// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2011 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var view, content1, content2 ; module("SC.CollectionView.length", { setup: function() { // stub in collection view to verify that proper method are called view = SC.CollectionView.create({ observer: CoreTest.stub('observer(length)').observes('length'), computeLayout: CoreTest.stub('computeLayout', SC.CollectionView.prototype.computeLayout), reset: function(){ this.observer.reset(); this.computeLayout.reset(); } }); content1 = "a b c".w(); content2 = "d e f g h".w(); } }); test("no content should have length of 0", function() { equals(view.get('content'), null, 'precond - content is null'); equals(view.get('length'), 0, 'length should be 0'); }); test("length should be set property on newly inited object with content already set", function() { view = SC.CollectionView.create({ content: content1 }); equals(view.get('length'), content1.get('length'), 'view.length should be content.length'); }); test("setting content should update length & notify", function() { view.set('content', content1); equals(view.get('length'), content1.get('length'), 'view.length should equal new length'); view.observer.expect(1); }); test("changing the content should update length & notify", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care. ok(content1.get('length') !== content2.get('length'), 'precond - content1.length should not equal content2.length'); view.set('content', content2); equals(view.get('length'), content2.get('length'), 'view.length should equal new length'); view.observer.expect(1); }); test("modifying content to make it shorter should update view length and notify",function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care. var len = content1.get('length'); content1.removeAt(1); equals(view.get('length'), len-1, 'view.length should equal new length'); view.observer.expect(1); }); test("modifying content to add length should update view length and notify",function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care. var len = content1.get('length'); content1.insertAt(1, 'foo'); equals(view.get('length'), len+1, 'view.length should equal new length'); view.observer.expect(1); }); test("modifying content so that it does not change the length should NOT change view length OR notify", function() { view.set('content', content1); view.reset(); // don't care. var len = content1.get('length'); content1.replace(1, 1, 'foo'); equals(view.get('length'), len, 'view.length should equal new length'); view.observer.expect(0); });