require 'rexml/document' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # Initialization Options # :login Your store number # :pem The text of your linkpoint PEM file. Note # this is not the path to file, but its # contents. If you are only using one PEM # file on your site you can declare it # globally and then you won't need to # include this option # # # A valid store number is required. Unfortunately, with LinkPoint # YOU CAN'T JUST USE ANY OLD STORE NUMBER. Also, you can't just # generate your own PEM file. You'll need to use a special PEM file # provided by LinkPoint. # # Go to to set up # a test account and obtain your PEM file. # # Declaring PEM file Globally # ActiveMerchant::Billing::LinkpointGateway.pem_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../mycert.pem' ) # # # Valid Order Options # :result => # LIVE Production mode # GOOD Approved response in test mode # DECLINE Declined response in test mode # DUPLICATE Duplicate response in test mode # # :ponumber Order number # # :transactionorigin => Source of the transaction # ECI Email or Internet # MAIL Mail order # MOTO Mail order/Telephone # TELEPHONE Telephone # RETAIL Face-to-face # # :ordertype => # SALE Real live sale # PREAUTH Authorize only # POSTAUTH Forced Ticket or Ticket Only transaction # VOID # CREDIT # CALCSHIPPING For shipping charges calculations # CALCTAX For sales tax calculations # # Recurring Options # :action => # SUBMIT # MODIFY # CANCEL # # :installments Identifies how many recurring payments to charge the customer # :startdate Date to begin charging the recurring payments. Format: YYYYMMDD or "immediate" # :periodicity => # MONTHLY # BIMONTHLY # WEEKLY # BIWEEKLY # YEARLY # DAILY # :threshold Tells how many times to retry the transaction (if it fails) before contacting the merchant. # :comments Uh... comments # # # For reference: # # # # Entities = { # :payment => [:subtotal, :tax, :vattax, :shipping, :chargetotal], # :billing => [:name, :address1, :address2, :city, :state, :zip, :country, :email, :phone, :fax, :addrnum], # :shipping => [:name, :address1, :address2, :city, :state, :zip, :country, :weight, :items, :carrier, :total], # :creditcard => [:cardnumber, :cardexpmonth, :cardexpyear, :cvmvalue, :track], # :telecheck => [:routing, :account, :checknumber, :bankname, :bankstate, :dl, :dlstate, :void, :accounttype, :ssn], # :transactiondetails => [:transactionorigin, :oid, :ponumber, :taxexempt, :terminaltype, :ip, :reference_number, :recurring, :tdate], # :periodic => [:action, :installments, :threshold, :startdate, :periodicity, :comments], # :notes => [:comments, :referred] # } # # # IMPORTANT NOTICE: # # LinkPoint's Items entity is not yet supported in this module. # class LinkpointGateway < Gateway # Your global PEM file. This will be assigned to you by linkpoint # # Example: # # ActiveMerchant::Billing::LinkpointGateway.pem_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../mycert.pem' ) # cattr_accessor :pem_file TEST_URL = '' LIVE_URL = '' # We don't have the certificate to verify LinkPoint self.ssl_strict = false self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'LinkPoint' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login) @options = { :result => 'LIVE', :pem => LinkpointGateway.pem_file }.update(options) raise ArgumentError, "You need to pass in your pem file using the :pem parameter or set it globally using ActiveMerchant::Billing::LinkpointGateway.pem_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../mycert.pem' ) or similar" if @options[:pem].blank? end # Send a purchase request with periodic options # Recurring Options # :action => # SUBMIT # MODIFY # CANCEL # # :installments Identifies how many recurring payments to charge the customer # :startdate Date to begin charging the recurring payments. Format: YYYYMMDD or "immediate" # :periodicity => # :monthly # :bimonthly # :weekly # :biweekly # :yearly # :daily # :threshold Tells how many times to retry the transaction (if it fails) before contacting the merchant. # :comments Uh... comments # def recurring(money, creditcard, options={}) requires!(options, [:periodicity, :bimonthly, :monthly, :biweekly, :weekly, :yearly, :daily], :installments, :order_id ) options.update( :ordertype => "SALE", :action => options[:action] || "SUBMIT", :installments => options[:installments] || 12, :startdate => options[:startdate] || "immediate", :periodicity => options[:periodicity].to_s || "monthly", :comments => options[:comments] || nil, :threshold => options[:threshold] || 3 ) commit(money, creditcard, options) end # Buy the thing def purchase(money, creditcard, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) options.update( :ordertype => "SALE" ) commit(money, creditcard, options) end # # Authorize the transaction # # Reserves the funds on the customer's credit card, but does not charge the card. # def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) requires!(options, :order_id) options.update( :ordertype => "PREAUTH" ) commit(money, creditcard, options) end # # Post an authorization. # # Captures the funds from an authorized transaction. # Order_id must be a valid order id from a prior authorized transaction. # def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) options.update( :order_id => authorization, :ordertype => "POSTAUTH" ) commit(money, nil, options) end # Void a previous transaction def void(identification, options = {}) options.update( :order_id => identification, :ordertype => "VOID" ) commit(nil, nil, options) end # # Refund an order # # identification must be a valid order id previously submitted by SALE # def credit(money, identification, options = {}) options.update( :ordertype => "CREDIT", :order_id => identification ) commit(money, nil, options) end def test? @options[:test] || super end private # Commit the transaction by posting the XML file to the LinkPoint server def commit(money, creditcard, options = {}) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL, post_data(money, creditcard, options))), response[:message], response, :test => test?, :authorization => response[:ordernum], :avs_result => { :code => response[:avs].to_s[2,1] }, :cvv_result => response[:avs].to_s[3,1] ) end def successful?