// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var view, content1, content2 ; module("SC.CollectionView.content", { setup: function() { // stub in collection view to verify that proper method are called view = SC.CollectionView.create({ // .......................................................... // STUB: contentPropertyDidChange // contentPropertyDidChange: CoreTest.stub('contentPropertyDidChange'), // .......................................................... // STUB: computeLayout // computeLayout: CoreTest.stub('computeLayout'), // .......................................................... // STUB: RELOAD // reload: CoreTest.stub("reload", { // detect if we would reload everything. shouldReloadAll: function() { var history = this.history, loc = history.length, args; while(--loc >= 0) { args = history[loc]; if (args <= 1) return YES ; if (args[1] === null) return YES ; if (args[0].get('nowShowing').contains(args[1])) return YES ; } return NO ; }, // join all reload indexes passed excluding null or undefined indexes: function() { var history = this.history, loc = history.length, ret = SC.IndexSet.create(), args; while(--loc >= 0) { args = history[loc]; if (args[1] && args[1].isIndexSet) ret.add(args[1]); } return ret ; }, // need to save the passed indexes set as a clone because it may be // reused later... action: function(indexes) { var history = this.reload.history; // note "this" is view if (indexes) { history[history.length-1][1] = indexes.clone(); } // simulate calling computeLayout() to match original impl. this.computeLayout(); return this ; }, expect: function(indexes, callCount) { if (indexes === YES) { equals(this.shouldReloadAll(), YES, 'reload() should reload all'); } else if (indexes !== NO) { var expected = this.indexes(); var passed = indexes.isEqual(expected); ok(passed, "expected reload(%@), actual: reload(%@)".fmt(indexes, expected)); } if (callCount !== undefined) { equals(this.callCount, callCount, 'reload() should have been called X times'); } this.reset(); } }), expectLength: function(len) { equals(view.get('length'), len, 'view.length after change'); var nowShowing = view.get('nowShowing'), expected = SC.IndexSet.create(0,len); ok(expected.isEqual(nowShowing), 'nowShowing expected: %@, actual: %@'.fmt(expected, nowShowing)); }, // reset stubs reset: function() { this.reload.reset(); this.contentPropertyDidChange.reset(); this.computeLayout.reset(); } }); content1 = "a b c d e f".w().map(function(x) { return SC.Object.create({ title: x }); }); content2 = "d e f x y z".w().map(function(x) { return SC.Object.create({ title: x }); }); } }); // .......................................................... // BASIC EDITS // test("setting content for first time", function() { equals(view.get('content'), null, 'precond - view.content should be null'); view.set('content', content1); view.reload.expect(YES, 2); // should reload everything view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.computeLayout.expect(YES); view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); }); test("changing content with different size", function() { view.set('content', "a b".w()); view.reset(); view.set('content', content2); view.reload.expect(YES, 2); // call twice? view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.computeLayout.expect(YES); view.expectLength(content2.get('length')); }); test("changing content with same size", function() { view.set('content', "a b".w()); view.reset(); view.set('content', content2); view.reload.expect(YES); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.computeLayout.expect(YES); view.expectLength(content2.get('length')); }); test("changing the content of a single item should reload that item", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care about this fire content1.replace(1,1, ["X"]); view.reload.expect(SC.IndexSet.create(1)); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.computeLayout.expect(YES); view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); }); test("changing the content of several items should reload each item", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care about this fire content1.replace(1,1, ["X"]); content1.replace(3,1, ["X"]); view.reload.expect(SC.IndexSet.create(1).add(3)); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.computeLayout.expect(YES); view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); }); test("adding to end of content should reload new items", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care about this fire content1.pushObject("X"); content1.pushObject("Y"); view.reload.expect(SC.IndexSet.create(content1.get('length')-2, 2)); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); view.computeLayout.expect(YES); }); test("removing from end of content should reload removed items", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care about this fire content1.popObject(); content1.popObject(); view.reload.expect(SC.IndexSet.create(content1.get('length'), 2)); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); view.computeLayout.expect(YES); }); test("inserting into middle should reload all following items", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care about this fire content1.insertAt(3, 'FOO'); view.reload.expect(SC.IndexSet.create(3, content1.get('length')-3)); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); // should not call view.expectLength(content1.get('length')); view.computeLayout.expect(YES); }); // .......................................................... // EDITING PROPERTIES // test("editing properties", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); view.contentPropertyDidChange.reset(); var obj = content1.objectAt(3); ok(obj !== null, 'precond -has object to edit'); obj.set('title', 'FOO'); view.reload.expect(NO, 0); view.contentPropertyDidChange.expect(0); view.computeLayout.expect(NO); });