.progress-bar-danger{:style => "width: 70%"} %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Update Resume %span.label.label-success.pull-right 95% .progress.progress-xxs .progress-bar.progress-bar-success{:style => "width: 95%"} %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Laravel Integration %span.label.label-warning.pull-right 50% .progress.progress-xxs .progress-bar.progress-bar-warning{:style => "width: 50%"} %li %a{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %h4.control-sidebar-subheading Back End Framework %span.label.label-primary.pull-right 68% .progress.progress-xxs .progress-bar.progress-bar-primary{:style => "width: 68%"} / /.control-sidebar-menu / /.tab-pane / Stats tab content #control-sidebar-stats-tab.tab-pane Stats Tab Content / /.tab-pane / Settings tab content #control-sidebar-settings-tab.tab-pane %form{:method => "post"} %h3.control-sidebar-heading General Settings .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Report panel usage %input.pull-right{:checked => "checked", :type => "checkbox"}/ %p Some information about this general settings option / /.form-group .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Allow mail redirect %input.pull-right{:checked => "checked", :type => "checkbox"}/ %p Other sets of options are available / /.form-group .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Expose author name in posts %input.pull-right{:checked => "checked", :type => "checkbox"}/ %p Allow the user to show his name in blog posts / /.form-group %h3.control-sidebar-heading Chat Settings .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Show me as online %input.pull-right{:checked => "checked", :type => "checkbox"}/ / /.form-group .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Turn off notifications %input.pull-right{:type => "checkbox"}/ / /.form-group .form-group %label.control-sidebar-subheading Delete chat history %a.text-red.pull-right{:href => "javascript:void(0)"} %i.fa.fa-trash-o / /.form-group / /.tab-pane / /.control-sidebar / Add the sidebar's background. This div must be placed immediately after the control sidebar .control-sidebar-bg / ./wrapper