require 'jeweler' require 'rspec/core/rake_task''spec') do |t| t.pattern= 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' end tasks = do |gem| # gem is a Gem::Specification; see for more options = 'right_api_client' gem.homepage = '' gem.license = 'MIT' gem.summary = 'RightScale MultiCloud API HTTP Client' gem.description = %{ The right_api_client gem simplifies the use of RightScale's MultiCloud API. It provides a simple object model of the API resources, and handles all of the fine details involved in making HTTP calls and translating their responses. } = '' gem.authors = ['RightScale, Inc.'] # This gem is special; its own VERSION file needs to be shipped with the gem in order to # initialize the VERSION constant living under RightApi::Client. gem.files.include 'VERSION' # Keep the gem nice and svelte gem.files.exclude 'config' gem.files.exclude 'cookies' gem.files.exclude 'spec' end # Never auto-commit during operations that change the repository. Allows developers to decide on their own commit comment # and/or aggregate version bumps into other fixes. tasks.jeweler.commit = false CLEAN.include('pkg')