(response) response[:approved] == "APPROVED" end # Build the XML file def post_data(money, creditcard, options) params = parameters(money, creditcard, options) xml = order = xml.add_element("order") # Merchant Info merchantinfo = order.add_element("merchantinfo") merchantinfo.add_element("configfile").text = @options[:login] # Loop over the params hash to construct the XML string for key, value in params elem = order.add_element(key.to_s) for k, v in params[key] elem.add_element(k.to_s).text = params[key][k].to_s if params[key][k] end # Linkpoint doesn't understand empty elements: order.delete(elem) if elem.size == 0 end return xml.to_s end # Set up the parameters hash just once so we don't have to do it # for every action. def parameters(money, creditcard, options = {}) params = { :payment => { :subtotal => amount(options[:subtotal]), :tax => amount(options[:tax]), :vattax => amount(options[:vattax]), :shipping => amount(options[:shipping]), :chargetotal => amount(money) }, :transactiondetails => { :transactionorigin => options[:transactionorigin] || "ECI", :oid => options[:order_id], :ponumber => options[:ponumber], :taxexempt => options[:taxexempt], :terminaltype => options[:terminaltype], :ip => options[:ip], :reference_number => options[:reference_number], :recurring => options[:recurring] || "NO", #DO NOT USE if you are using the periodic billing option. :tdate => options[:tdate] }, :orderoptions => { :ordertype => options[:ordertype], :result => @options[:result] }, :periodic => { :action => options[:action], :installments => options[:installments], :threshold => options[:threshold], :startdate => options[:startdate], :periodicity => options[:periodicity], :comments => options[:comments] }, :telecheck => { :routing => options[:telecheck_routing], :account => options[:telecheck_account], :checknumber => options[:telecheck_checknumber], :bankname => options[:telecheck_bankname], :dl => options[:telecheck_dl], :dlstate => options[:telecheck_dlstate], :void => options[:telecheck_void], :accounttype => options[:telecheck_accounttype], :ssn => options[:telecheck_ssn], } } if creditcard params[:creditcard] = { :cardnumber => creditcard.number, :cardexpmonth => creditcard.month, :cardexpyear => format_creditcard_expiry_year(creditcard.year), :track => nil } if creditcard.verification_value? params[:creditcard][:cvmvalue] = creditcard.verification_value params[:creditcard][:cvmindicator] = 'provided' else params[:creditcard][:cvmindicator] = 'not_provided' end end if billing_address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] params[:billing] = {} params[:billing][:name] = billing_address[:name] || creditcard ? : nil params[:billing][:address1] = billing_address[:address1] unless billing_address[:address1].blank? params[:billing][:address2] = billing_address[:address2] unless billing_address[:address2].blank? params[:billing][:city] = billing_address[:city] unless billing_address[:city].blank? params[:billing][:state] = billing_address[:state] unless billing_address[:state].blank? params[:billing][:zip] = billing_address[:zip] unless billing_address[:zip].blank? params[:billing][:country] = billing_address[:country] unless billing_address[:country].blank? params[:billing][:company] = billing_address[:company] unless billing_address[:company].blank? params[:billing][:phone] = billing_address[:phone] unless billing_address[:phone].blank? params[:billing][:email] = options[:email] unless options[:email].blank? end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] params[:shipping] = {} params[:shipping][:name] = shipping_address[:name] || creditcard ? : nil params[:shipping][:address1] = shipping_address[:address1] unless shipping_address[:address1].blank? params[:shipping][:address2] = shipping_address[:address2] unless shipping_address[:address2].blank? params[:shipping][:city] = shipping_address[:city] unless shipping_address[:city].blank? params[:shipping][:state] = shipping_address[:state] unless shipping_address[:state].blank? params[:shipping][:zip] = shipping_address[:zip] unless shipping_address[:zip].blank? params[:shipping][:country] = shipping_address[:country] unless shipping_address[:country].blank? end return params end def parse(xml) # For reference, a typical response... # <r_csp></r_csp> # <r_time></r_time> # <r_ref></r_ref> # <r_error></r_error> # <r_ordernum></r_ordernum> # <r_message>This is a test transaction and will not show up in the Reports</r_message> # <r_code></r_code> # <r_tdate>Thu Feb 2 15:40:21 2006</r_tdate> # <r_score></r_score> # <r_authresponse></r_authresponse> # <r_approved>APPROVED</r_approved> # <r_avs></r_avs> response = {:message => "Global Error Receipt", :complete => false} xml ="<response>#{xml}</response>") xml.root.elements.each do |node| response[^r_/, '').to_sym] = normalize(node.text) end unless xml.root.nil? response end # Make a ruby type out of the response string def normalize(field) case field when "true" then true when "false" then false when "" then nil when "null" then nil else field end end def format_creditcard_expiry_year(year) sprintf("%.4i", year)[-2..-1] end end end end