require 'action_pack' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: ActionViewHelperError = module ActionViewHelper # This helper allows the usage of different payment integrations # through a single form helper. Payment integrations are the # type of service where the user is redirected to the secure # site of the service, like Paypal or Chronopay. # # The helper creates a scope around a payment service helper # which provides the specific mapping for that service. # # <% payment_service_for 1000, '', # :amount => 50.00, # :currency => 'CAD', # :service => :paypal, # :html => { :id => 'payment-form' } do |service| %> # # <% service.customer :first_name => 'Cody', # :last_name => 'Fauser', # :phone => '(555)555-5555', # :email => '' %> # # <% service.billing_address :city => 'Ottawa', # :address1 => '21 Snowy Brook Lane', # :address2 => 'Apt. 36', # :state => 'ON', # :country => 'CA', # :zip => 'K1J1E5' %> # # <% service.invoice '#1000' %> # <% service.shipping '0.00' %> # <% '0.00' %> # # <% service.notify_url url_for(:only_path => false, :action => 'notify') %> # <% service.return_url url_for(:only_path => false, :action => 'done') %> # <% service.cancel_return_url '' %> # <% end %> # def payment_service_for(order, account, options = {}, &proc) raise ArgumentError, "Missing block" unless block_given? integration_module = ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations.const_get(options.delete(:service).to_s.camelize) service_class = integration_module.const_get('Helper') form_options = options.delete(:html) || {} service =, account, options) form_options[:method] = service.form_method result = [] service_url = integration_module.respond_to?(:credential_based_url) ? integration_module.credential_based_url(options) : integration_module.service_url result << form_tag(service_url, form_options) result << capture(service, &proc) service.form_fields.each do |field, value| result << hidden_field_tag(field, value) end service.raw_html_fields.each do |field, value| result << "<input id=\"#{field}\" name=\"#{field}\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"#{value}\" />\n" end result << '</form>' result= result.join("\n") concat(result.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? result.html_safe : result) nil rescue => e raise end end end end end