'use strict'; const chalk = require('chalk'); const checkInvalidCLIOptions = require('./utils/checkInvalidCLIOptions'); const disableOptionsReportStringFormatter = require('./formatters/disableOptionsReportStringFormatter'); const dynamicRequire = require('./dynamicRequire'); const EOL = require('os').EOL; const getFormatterOptionsText = require('./utils/getFormatterOptionsText'); const getModulePath = require('./utils/getModulePath'); const getStdin = require('get-stdin'); const meow = require('meow'); const path = require('path'); const printConfig = require('./printConfig'); const resolveFrom = require('resolve-from'); const standalone = require('./standalone'); const writeOutputFile = require('./writeOutputFile'); const EXIT_CODE_ERROR = 2; /** * @typedef {object} CLIFlags * @property {boolean} [cache] * @property {string} [cacheLocation] * @property {string | false} config * @property {string} [configBasedir] * @property {string} [customSyntax] * @property {string} [printConfig] * @property {string} [color] * @property {string} [customFormatter] * @property {boolean} [disableDefaultIgnores] * @property {boolean} [fix] * @property {string} [formatter="string"] * @property {string} [help] * @property {boolean} [ignoreDisables] * @property {string} [ignorePath] * @property {string} [ignorePattern] * @property {string} [noColor] * @property {string} [outputFile] * @property {boolean} [stdin] * @property {string} [stdinFilename] * @property {boolean} [reportNeedlessDisables] * @property {boolean} [reportInvalidScopeDisables] * @property {number} [maxWarnings] * @property {string | boolean} quiet * @property {string} [syntax] * @property {string} [version] * @property {boolean} [allowEmptyInput] */ /** * @typedef {object} CLIOptions * @property {any} input * @property {any} help * @property {any} pkg * @property {Function} showHelp * @property {Function} showVersion * @property {CLIFlags} flags */ /** * @typedef {object} OptionBaseType * @property {any} formatter * @property {boolean} [cache] * @property {string} [configFile] * @property {string} [cacheLocation] * @property {string} [customSyntax] * @property {string} [codeFilename] * @property {string} [configBasedir] * @property {{ quiet?: any }} configOverrides * @property {any} [printConfig] * @property {boolean} [fix] * @property {boolean} [ignoreDisables] * @property {any} [ignorePath] * @property {string} [outputFile] * @property {boolean} [reportNeedlessDisables] * @property {boolean} [reportInvalidScopeDisables] * @property {boolean} [disableDefaultIgnores] * @property {number} [maxWarnings] * @property {string} [syntax] * @property {any} [ignorePattern] * @property {boolean} [allowEmptyInput] * @property {string} [files] * @property {string} [code] */ const meowOptions = { autoHelp: false, autoVersion: false, help: ` Usage: stylelint [input] [options] Input: Files(s), glob(s), or nothing to use stdin. If an input argument is wrapped in quotation marks, it will be passed to globby for cross-platform glob support. node_modules are always ignored. You can also pass no input and use stdin, instead. Options: --config Path to a specific configuration file (JSON, YAML, or CommonJS), or the name of a module in node_modules that points to one. If no --config argument is provided, stylelint will search for configuration files in the following places, in this order: - a stylelint property in package.json - a .stylelintrc file (with or without filename extension: .json, .yaml, .yml, and .js are available) - a stylelint.config.js file exporting a JS object The search will begin in the working directory and move up the directory tree until a configuration file is found. --config-basedir An absolute path to the directory that relative paths defining "extends" and "plugins" are *relative to*. Only necessary if these values are relative paths. --print-config Print the configuration for the given path. --ignore-path, -i Path to a file containing patterns that describe files to ignore. The path can be absolute or relative to process.cwd(). By default, stylelint looks for .stylelintignore in process.cwd(). --ignore-pattern, --ip Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .stylelintignore) --syntax, -s Specify a syntax. Options: "css", "css-in-js", "html", "less", "markdown", "sass", "scss", "sugarss". If you