require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'redis/counter' require 'redis/list' require 'redis/set' require 'redis/value' describe Redis::Value do before :all do @value ='spec/value') end before :each do @value.delete end it "should handle simple values" do @value.should == nil @value.value = 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.get.should == 'Trevor Hoffman' @value.del.should be_true @value.should be_nil end it "should handle complex marshaled values" do @value.should == nil @value.value = {:json => 'data'} @value.should == {:json => 'data'} @value.get.should == {:json => 'data'} @value.value = [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.get.should == [[1,2], {:t3 => 4}] @value.del.should be_true @value.should be_nil end it "should support renaming values" do @value.value = 'Peter Pan' @value.key.should == 'spec/value' @value.rename('spec/value2').should be_true @value.key.should == 'spec/value2' @value.should == 'Peter Pan' old ='spec/value') old.should be_nil old.value = 'Tuff' @value.renamenx('spec/value').should be_false end after :all do @value.delete end end describe Redis::List do before :all do @list ='spec/list') end before :each do @list.clear end it "should handle lists of simple values" do @list.should be_empty @list << 'a' @list.should == ['a'] @list.get.should == ['a'] @list.unshift 'b' @list.to_s.should == 'b, a' @list.should == ['b','a'] @list.get.should == ['b','a'] @list.push 'c' @list.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.first.should == 'b' @list.last.should == 'c' @list << 'd' @list.should == ['b','a','c','d'] @list[1].should == 'a' @list[0].should == 'b' @list[2].should == 'c' @list[3].should == 'd' @list.include?('c').should be_true @list.include?('no').should be_false @list.pop.should == 'd' @list[0].should == @list[1].should == @list[2].should == @list.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.get.should == ['b','a','c'] @list.shift.should == 'b' @list.should == ['a','c'] @list.get.should == ['a','c'] @list << 'e' << 'f' << 'e' @list.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','e','f','e'] @list.delete('e').should == 2 @list.should == ['a','c','f'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f'] @list << 'j' @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list[0..2].should == ['a','c','f'] @list[1, 3].should == ['c','f','j'] @list.length.should == 4 @list.size.should == 4 @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] i = -1 @list.each do |st| st.should == @list[i += 1] end @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.each_with_index do |st,i| st.should == @list[i] end @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] coll = @list.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j'] @list << 'a' coll ={|st| st == 'a'} coll.should == ['a','a'] @list.should == ['a','c','f','j','a'] @list.get.should == ['a','c','f','j','a'] end it "should handle lists of complex data types" do @list << {:json => 'data'} @list << {:json2 => 'data2'} @list.first.should == {:json => 'data'} @list.last.should == {:json2 => 'data2'} @list << [1,2,3,[4,5]] @list.last.should == [1,2,3,[4,5]] @list.shift.should == {:json => 'data'} end it "should support renaming lists" do @list.should be_empty @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @list.should == ['a','b','a','3'] @list.key.should == 'spec/list' @list.rename('spec/list3', false).should be_true @list.key.should == 'spec/list' @list.redis.del('spec/list3') @list << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @list.rename('spec/list2').should be_true @list.key.should == 'spec/list2' @list.redis.lrange(@list.key, 0, 3).should == ['a','b','a','3'] old ='spec/list') old.should be_empty old << 'Tuff' @list.renamenx('spec/list').should be_false @list.renamenx(old).should be_false @list.renamenx('spec/foo').should be_true @list.clear @list.redis.del('spec/list2') end after :all do @list.clear end end describe Redis::Set do before :all do @set ='spec/set') @set_1 ='spec/set_1') @set_2 ='spec/set_2') @set_3 ='spec/set_3') end before :each do @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear end it "should handle sets of simple values" do @set.should be_empty @set << 'a' << 'a' << 'a' @set.should == ['a'] @set.get.should == ['a'] @set << 'b' << 'b' @set.to_s.should == 'a, b' @set.should == ['a','b'] @set.members.should == ['a','b'] @set.get.should == ['a','b'] @set << 'c' @set.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] @set.delete('c') @set.should == ['a','b'] @set.get.sort.should == ['a','b'] @set.length.should == 2 @set.size.should == 2 i = 0 @set.each do |st| i += 1 end i.should == @set.length coll = @set.collect{|st| st} coll.should == ['a','b'] @set.should == ['a','b'] @set.get.should == ['a','b'] @set << 'c' @set.member?('c').should be_true @set.include?('c').should be_true @set.member?('no').should be_false coll ={|st| st == 'c'} coll.should == ['c'] @set.sort.should == ['a','b','c'] end it "should handle set intersections, unions, and diffs" do @set_1 << 'a' << 'b' << 'c' << 'd' << 'e' @set_2 << 'c' << 'd' << 'e' << 'f' << 'g' @set_3 << 'a' << 'd' << 'g' << 'l' << 'm' @set_1.sort.should == %w(a b c d e) @set_2.sort.should == %w(c d e f g) @set_3.sort.should == %w(a d g l m) (@set_1 & @set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.intersection(@set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.intersection(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['d'] @set_1.intersect(@set_2).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.inter(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['d'] @set_1.interstore(INTERSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 3 @set_1.redis.smembers(INTERSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['c','d','e'] @set_1.interstore(INTERSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 1 @set_1.redis.smembers(INTERSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['d'] (@set_1 | @set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] (@set_1 + @set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.union(@set_2).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.union(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','l','m'] @set_1.unionstore(UNIONSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 7 @set_1.redis.smembers(UNIONSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] @set_1.unionstore(UNIONSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 9 @set_1.redis.smembers(UNIONSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','l','m'] (@set_1 ^ @set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] (@set_1 - @set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] (@set_2 - @set_1).sort.should == ["f", "g"] @set_1.difference(@set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] @set_1.diff(@set_2).sort.should == ["a", "b"] @set_1.difference(@set_2, @set_3).sort.should == ['b'] @set_1.diffstore(DIFFSTORE_KEY, @set_2).should == 2 @set_1.redis.smembers(DIFFSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['a','b'] @set_1.diffstore(DIFFSTORE_KEY, @set_2, @set_3).should == 1 @set_1.redis.smembers(DIFFSTORE_KEY).sort.should == ['b'] end it "should support renaming sets" do @set.should be_empty @set << 'a' << 'b' << 'a' << 3 @set.sort.should == ['3','a','b'] @set.key.should == 'spec/set' @set.rename('spec/set2').should be_true @set.key.should == 'spec/set2' old ='spec/set') old.should be_empty old << 'Tuff' @set.renamenx('spec/set').should be_false @set.renamenx(old).should be_false @set.renamenx('spec/foo').should be_true @set.clear @set.redis.del('spec/set2') end after :all do @set.clear @set_1.clear @set_2.clear @set_3.clear end end describe Redis::Counter do before :all do @counter ='spec/counter') @counter2 ='spec/counter') end before :each do @counter.reset end it "should support increment/decrement of counters" do @counter.key.should == 'spec/counter' @counter.incr(10) @counter.should == 10 # math proxy ops (@counter == 10).should be_true (@counter <= 10).should be_true (@counter < 11).should be_true (@counter > 9).should be_true (@counter >= 10).should be_true "#{@counter}".should == "10" @counter.increment.should == 11 @counter.increment.should == 12 @counter2.increment.should == 13 @counter2.increment(2).should == 15 @counter.decrement.should == 14 @counter2.decrement.should == 13 @counter.decrement.should == 12 @counter2.decrement(4).should == 8 @counter.should == 8 @counter.reset.should be_true @counter.should == 0 @counter.reset(15).should be_true @counter.should == 15 end after :all do @counter.delete end end