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}); function switchVisible( index, state ) { var graph = nine[index]; if ( state == 0 ) { graph.g.setVisibility( 1, false ); graph.g.setVisibility( 2, false ); graph.g.setVisibility( 3, true ); graph.g.setVisibility( 4, true ); $('#difference_switch_' + index ).addClass('active'); $('#setpoint_switch_' + index ).removeClass('active'); graph.title = graph.g.zoneName + " - Unmet Hours - Differences" $('#series_div_' + index ).find('.dygraph-title').html( graph.title ); } else { graph.g.setVisibility( 1, true ); graph.g.setVisibility( 2, true ); graph.g.setVisibility( 3, false ); graph.g.setVisibility( 4, false ); $('#difference_switch_' + index ).removeClass('active'); $('#setpoint_switch_' + index ).addClass('active'); graph.title = graph.g.zoneName + " - Unmet Hours - Setpoints" $('#series_div_' + index ).find('.dygraph-title').html( graph.title ); } } function exportData( index ){ var graph = nine[index]; var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,"; csvContent = graph.timeseries.join("\n"); 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It does not catch every possible cause.</p> <h3 id="summary_tbl">Hours Setpoints Unmet Annually</h3> <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"> <tr> <th>Zone</th> <th>During Heating [hr]</th> <th>During Cooling [hr]</th> <th>During Occupied Heating [hr]</th> <th>During Occupied Cooling [hr]</th> </tr> <% @measureMetrics[:zone_collection].each do | zoneMetrics | %> <tr> <td><%= zoneMetrics[:name] %></td> <td><%= zoneMetrics[:TimeSetpointNotMet][:dur_heating] %></td> <td><%= zoneMetrics[:TimeSetpointNotMet][:dur_cooling] %></td> <td><%= zoneMetrics[:TimeSetpointNotMet][:dur_heating_occ] %></td> <td><%= zoneMetrics[:TimeSetpointNotMet][:dur_cooling_occ] %></td> </tr> <% end %> </table> <h3 id="check_1">1. Check the output control reporting tolerances.</h3> <% if @metrics[:toleranceTimeHeatSetUnmet] == 0.2 %> <p>Setpoint Tolerance for heating is set to the EnergyPlus default value of <strong><%= @metrics[:toleranceTimeHeatSetUnmetF] %> F</strong>. This tolerance is appropriate for HVAC systems with precision grade heating and cooling system components. If appropriate consider widening heating tolerance. This will reduce the number of unmet heating hours across all zones in your model.</p> <% elsif ( @metrics[:toleranceTimeHeatSetUnmet] < 1.0 ) %> <p>Setpoint Tolerance for heating is set to <strong>less than 1.8 F</strong>. Typical digital thermostat accuracy of +/- 1 F may be more appropriately modelled using a larger tolerance. Pneumatic thermostats, in addition to having a tendency to drift, may have a larger accuracy tolerances greater than +/- 1F. Consider increasing the tolerance for heating time not met to a more realistic level for your model. This will reduce the number of unmet heating hours across all zones in your model.</p> <% else %> <% end %> <% if @metrics[:toleranceTimeCoolSetUnmet] == 0.2 %> <p>Setpoint Tolerance for cooling is set to the EnergyPlus default value of <strong><%= @metrics[:toleranceTimeCoolSetUnmetF] %> F</strong>. This tolerance is appropriate for HVAC systems with precision grade cooling system components. If appropriate consider widening cooling tolerances. This will reduce the number of unmet cooling hours across all zones in your model.</p> <% elsif ( @metrics[:toleranceTimeCoolSetUnmet] < 1.0 ) %> <p>Setpoint Tolerance for cooling is set to <strong>less than 1.8 F</strong>. Typical digital thermostat accuracy of +/- 1 F may be more appropriately modelled using a larger tolerance. Pneumatic thermostats, in addition to having a tendency to drift, may have a larger accuracy tolerances greater than +/- 1F. Consider increasing the tolerance for cooling time not met to a more realistic level for your model. This will reduce the number of unmet cooling hours across all zones in your model.</p> <% else %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_2">2. Check for matching design days and weather files.</h3> <% if @metrics[:fileMatch] == :no_design_days %> <p>Model has no design days.</p> <% elsif @metrics[:fileMatch] == :no_weather_file %> <p>Model has no weather file assigned.