# frozen_string_literal: true source 'https://rubygems.org' git_source(:github) { |repo| "https://github.com/#{repo}.git" } # ruby '<%= RUBY_VERSION %>' gem 'rails', '<%= Kowl::RAILS_VERSION %>' gem 'puma', '~> 4.3' # Use Puma as the applications web server # gem 'iodine', '~> 0.7' # An extremely fast and concurrent Application Server (works well with websockets) # gem 'falcon' # A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS # Falon => https://www.codeotaku.com/journal/2019-02/falcon-early-hints/index gem 'rack', '~> 2.2' # Gems required for running rails with RUBY_VERSION >= 2.7 if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.7' gem 'e2mmap' gem 'thwait' end ############################## ### Database ############################## <%- if options[:database] != 'sqlite3' -%> <% if options[:database] == 'oracle' -%> gem 'ruby-oci8' #, github: 'kubo/ruby-oci8', platforms: :ruby # only for CRuby users gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', '~> 6.0.0' <% elsif options[:database] == 'sqlserver' -%>gem 'activerecord-sqlserver-adapter', github: 'rails-sqlserver/activerecord-sqlserver-adapter', branch: '6-0-dev' <% elsif database_gemfile_entry -%> <%= indent_all_lines(gem_to_gemfile(database_gemfile_entry)) -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <%- if options[:database] == 'postgresql' -%> gem 'pghero', '>= 2.4' # https://github.com/ankane/pghero/blob/master/guides/Rails.md gem 'pg_query' # Used by pghero to suggest recommended indexes <% end -%> gem 'sqlite3'<%= gemfile_requirement('sqlite3') %> gem 'strong_migrations' # Catch unsafe migrations <%- unless options[:skip_erd] -%> gem 'rails-erd', group: :development # Generate an application ERD <%- end -%> ############################## ### Assets ############################## gem 'autoprefixer-rails' # add vendor prefixes to particular css properties gem 'font-awesome-sass' <%- if options[:framework] == 'bootstrap' -%> gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.4' <% elsif options[:framework] == 'semantic' -%> gem 'semantic-ui-sass'#, github: 'doabit/semantic-ui-sass' <%- end -%> gem 'sass-rails', '~> 6.0' # Libsass for rails pipeline (fast sass-rails replacement) <%- unless options[:skip_turbolinks] -%> gem 'turbolinks'<%= gemfile_requirement('turbolinks') %> # turbolinks for browsing your application faster <%- end -%> <%- if %w[bootstrap semantic].include? options[:framework] -%> gem '<%= template_engine_gem_str(options[:framework]) %>_views_generator', group: :development <%- end -%> <%- unless options[:skip_javascript] -%> gem 'webpacker', '~> <%= Kowl::WEBPACKER_VERSION %>' <%- end -%> ############################## # ActionText/ActiveStorage # Used because some gems such as administate still have assets build into the gem ############################## gem 'image_processing' # Used for processing ActionStorage uploads with imagemagick and/or vip # gem 'active_storage_validations' # Used for validating active storage uploads <%- unless options[:noauth] -%> ############################## # Admin/Dashboard ############################## gem 'administrate', github: 'thoughtbot/administrate' # Admin dashboard ############################## # Authorization, Authentication [Roles], and permissions ############################## gem 'argon2', '>= 2' # https://ankane.org/devise-argon2 gem 'authtrail' # For tracking devise login activity gem 'devise', github: 'plataformatec/devise' # Rails based user authentication gem 'devise-security' # Additional security measures for devise gem 'valid_email2' # Stronger email validator (Includes RFC, blackist, and whitelist validations) gem 'pretender' # Allows superusers to emulate being another user gem 'pundit' # A slim user authorization library gem 'maxminddb' # Used by AuthTrail, used to prevent geocoder from making remote API Requests to geocoder service # Additional devise plugins to consider # gem 'devise-i18n' # For i18n translation support # gem 'devise_invalidatable`, github: 'madkins/devise_invalidatable' # gem 'devise-uncommon_password', github: 'HCLarsen/devise-uncommon_password' # -> Avatars # gem 'gravatar_image_tag' # gem 'letter_avatar', github: 'ksz2k/letter_avatar' # -> User Profile data # gem 'name_of_person' # Official bootcamp gem for presenting user names <%- end -%> <%- unless options[:skip_sidekiq] -%> ############################## # Background jobs and Redis ############################## gem 'hiredis' # C based adapter for connecting to redis gem 'sidekiq', '>= 6.0' # For scheduling background jobs gem 'sidekiq-failures' # Shows you a list of failed sidekiq jobs gem 'sidekiq-scheduler' # Lightweight job scheduler (mimicks cron scheduling) gem 'sidekiq-status' # View the status of any currently running sidekiq jobs # gem 'sidekiq-bulk' # Easy bulk processing # gem 'sidekiq-unique-jobs' # Ensures only unique jobs are being ran at any given time <%- end -%> <%- unless options[:skip_mailer] -%> ############################## # Mailers ############################## gem 'bootstrap-email' <%= mailer_gems(options[:mailer]) %>, group: :production group :development do gem 'letter_opener' gem 'letter_opener_web', '~> 1.0' end <%- end -%> ############################## # Misc ############################## gem 'auto_strip_attributes', '~> 2.5' # Reduce needing to add before_validation hooks to the models to cleanup