{I" class:ETI"ProcessedAsset;FI"logical_path;TI" judge.js;FI" pathname;TI"X/Library/WebServer/Documents/work/open_source/judge/app/assets/javascripts/judge.js;FI"content_type;TI"application/javascript;TI" mtime;Tl+÷yDUI" length;TiË4I" digest;TI"%b98834c4491cc36ec3ceddffa892e942;FI" source;TI"Ë4// Judge 2.0.6 // (c) 2011-2013 Joe Corcoran // http://raw.github.com/joecorcoran/judge/master/LICENSE.txt // This is judge.js: the JavaScript part of Judge. Judge is a client-side // validation gem for Rails 3. You can find the Judge gem API documentation at // . (function() { var root = this; // The judge namespace. var judge = root.judge = {}, _ = root._; judge.VERSION = '2.0.6'; // Trying to be a bit more descriptive than the basic error types allow. var DependencyError = function(message) { this.name = 'DependencyError'; this.message = message; }; DependencyError.prototype = new Error(); DependencyError.prototype.constructor = DependencyError; // Throw dependency errors if necessary. if (typeof _ === 'undefined') { throw new DependencyError('Ensure underscore.js is loaded'); } if (_.isUndefined(root.JSON)) { throw new DependencyError( 'Judge depends on the global JSON object (load json2.js in old browsers)' ); } // Returns the object type as represented in `Object.prototype.toString`. var objectString = function(object) { var string = Object.prototype.toString.call(object); return string.replace(/\[|\]/g, '').split(' ')[1]; }; // A way of checking isArray, but including weird object types that are // returned from collection queries. var isCollection = function(object) { var type = objectString(object), types = [ 'Array', 'NodeList', 'StaticNodeList', 'HTMLCollection', 'HTMLFormElement', 'HTMLAllCollection' ]; return _(types).include(type); }; // eval is used here for stuff like `(3, '<', 4) => '3 < 4' => true`. var operate = function(input, operator, validInput) { return eval(input+' '+operator+' '+validInput); }; // Some nifty numerical helpers. var isInt = function(value) { return Math.round(value) == value; }, isEven = function(value) { return (value % 2 === 0) ? true : false; }, isOdd = function(value) { return !isEven(value); }; // Converts a Ruby regular expression, given as a string, into JavaScript. // This is rudimentary at best, as there are many, many differences between // Ruby and JavaScript when it comes to regexp-fu. The plan is to replace this // with an XRegExp plugin which will port some Ruby regexp features to // JavaScript. var convertFlags = function(string) { var on = string.split('-')[0]; return (/m/.test(on)) ? 'm' : ''; }; var convertRegExp = function(string) { var parts = string.slice(1, -1).split(':'), flags = parts.shift().replace('?', ''), source = parts.join(':').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); return new RegExp(source, convertFlags(flags)); }; // Returns a browser-specific XHR object, or null if one cannot be constructed. var reqObj = function() { return ( (root.ActiveXObject && new root.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')) || (root.XMLHttpRequest && new root.XMLHttpRequest()) || null ); }; // Performs a GET request using the browser's XHR object. This provides very // basic ajax capability and was written specifically for use in the provided // uniqueness validator without requiring jQuery. var get = judge.get = function(url, callbacks) { var req = reqObj(); if (!!req) { req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState === 4) { req.onreadystatechange = function() {}; var callback = /^20\d$/.test(req.status) ? callbacks.success : callbacks['error']; callback(req.status, req.responseHeaders, req.responseText); } }; req.open('GET', url, true); req.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); req.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); req.send(); } return req; }; // Some helper methods for working with Rails-style input attributes. var attrFromName = function(name) { var matches, attr = ''; if (matches = name.match(/\[(\w+)\]$/)) { attr = matches[1]; } return attr; }; originalValue = function(el) { var validations = JSON.parse(el.getAttribute('data-validate')); var validation = _.filter(validations, function (validation) { return validation.kind === "uniqueness"})[0]; return validation.original_value; }; // Build the URL necessary to send a GET request to the mounted validations // controller to check the validity of the given form element. var urlFor = judge.urlFor = function(el, kind) { var path = judge.enginePath, params = { 'klass' : el.getAttribute('data-klass'), 'attribute': attrFromName(el.name), 'value' : el.value, 'kind' : kind }; if (kind === 'uniqueness') { params['original_value'] = originalValue(el); } return path + queryString(params); }; // Convert an object literal into an encoded query string. var queryString = function(obj) { var e = encodeURIComponent, qs = _.reduce(obj, function(memo, value, key) { return memo + e(key) + '=' + e(value) + '&'; }, '?'); return qs.replace(/&$/, '').replace(/%20/g, '+'); }; // Default path to mounted engine. Override this if you decide to mount // Judge::Engine at a different location. judge.enginePath = '/judge'; // Provides event dispatch behaviour when mixed into an object. Concept // taken from Backbone.js, stripped down and altered. // Backbone.js (c) 2010-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc. // http://backbonejs.org var Dispatcher = judge.Dispatcher = { on: function(eventName, callback, scope) { if (!_.isFunction(callback)) return this; this._events || (this._events = {}); var events = this._events[eventName] || (this._events[eventName] = []); events.push({ callback: callback, scope: scope || this }); if (eventName !