# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # require 'test/unit' testdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) rootdir = File.dirname(testdir) libdir = File.join(rootdir, 'lib') STDOUT.sync = true $:.unshift(testdir) unless $:.include?(testdir) $:.unshift(libdir) unless $:.include?(libdir) $:.unshift(rootdir) unless $:.include?(rootdir) class Testing class Slug < ::String def Slug.for(*args) string = args.flatten.compact.join('-') words = string.to_s.scan(%r/\w+/) words.map!{|word| word.gsub %r/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/, ''} words.delete_if{|word| word.nil? or word.strip.empty?} new(words.join('-').downcase) end end class Context attr_accessor :name def initialize(name, *args) @name = name end def to_s Slug.for(name) end end end def Testing(*args, &block) Class.new(::Test::Unit::TestCase) do ## class methods # class << self def contexts @contexts ||= [] end def context(*args, &block) return contexts.last if(args.empty? and block.nil?) context = Testing::Context.new(*args) contexts.push(context) begin block.call(context) ensure contexts.pop end end def slug_for(*args) string = [context, args].flatten.compact.join('-') words = string.to_s.scan(%r/\w+/) words.map!{|word| word.gsub %r/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/, ''} words.delete_if{|word| word.nil? or word.strip.empty?} words.join('-').downcase.sub(/_$/, '') end def name() const_get(:Name) end def testno() '%05d' % (@testno ||= 0) ensure @testno += 1 end def testing(*args, &block) method = ["test", testno, slug_for(*args)].delete_if{|part| part.empty?}.join('_') define_method(method, &block) end def test(*args, &block) testing(*args, &block) end def setup(&block) define_method(:setup, &block) if block end def teardown(&block) define_method(:teardown, &block) if block end def prepare(&block) @prepare ||= [] @prepare.push(block) if block @prepare end def cleanup(&block) @cleanup ||= [] @cleanup.push(block) if block @cleanup end end ## configure the subclass! # const_set(:Testno, '0') slug = slug_for(*args).gsub(%r/-/,'_') name = ['TESTING', '%03d' % const_get(:Testno), slug].delete_if{|part| part.empty?}.join('_') name = name.upcase! const_set(:Name, name) const_set(:Missing, Object.new.freeze) ## instance methods # alias_method('__assert__', 'assert') def assert(*args, &block) if args.size == 1 and args.first.is_a?(Hash) options = args.first expected = getopt(:expected, options){ missing } actual = getopt(:actual, options){ missing } if expected == missing and actual == missing actual, expected, *ignored = options.to_a.flatten end expected = expected.call() if expected.respond_to?(:call) actual = actual.call() if actual.respond_to?(:call) assert_equal(expected, actual) end if block label = "assert(#{ args.join(' ') })" result = nil assert_nothing_raised{ result = block.call } __assert__(result, label) result else result = args.shift label = "assert(#{ args.join(' ') })" __assert__(result, label) result end end def missing self.class.const_get(:Missing) end def getopt(opt, hash, options = nil, &block) [opt.to_s, opt.to_s.to_sym].each do |key| return hash[key] if hash.has_key?(key) end default = if block block.call else options.is_a?(Hash) ? options[:default] : nil end return default end def subclass_of exception class << exception def ==(other) super or self > other end end exception end ## # module_eval(&block) self.setup() self.prepare.each{|b| b.call()} at_exit{ self.teardown() self.cleanup.each{|b| b.call()} } self end end if $0 == __FILE__ Testing 'Testing' do testing('foo'){ assert true } test{ assert true } p instance_methods.grep(/test/) end end