attributes gem 'jsonapi-serializer', github: 'jsonapi-serializer/jsonapi-serializer' # A lightening fast json serializer gem 'jbuilder'<%= gemfile_requirement('jbuilder') %> # Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more: https://github.com/rails/jbuilder gem 'meta-tags' # Used for adding dynamic titles when switching between pages. gem 'oj' # For faster json generating and parsing <% if options[:simpleform] -%> gem 'simple_form', '~> 5.0' # A DSL to make forms easier to work with <% end -%> <% unless options[:skip_pagination] -%> gem 'pagy', '~> 3.7' # An extremely fast pagination alternative <% end -%> <%- unless options[:template_engine].to_s == 'erb' -%> gem '<%= options[:template_engine] %>-rails' <%- end -%> ############################## ### Performance Optimizations ############################## gem 'attendance' # Speed up for ActiveRecord#present? (removes additional query requests) gem 'bootsnap', require: false # Reduces boot times through caching gem 'fast_blank', platform: :mri # fast implementation of .blank? ############################## ### Responses, Errors, and Security ############################## gem 'dotenv-rails', groups: [:development, :test] gem 'rack-attack' # Rack middleware for blocking & throttling # gem 'rack-protection', github: 'https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/tree/master/rack-protection' # gem 'secure_headers' # Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults gem 'slowpoke' # Utilize Rack::Timeout to kill long running requests ############################## ### Security (Data Security) ############################## <%- if options[:encrypt] %> gem 'blind_index' # Securely search encrypted database fields gem 'lockbox' # Modern encryption for Rails (For encrypting sensitive information within the database) gem 'rbnacl' # Ruby binding for libsodium <%- end -%> gem 'lograge' # For cleaning up your application logs gem 'logstop' # Keep personally identifiable information (PII) out of your logs # gem 'honeybadger' # For Exception logging (logs the applications backtrace) ############################## ### Structure [Presentors, Decorators, etc.] ############################## gem 'active_decorator' ############################## ### Development/Testing gems ############################## group :development, :test do gem 'brakeman' gem 'bundler-audit', github: 'rubysec/bundler-audit' gem 'byebug', platforms: %i[mri mingw x64_mingw] <%- unless options[:test_engine] == 'none' -%> gem 'factory_bot_rails' # For building objects associated with your models gem 'faker' # for generating sample data <%- end -%> <%= pry_gems(options[:skip_pry]) -%> # --- Linters (Asset testing, Static Code Analyzers) gem 'fasterer', require: false # Used to scan and check for any slow code # gem 'inquisition', github: 'rubygarage/inquisition' <%= template_linter_gems(options[:template_engine]) %> gem 'scss_lint', require: false gem 'rails_best_practices' # for testing for rails best practice methods gem 'rubocop', require: false # github: 'rubocop-hq/rubocop' gem 'rubocop-performance', '~> 1.5', require: false gem 'rubocop-rails', '~> 2.3', require: false <%= robocop_test_engine(options[:test_engine], options[:skip_tests]) %> # gem 'rubycritic', require: false # Code Quality analyzer end group :development do gem 'annotate' gem 'better_errors' # dev: better error messages # gem 'binding_of_caller' gem 'bullet' # For logging all unnecessary N+1 queries and unused eager_loaded associations gem 'listen'<%= gemfile_requirement('listen') %> <%- unless options[:skip_spring] -%> # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more: https://github.com/rails/spring gem 'spring' gem 'spring-watcher-listen'<%= gemfile_requirement('spring-watcher-listen') %> <%- end -%> gem 'web-console'<%= gemfile_requirement('web-console') %> end <%- unless options[:test_engine] == 'none' || options[:skip_tests] -%> group :test do gem 'database_cleaner' # For flushing the database between tests <%- if options[:test_engine] == 'minitest' -%> gem 'minitest' gem 'minitest-reporters' # used to enhance basic minitest capibilities <%- elsif options[:test_engine] == 'rspec' -%> gem 'cucumber-rails', require: false gem 'formulaic' # For generating form based test submissions gem 'fuubar' # RSpec progress bar # gem 'parallel_tests' # needs to be ran against a database other than sqlite3 gem 'pig-ci-rails' # For displaying application memory metrics while running tests <%- unless options[:noauth] -%> gem 'pundit-matchers' # RSpec matchers for testing Pundit authorization policies <%- end -%> gem 'rspec-rails', '>= 3.9' <%- unless options[:skip_sidekiq] -%> gem 'rspec-sidekiq' <%- end -%> <%- end -%> gem 'rails-controller-testing' # , github: 'rails/rails-controller-testing' gem 'simplecov' # generate html report on the applications test results gem 'shoulda' # Write easy to understand and maintainable tests gem 'test-prof' # For profiling tests, rspec, and factories gem 'timecop' # For time based testing (time travel) ############################## ### integration testing ############################## # Adds support for Capybara system testing and selenium driver gem 'capybara'<%= gemfile_requirement('capybara') %> gem 'selenium-webdriver' gem 'webdrivers', '~> 4.0' end <%- end -%> # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby] gem 'kowl'