Path: TODO
Last Update: Tue Feb 15 02:09:44 Westeuropäische Normalzeit 2005


  • Also think about how to extend the DBC abilities. Invariants would be nice, but how to implement them?
  • Add multi method dispatch facilities similar to those from dispatch.rb. It would be good if code could be shared between that and signatures.
  • Write introductionary explanation of what we do and don’t and why we do so. Probably belongs into the README but should also appear in the RDoc output. might be useful for explaining why this is better than doing the usual is-a typing of static languages.
  • Perhaps teach the Rakefile how to export the SVN tree to the RubyForge project (see
  • If we add DBC we probably ought to have ways of getting the pre and post checks as well as the in-variants as an Array of Procs or something like that.
  • Make Method#signature return a meta object that allows you to do method.signature.matches?(*args) or something similar?


  • Add methods for querying signature meta information. (Unbound)Method#signature would return the original Module#signature arguments.
  • Set up a RubyForge project and teach the Rakefile how to upload releases
  • Contact the pragprog guys about DBC in Ruby:
    • Done, might base post/pre-conditions implementation on that project
  • Think about the kind of object adaption that matz discussed on his weblog: Also see and
      adaption :from => Pathname, :to => String, :via => :to_str
      adaption :from => String, :to => Pathname do |string|
      adaption :from => String, :to => Pathname, :via => Pathname.method(:new)

    Perhaps make both :from and :to default to self so short forms are possible inside classes: (raise Exception when :to == :from)

      class String
        adaption :to => Pathname, :via => Pathname.method(:new)
        adaption :from => Pathname, :via => :to_str
        adaption :to => Symbol, :via => :to_sym

    Might be nice to have conditional adaption routes:

      class Object
        adaption :to => String, :via => :to_str, :if => Contract::Check::Quack[:to_str]
        # perhaps also introduce this short form
        adaption :to => String, :via => :to_str, :if => :to_str

    Perhaps :if should default to :via if :via is a Symbol which would allow the above to become

      class Object
        adaption :to => String, :via => :to_str
    • Implemented.
  • Think about implementing Contract#implies which would automatically trigger the inclusion of a Module on other Modules/Classes that do fulfills(contract).
    • Implemented.
  • Module#fulfills(contract) — a way of stating that all instances of a Class should be checked against the contract after initialisation. This would always need to be called after defining a custom initialize().
  • Read
    • Has a few generic comments about static typing and dynamic typing.