</p> <% elsif @metrics[:fileMatch] == :unmatched_design_day_file %> <p>Design days do not appear to match the weather file. Mismatching design days and weather files coupled with autosized model objects can result in excessive unmet heating and/or cooling hours. Check the design days and run period weather files.</p> <% else %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_3">3. Check if zones are 'slave zones' of single zone systems.</h3> <p>Note: In the case of a single zone system, only the control zone's thermostat controls the heating/cooling. If additional zones are connected to this system, they will likely have unmet hours unless their loads are very similar to those of the control zone.</p> <% @measureMetrics[:zone_collection].each do | zoneMetrics | %> <% if zoneMetrics[:test_four_state] == :no_airloops %> <% elsif ( zoneMetrics[:test_four_state] == :failed ) %> <p>AirLoop <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:loopName] %></strong> is a single zone system, but it is serving multiple zones. It is controlled by <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:managerControlledZoneName] %></strong>. Thermal Zone <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:name] %></strong> is connected to this system as a slave zone, and has <% if zoneMetrics[:unmet_heating_hrs] > 50 %> <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:unmet_heating_hrs] %> </strong> unmet heating hours <% end %> <% if zoneMetrics[:unmet_cooling_hrs] > 50 %> and <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:unmet_cooling_hrs] %> </strong> unmet cooling hours. <% end %> </p> <% end %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_4">4. Check thermostat schedules for step changes.</h3> <p>Note: step changes in thermostats (typically to represent nighttime set back/set up) may be completely appropriate. However, depending on the timestep chosen, the capacity of the HVAC system, and the capacitance of the building, the HVAC system may not be able to bring the zone back quickly. This can be seen by looking at the timeseries data in the graphs at the end of this report. If the unmet hours always occur immediately following a set back/set up, this is likely the issue.</p> <% @measureMetrics[:zone_collection].each do | zoneMetrics | %> <% if zoneMetrics[:test_five_state] == :failed %> <% if zoneMetrics[:unmet_heating_hrs] > 50 then %> <% zoneMetrics[:thermostat_setpoints_for_underperforming][:heatChanges].each do | period_name, count | %> <p>Schedule <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:heating_schedule_name] %></strong> contains a Run Period named <strong><%= period_name %></strong> that has <strong><%= count %></strong> step changes in hourly heating Thermostat settings that are <strong> >= 3 F</strong>. The inability for heating equipment to respond rapidly to this change in heating T-Stat setpoint may be the cause of the <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:unmet_heating_hrs] %></strong> unmet heating hours occurring in Thermal Zone <strong><%=zoneMetrics[:name] %></strong>.</p> <% end %> <% end %> <% if zoneMetrics[:unmet_cooling_hrs] > 50 then %> <% zoneMetrics[:thermostat_setpoints_for_underperforming][:coolChanges].each do | period_name, count | %> <p>Schedule <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:cooling_schedule_name] %></strong> contains a Run Period named <strong><%= period_name %></strong> that has <strong><%= count %></strong> step changes in hourly cooling Thermostat settings that are <strong> >= 3 F</strong>. The inability for cooling equipment to respond rapidly to this change in cooling T-Stat setpoint may be the cause of the <strong><%= zoneMetrics[:unmet_cooling_hrs] %></strong> unmet cooling hours occurring in Thermal Zone <strong><%=zoneMetrics[:name] %></strong>.</p> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_5">5. Check for differences between the design and operation temperature in plant loops.</h3> <p>Note: this check will only be performed for plant loops controlled by a SetpointManager:Scheduled (green icon).