do not specify a syntax, syntaxes will be automatically inferred by the file extensions and file content. --fix Automatically fix violations of certain rules. --custom-syntax Module name or path to a JS file exporting a PostCSS-compatible syntax. --stdin Accept stdin input even if it is empty. --stdin-filename A filename to assign stdin input. --ignore-disables, --id Ignore styleline-disable comments. --disable-default-ignores, --di Allow linting of node_modules. --cache [default: false] Store the info about processed files in order to only operate on the changed ones the next time you run stylelint. By default, the cache is stored in "./.stylelintcache". To adjust this, use --cache-location. --cache-location [default: '.stylelintcache'] Path to a file or directory to be used for the cache location. Default is "./.stylelintcache". If a directory is specified, a cache file will be created inside the specified folder, with a name derived from a hash of the current working directory. If the directory for the cache does not exist, make sure you add a trailing "/" on *nix systems or "\\" on Windows. Otherwise the path will be assumed to be a file. --formatter, -f [default: "string"] The output formatter: ${getFormatterOptionsText({ useOr: true })}. --custom-formatter Path to a JS file exporting a custom formatting function. --quiet, -q Only register violations for rules with an "error"-level severity (ignore "warning"-level). --color --no-color Force enabling/disabling of color. --report-needless-disables, --rd Also report errors for stylelint-disable comments that are not blocking a lint warning. The process will exit with code ${EXIT_CODE_ERROR} if needless disables are found. --report-invalid-scope-disables, --risd Report stylelint-disable comments that used for rules that don't exist within the configuration object. The process will exit with code ${EXIT_CODE_ERROR} if invalid scope disables are found. --max-warnings, --mw Number of warnings above which the process will exit with code ${EXIT_CODE_ERROR}. Useful when setting "defaultSeverity" to "warning" and expecting the process to fail on warnings (e.g. CI build). --output-file, -o Path of file to write report. --version, -v Show the currently installed version of stylelint. --allow-empty-input, --aei When glob pattern matches no files, the process will exit without throwing an error. `, flags: { allowEmptyInput: { alias: 'aei', type: 'boolean', }, cache: { type: 'boolean', }, cacheLocation: { type: 'string', }, color: { type: 'boolean', }, config: { type: 'string', }, configBasedir: { type: 'string', }, customFormatter: { type: 'string', }, customSyntax: { type: 'string', }, disableDefaultIgnores: { alias: 'di', type: 'boolean', }, fix: { type: 'boolean', }, formatter: { alias: 'f', default: 'string', type: 'string', }, help: { alias: 'h', type: 'boolean', }, ignoreDisables: { alias: 'id', type: 'boolean', }, ignorePath: { alias: 'i', type: 'string', }, ignorePattern: { alias: 'ip', type: 'string', }, maxWarnings: { alias: 'mw', type: 'number', }, outputFile: { alias: 'o', type: 'string', }, printConfig: { type: 'boolean', }, quiet: { alias: 'q', type: 'boolean', }, reportInvalidScopeDisables: { alias: 'risd', type: 'boolean', }, reportNeedlessDisables: { alias: 'rd', type: 'boolean', }, stdin: { type: 'boolean', }, stdinFilename: { type: 'string', }, syntax: { alias: 's', type: 'string', }, version: { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', }, }, pkg: require('../package.json'), argv: /** @type {string[]} */ ([]), }; /** * @param {string[]} argv * @returns {Promise} */ module.exports = (argv) => { const cli = buildCLI(argv); const invalidOptionsMessage = checkInvalidCLIOptions(meowOptions.flags, cli.flags); if (invalidOptionsMessage) { process.stderr.write(invalidOptionsMessage); process.exit(EXIT_CODE_ERROR); // eslint-disable-line no-process-exit } let formatter = cli.flags.formatter; if (cli.flags.customFormatter) { const customFormatter = path.isAbsolute(cli.flags.customFormatter) ? cli.flags.customFormatter : path.join(process.cwd(), cli.flags.customFormatter); formatter = dynamicRequire(customFormatter); } /** @type {OptionBaseType} */ const optionsBase = { formatter, configOverrides: {}, }; if (cli.flags.quiet) { optionsBase.configOverrides.quiet = cli.flags.quiet; } if (cli.flags.syntax) { optionsBase.syntax = cli.flags.syntax; } if (cli.flags.customSyntax) { optionsBase.customSyntax = getModulePath(process.cwd(), cli.flags.customSyntax); } if (cli.flags.config) { // Should check these possibilities: // a. name of a node_module // b. absolute path // c. relative path relative to `process.cwd()`. // If none of the above work, we'll try a relative path starting // in `process.cwd()`. optionsBase.configFile = resolveFrom.silent(process.cwd(), cli.flags.config) || path.join(process.cwd(), cli.flags.config); } if (cli.flags.configBasedir) { optionsBase.configBasedir = path.isAbsolute(cli.flags.configBasedir) ? cli.flags.configBasedir : path.resolve(process.cwd(), cli.flags.configBasedir); } if (cli.flags.stdinFilename) { optionsBase.codeFilename = cli.flags.stdinFilename; } if (cli.flags.ignorePath) { optionsBase.ignorePath = cli.flags.ignorePath; } if (cli.flags.ignorePattern) { optionsBase.ignorePattern = cli.flags.ignorePattern; } if (cli.flags.ignoreDisables) { optionsBase.ignoreDisables = cli.flags.ignoreDisables; } if (cli.flags.disableDefaultIgnores) { optionsBase.disableDefaultIgnores = cli.flags.disableDefaultIgnores; } if (cli.flags.cache) { optionsBase.cache = true; } if (cli.flags.cacheLocation) { optionsBase.cacheLocation = cli.flags.cacheLocation; } if (cli.flags.fix) { optionsBase.fix = cli.flags.fix; } if (cli.flags.outputFile) { optionsBase.outputFile = cli.flags.outputFile; } const reportNeedlessDisables = cli.flags.reportNeedlessDisables; const reportInvalidScopeDisables = cli.flags.reportInvalidScopeDisables; if (reportNeedlessDisables) { optionsBase.reportNeedlessDisables = reportNeedlessDisables; } if (reportInvalidScopeDisables) { optionsBase.reportInvalidScopeDisables = reportInvalidScopeDisables; } const maxWarnings = cli.flags.maxWarnings; if (maxWarnings !== undefined) { optionsBase.maxWarnings = maxWarnings; } if (cli.flags.help) { cli.showHelp(0); return Promise.resolve(); } if (cli.flags.version) { cli.showVersion(); return Promise.resolve(); } if (cli.flags.allowEmptyInput) { optionsBase.allowEmptyInput = cli.flags.allowEmptyInput; } return Promise.resolve() .then( /** * @returns {Promise} */ () => { // Add input/code into options if (cli.input.length) { return Promise.resolve({ ...optionsBase, files: /** @type {string} */ (cli.input) }); } return getStdin().then((stdin) => ({ ...optionsBase, code: stdin })); }, ) .then((options) => { if (cli.flags.printConfig) { return printConfig(options) .then((config) => { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(config, null, ' ')); }) .catch(handleError); } if (!options.files && !options.code && !cli.flags.stdin) { cli.showHelp(); return; } return standalone(options) .then((linted) => { const reports = []; if (reportNeedlessDisables) { const report = disableOptionsReportStringFormatter(linted.needlessDisables || []); if (report) { reports.push(report); } } if (reportInvalidScopeDisables) { const report = disableOptionsReportStringFormatter(linted.invalidScopeDisables || []); if (report) { reports.push(report); } } if (reports.length > 0) { reports.forEach((report) => process.stdout.write(report)); process.exitCode = EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } if (!linted.output) { return; } process.stdout.write(linted.output); if (options.outputFile) { writeOutputFile(linted.output, options.outputFile).catch(handleError); } if (linted.errored) { process.exitCode = EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } else if (maxWarnings !== undefined && linted.maxWarningsExceeded) { const foundWarnings = linted.maxWarningsExceeded.foundWarnings; process.stdout.write( `${chalk.red(`Max warnings exceeded: `)}${foundWarnings} found. ${chalk.dim( `${maxWarnings} allowed${EOL}${EOL}`, )}`, ); process.exitCode = EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } }) .catch(handleError); }); }; /** * @param {{ stack: any, code: any }} err * @returns {void} */ function handleError(err) { console.log(err.stack); // eslint-disable-line no-console const exitCode = typeof err.code === 'number' ? err.code : 1; process.exit(exitCode); // eslint-disable-line no-process-exit } /** * @param {string[]} argv * @returns {CLIOptions} */ function buildCLI(argv) { // @ts-ignore TODO TYPES return meow({ ...meowOptions, argv }); } module.exports.buildCLI = buildCLI;