require 'multi_json' module HighFive class Config attr_accessor :meta, # config.meta << { http-equiv: "Content-Type" content: "text/html; charset=utf-8" } :static_assets, :static_javascripts, :static_stylesheets, :sass_files, :asset_paths, :platform_configs, :js_settings, #serialized out to HighFive.Settings in index.html :is_environment #boolean for if this config is an environment platform # shorthand for me to define lots and lots of config settings that need to be handled # as attr_accessible, settable via setting(blah) instead of settings=blah, and also # persisted to derived platform configs def self.config_setting(*settings) config_variables = [] settings.each do |setting| attr_accessor setting define_method setting do |*args| var = "@#{setting}".to_sym config_variables << var instance_variable_set(var, args[0]) if args.length == 1 instance_variable_get(var) end end @@config_variables = config_variables end config_setting :root, # Root of the project :destination, # generated folder for project('www') :page_title, # <title>#{page_title}</title> :compass_dir, # directory that contaings compass' config.rb :dev_index, # copy generated index.html to here on build for use in development :minify, # defaults to true in production mode and false otherwise, overridable :manifest, # generate html5 manifest :app_name, # App Name :app_id, # App id (com.tenforwardconsulting.myapp) # config options below are used in the dist/build tasks :android_manifest, # Path to the android manifest, relative to the project root :ios_target # ios target to be used by dist tasks def self.configure(&block) @@instance = yield @@instance if @@instance.root.nil? raise "HighFive::Config.root is required" end end def self.load begin require File.join(Dir.pwd, "config", "high_five.rb") rescue LoadError raise "high_five configuration not found, forgot to run 'hi5 init'?" end return @@instance end def self.instance @@instance end def build_platform_config(platform) if @platform_configs[platform.to_s] new_config =[platform.to_s]) new_config.root ||= self.root new_config.destination ||= self.destination new_config.meta ||= self.meta new_config.page_title ||= self.page_title new_config.static_assets += self.static_assets new_config.static_javascripts += self.static_javascripts new_config.static_stylesheets += self.static_stylesheets new_config.sass_files += self.sass_files new_config.asset_paths += self.asset_paths @@config_variables.each do |svar| if (new_config.instance_variable_get(svar).nil?) new_config.instance_variable_set(svar, self.instance_variable_get(svar)) end end new_config.js_settings.merge! self.js_settings do |key, new_setting, old_setting| new_setting || old_setting #don't clobber settings from the parent end new_config.platform_configs = @platform_configs.reject do |key, platform_config| key == platform end return new_config else return self end end def initialize(config=nil) if config @static_assets = config.static_assets.dup @static_javascripts = config.static_javascripts.dup @static_stylesheets = config.static_stylesheets.dup @sass_files = config.sass_files.dup @meta = config.meta.dup @asset_paths = config.asset_paths.dup @js_settings = config.js_settings.dup self.root = config.root self.destination = config.destination self.dev_index = config.dev_index self.page_title = config.page_title self.meta = config.meta self.minify = config.minify self.manifest = config.manifest @@config_variables.each do |svar| if (self.instance_variable_get(svar).nil?) self.instance_variable_set(svar, config.instance_variable_get(svar)) end end else @static_assets = [] @static_javascripts = [] @static_stylesheets = [] @sass_files = [] @meta = {} @platform_configs = {} @asset_paths = [] @js_settings = {} end @is_environment = false end def assets(path) @static_assets << path.dup end def javascripts(path) @static_javascripts << path.dup end def sass(path) @sass_files << path.dup end def stylesheets(path) @static_stylesheets << path.dup end def platform(name, &block) @platform_configs[name.to_s] = yield @platform_configs[name.to_s] end def environment(name, &block) platform(name, &block) platform_config = @platform_configs[name.to_s] platform_config.is_environment = true if (name.to_s == 'production') platform_config.minify = :uglifier if platform_config.minify.nil? end end def setting(hash) @js_settings.merge!(hash) end alias settings setting def high_five_javascript js = '<script type="text/javascript">' js += "if(typeof(window.HighFive)==='undefined'){window.HighFive={};}window.HighFive.Settings=#{MultiJson.dump(js_settings)};" js += '</script>' js end def windows! ExecJS::Runtimes::JScript.instance_variable_set(:"@encoding", "UTF-8") ExecJS::Runtimes::JScript.instance_variable_set(:"@command", "cscript //E:jscript //Nologo") ExecJS::Runtimes::JScript.instance_variable_set(:"@binary", "cscript //E:jscript //Nologo") end end end