</p> <% if ( @measureMetrics[:test_six_state] == :no_plant_loops ) then %> <% else %> <% @measureMetrics[:plant_loop_temp_vs_setpoints].each do | loop_name, data | %> <% if ( data[:state] == :failed ) then %> <% if ( data[:loop_type] == "Heating" ) then %> <p>Heating Plant Loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> has a design loop exit temperature of <strong><%= data[:exit_temp].round(1) %> F</strong>, but in operation, it is being controlled to hit <strong><%= data[:set_max].round(1) %> F </strong> by a scheduled controller using schedule <strong><%= data[:schedule_name] %></strong>. This mismatch between sizing and operational values may cause unmet heating hours for thermal zones connected to this Heating Plant Loop. </p> <% elsif ( data[:loop_type] == "Cooling") %> <p>Cooling Plant Loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> has a design loop exit temperature of <strong><%= data[:exit_temp].round(1) %> F</strong>, but in operation, it is being controlled to hit <strong><%= data[:set_min].round(1) %> F </strong> by a scheduled controller using schedule <strong><%= data[:schedule_name] %></strong>. This mismatch between sizing and operational values may cause unmet cooling hours for thermal zones connected to this Cooling Plant Loop. </p> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_6">6. Check design cooling and heating supply air temperatures in airloops.</h3> <% if @measureMetrics[:test_seven_state] == :no_airloops then %> <% else %> <% @measureMetrics[:airloop_reasonable_setting].each do | loop_name, data | %> <p> <% if ( data[:reheat] ) then %> <% if ( data[:centralHeatingTempF] > 70 ) then %> Air loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> is a reheat system, but has a design heating supply air temperatures of <strong><%= data[:centralHeatingTempF].round(1) %> F</strong>, which is significantly higher than the nominally expected minimum value of 55 F. This constraint may be the cause of unmet heating hours for thermal zones associated with this air loop. <% end %> <% else %> <% if ( data[:centralHeatingTempF] < 90 ) then %> Air loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> is not a reheat system, but has a design heating supply air temperatures of <strong><%= data[:centralHeatingTempF].round(1) %> F</strong>, which is less than the nominally expected minimum value of 90 F. This constraint may be the cause of unmet heating hours for thermal zones associated with this air loop. <% end %> <% end %> <% if ( data[:centralCoolingTempF] > 65 ) then %> Air loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> has a design cooling supply air temperatures of <strong><%= data[:centralCoolingTempF].round(1) %> F</strong>, which is greater than the nominally expected maximum value of 55 F. This constraint may be the cause of unmet cooling hours for thermal zones associated with this air loop. <% end %> </p> <% end %> <% end %> <h3 id="check_7">7. Check for differences between the design and operation temperatures in air loops.</h3> <p>Note: this check will only be performed for air loops controlled by a SetpointManager:Scheduled (green icon).</p> <% if @measureMetrics[:test_eight_state] == :no_airloops then %> <% else %> <% @measureMetrics[:air_loop_vs_schedule_temp].each do | loop_name, data | %> <p> <% if ( data[:status] == :no_scheduled_manager ) then %> <% else %> <% if ( data[:heating_status] == :failed ) then %> Air Loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> has a design central heating supply air temperature of <strong><%= data[:centralHeatingTemp].round(1) %> F</strong>, but in operation, it is being controlled to hit <strong><%= data[:maxSetpointValue].round(1) %> F</strong> by a controller using schedule <strong><%= data[:scheduleName] %></strong>. This mismatch between sizing and operational values may cause unmet heating hours for thermal zones connected to this Air Loop. <% end %> <% if ( data[:cooling_status] == :failed ) then %> Air Loop <strong><%= loop_name %></strong> has a design central cooling supply air temperature of <strong><%= data[:centralCoolingTemp].round(1) %> F</strong>, but in operation, it is being controlled to hit <strong><%= data[:minSetpointValue].round(1) %> F</strong> by a controller using schedule <strong><%= data[:scheduleName] %></strong>. This mismatch between sizing and operational values may cause unmet cooling hours for thermal zones connected to this Air Loop. <% end %> <% end %> </p> <% end %> <% end %> </p> <h3 id="check_8">8. Unmet Hours Timeseries Graphs.</h3> <div id = "graphs" class="container"/> </div> </body> </html>