# TalonOne::Campaign ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **id** | **Integer** | Unique ID for this entity. | **created** | **DateTime** | The exact moment this entity was created. | **application_id** | **Integer** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. | **user_id** | **Integer** | The ID of the user associated with this entity. | **name** | **String** | A user-facing name for this campaign. | **description** | **String** | A detailed description of the campaign. | **start_time** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the campaign will become active. | [optional] **end_time** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the campaign will become inactive. | [optional] **attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary properties associated with this campaign. | [optional] **state** | **String** | A disabled or archived campaign is not evaluated for rules or coupons. | [default to 'enabled'] **active_ruleset_id** | **Integer** | [ID of Ruleset](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getRulesets) this campaign applies on customer session evaluation. | [optional] **tags** | **Array<String>** | A list of tags for the campaign. | **features** | **Array<String>** | The features enabled in this campaign. | **coupon_settings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional] **referral_settings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional] **limits** | [**Array<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | The set of [budget limits](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets) for this campaign. | **campaign_groups** | **Array<Integer>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional] **type** | **String** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [default to 'advanced'] **linked_store_ids** | **Array<Integer>** | A list of store IDs that you want to link to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional] **budgets** | [**Array<CampaignBudget>**](CampaignBudget.md) | A list of all the budgets that are defined by this campaign and their usage. **Note:** Budgets that are not defined do not appear in this list and their usage is not counted until they are defined. | **coupon_redemption_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of coupons redeemed in the campaign. | [optional] **referral_redemption_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of referral codes redeemed in the campaign. | [optional] **discount_count** | **Float** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total amount of discounts redeemed in the campaign. | [optional] **discount_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times discounts were redeemed in this campaign. | [optional] **coupon_creation_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of coupons created by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **custom_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of custom effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **referral_creation_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of referrals created by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **add_free_item_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times the [add free item effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects#addfreeitem) can be triggered in this campaign. | [optional] **awarded_giveaways_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of giveaways awarded by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **created_loyalty_points_count** | **Float** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points created by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **created_loyalty_points_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point creation effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **redeemed_loyalty_points_count** | **Float** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points redeemed by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **redeemed_loyalty_points_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point redemption effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **call_api_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of webhooks triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **reservecoupon_effect_count** | **Integer** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of reserve coupon effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional] **last_activity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received by this campaign. | [optional] **updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent update to the campaign's property. Updates to external entities used in this campaign are **not** registered by this property, such as collection or coupon updates. | [optional] **created_by** | **String** | Name of the user who created this campaign if available. | [optional] **updated_by** | **String** | Name of the user who last updated this campaign if available. | [optional] **template_id** | **Integer** | The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. | [optional] **frontend_state** | **String** | The campaign state displayed in the Campaign Manager. | **stores_imported** | **Boolean** | Indicates whether the linked stores were imported via a CSV file. | **revision_frontend_state** | **String** | The campaign revision state displayed in the Campaign Manager. | [optional] **active_revision_id** | **Integer** | ID of the revision that was last activated on this campaign. | [optional] **active_revision_version_id** | **Integer** | ID of the revision version that is active on the campaign. | [optional] **version** | **Integer** | Incrementing number representing how many revisions have been activated on this campaign, starts from 0 for a new campaign. | [optional] **current_revision_id** | **Integer** | ID of the revision currently being modified for the campaign. | [optional] **current_revision_version_id** | **Integer** | ID of the latest version applied on the current revision. | [optional] **stage_revision** | **Boolean** | Flag for determining whether we use current revision when sending requests with staging API key. | [optional] [default to false] ## Code Sample ```ruby require 'TalonOne' instance = TalonOne::Campaign.new(id: 4, created: 2020-06-10T09:05:27.993483Z, application_id: 322, user_id: 388, name: Summer promotions, description: Campaign for all summer 2021 promotions, start_time: 2021-07-20T22:00Z, end_time: 2021-09-22T22:00Z, attributes: null, state: enabled, active_ruleset_id: 6, tags: [summer], features: [coupons, referrals], coupon_settings: null, referral_settings: null, limits: null, campaign_groups: [1, 3], type: advanced, linked_store_ids: [1, 2, 3], budgets: null, coupon_redemption_count: 163, referral_redemption_count: 3, discount_count: 288.0, discount_effect_count: 343, coupon_creation_count: 16, custom_effect_count: 0, referral_creation_count: 8, add_free_item_effect_count: 0, awarded_giveaways_count: 9, created_loyalty_points_count: 9.0, created_loyalty_points_effect_count: 2, redeemed_loyalty_points_count: 8.0, redeemed_loyalty_points_effect_count: 9, call_api_effect_count: 0, reservecoupon_effect_count: 9, last_activity: 2022-11-10T23:00Z, updated: null, created_by: John Doe, updated_by: Jane Doe, template_id: 3, frontend_state: running, stores_imported: true, revision_frontend_state: revised, active_revision_id: 6, active_revision_version_id: 6, version: 6, current_revision_id: 6, current_revision_version_id: 6, stage_revision: false) ```