# Casper (Still in Development Mode...) Is a jruby library that takes a jrxml document, a xmldocument, and a xpath selection string, to create a pdf report. # Install ``` ruby curl -O http://casper-gem.s3.amazonaws.com/casper-0.0.1.gem gem install casper-0.0.1.gem ``` # Input * JasperReport Template or jrxml file * Xml Data * XPath Selection # Process Casper will use the JasperReports library to compile and return a pdf. # Output A pdf document in string of bytes # Example movie_jrxml = open('moviereport.jrxml').read movies = open('movies.xml').read pdf_string = Casper.new.compile(movie_jrxml, movies, '//movie') open('movie.pdf', 'wb').write(pdf_string)