### 1.4.0 * Install nvm which installed node * Update postgres role * Update rbenv role * New memcached role that supports ansible 2.0 * Update unattended-upgrades role ### 1.3.6 * Added support for ansible 2.0 ### 1.3.5 * Fix issue with missing opts for slack notifier failing ansible commands ### 1.3.3 * Added slack notifications * Added fe build command to tape_vars.yml template * Fixed issues where test for bower.json was returning 1 exit code ### 1.3.2 * Fixes ssh_args to actually enable agent forwarding for everyone ### 1.3.0 * Puts all tape focused files for a repo into a taperole/ directory * Installs mosh * Installs htop * Removes vagrant runner * Auto-detect dev_keys * Only try to fe_deploy if fe_app_repo is defined * Control nginx with monit * Updates Readme * Disable retry files * tape will not check that requires vars are defined before proceeding with provisioning ### 1.2.3 * Fixed issue where users who were using vagrant could not ssh into the deployer user * Fixed issue where vagrant boxes init script was failing because .ssh dir already existed