module Slodown class Formatter def initialize(source) @current = @source = source.to_s end # Runs the entire pipeline. # def complete markdown.autolink.sanitize end # Convert the current document state from Markdown into HTML. # def markdown @current = self end # Auto-link URLs through Rinku. # def autolink @current = Rinku.auto_link(@current) self end # Sanitize HTML tags. # def sanitize(mode = :normal) @current = case mode when :normal Sanitize.clean(@current, elements: %w( p a span sub sup strong em div hr abbr ul ol li blockquote pre code h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 img object param del ), attributes: { :all => ['class', 'style', 'title'], 'a' => ['href', 'rel', 'name'], 'li' => ['id'], 'sup' => ['id'], 'img' => ['src', 'title', 'alt', 'width', 'height'], 'object' => ['width', 'height'], 'param' => ['name', 'value'], 'embed' => ['allowscriptaccess', 'width', 'height', 'src'], 'iframe' => ['width', 'height', 'src'] }, protocols: { 'a' => { 'href' => ['ftp', 'http', 'https', 'mailto', '#fn', '#fnref', :relative] }, 'img' => {'src' => ['http', 'https', :relative]}, 'iframe' => {'src' => ['http', 'https']}, 'embed' => {'src' => ['http', 'https']}, 'object' => {'src' => ['http', 'https']}, 'li' => {'id' => ['fn']}, 'sup' => {'id' => ['fnref']} }, transformers: EmbedTransformer) else Sanitize.clean(@current) end self end def to_s @current end end end