== 'bind') { this.trigger('bind', eventName); } return this; }, trigger: function(eventName) { if (!this._events) return this; var args = _.rest(arguments), events = this._events[eventName] || (this._events[eventName] = []); _.each(events, function(eventObj) { eventObj.callback.apply(eventObj.scope, args); }); return this; } }; // A queue of closed or pending Validation objects. var ValidationQueue = judge.ValidationQueue = function(element) { this.element = element; this.validations = []; this.attrValidators = root.JSON.parse(this.element.getAttribute('data-validate')); _.each(this.attrValidators, function(av) { if (this.element.value.length || av.options.allow_blank !== true) { var method = _.bind(judge.eachValidators[av.kind], this.element), validation = method(av.options, av.messages); validation.on('close', this.tryClose, this); this.validations.push(validation); } }, this); this.on('bind', this.tryClose, this); }; _.extend(ValidationQueue.prototype, Dispatcher, { tryClose: function(eventName) { var report = _.reduce(this.validations, function(obj, validation) { obj.statuses = _.union(obj.statuses, [validation.status()]); obj.messages = _.union(obj.messages, _.compact(validation.messages)); return obj; }, { statuses: [], messages: [] }, this); if (!_.contains(report.statuses, 'pending')) { var status = _.contains(report.statuses, 'invalid') ? 'invalid' : 'valid'; // handle single callback this.trigger('close', this.element, status, report.messages); // handle named callbacks this.trigger(status, this.element, report.messages); } } }); // Event-capable object returned by validator methods. var Validation = judge.Validation = function(messages) { this.messages = null; if (_.isArray(messages)) this.close(messages); return this; }; _.extend(Validation.prototype, Dispatcher, { close: function(messages) { if (this.closed()) return null; this.messages = _.isString(messages) ? root.JSON.parse(messages) : messages; this.trigger('close', this.status(), this.messages); return this; }, closed: function() { return _.isArray(this.messages); }, status: function() { if (!this.closed()) return 'pending'; return this.messages.length > 0 ? 'invalid' : 'valid'; } }); // Convenience methods for creating Validation objects in different states. var pending = judge.pending = function() { return new Validation(); }; var closed = judge.closed = function(messages) { return new Validation(messages); }; // Ported ActiveModel validators. // See for // the originals. judge.eachValidators = { // ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator presence: function(options, messages) { return closed(this.value.length ? [] : [messages.blank]); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator length: function(options, messages) { var msgs = [], types = { minimum: { operator: '<', message: 'too_short' }, maximum: { operator: '>', message: 'too_long' }, is: { operator: '!=', message: 'wrong_length' } }; _(types).each(function(properties, type) { var invalid = operate(this.value.length, properties.operator, options[type]); if (_(options).has(type) && invalid) { msgs.push(messages[properties.message]); } }, this); return closed(msgs); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::ExclusionValidator exclusion: function(options, messages) { var stringIn = _(options['in']).map(function(o) { return o.toString(); }); return closed( _.include(stringIn, this.value) ? [messages.exclusion] : [] ); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator inclusion: function(options, messages) { var stringIn = _(options['in']).map(function(o) { return o.toString(); }); return closed( !_.include(stringIn, this.value) ? [messages.inclusion] : [] ); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator numericality: function(options, messages) { var operators = { greater_than: '>', greater_than_or_equal_to: '>=', equal_to: '==', less_than: '<', less_than_or_equal_to: '<=' }, msgs = [], parsedValue = parseFloat(this.value, 10); if (isNaN(Number(this.value))) { msgs.push(messages.not_a_number); } else { if (options.odd && isEven(parsedValue)) msgs.push(messages.odd); if (options.even && isOdd(parsedValue)) msgs.push(messages.even); if (options.only_integer && !isInt(parsedValue)) msgs.push(messages.not_an_integer); _(operators).each(function(operator, key) { var valid = operate(parsedValue, operators[key], parseFloat(options[key], 10)); if (_(options).has(key) && !valid) { msgs.push(messages[key]); } }); } return closed(msgs); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::FormatValidator format: function(options, messages) { var msgs = []; if (_(options).has('with')) { var withReg = convertRegExp(options['with']); if (!withReg.test(this.value)) { msgs.push(messages.invalid); } } if (_(options).has('without')) { var withoutReg = convertRegExp(options.without); if (withoutReg.test(this.value)) { msgs.push(messages.invalid); } } return closed(msgs); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::AcceptanceValidator acceptance: function(options, messages) { return closed(this.checked === true ? [] : [messages.accepted]); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::ConfirmationValidator confirmation: function(options, messages) { var id = this.getAttribute('id'), confId = id + '_confirmation', confElem = root.document.getElementById(confId); return closed( this.value === confElem.value ? [] : [messages.confirmation] ); }, // ActiveModel::Validations::UniquenessValidator uniqueness: function(options, messages) { var validation = pending(); get(urlFor(this, 'uniqueness'), { success: function(status, headers, text) { validation.close(text); }, error: function(status, headers, text) { validation.close(['Request error: ' + status]); } }); return validation; } }; var isCallbacksObj = function(obj) { return _.isObject(obj) && _.has(obj, 'valid') && _.has(obj, 'invalid'); }; // Method for validating a form element. Pass either a single // callback or one for valid and one for invalid. judge.validate = function(element, callbacks) { var queue = new ValidationQueue(element); if (_.isFunction(callbacks)) { queue.on('close', callbacks); } else if (isCallbacksObj(callbacks)) { queue.on('valid', _.once(callbacks.valid)); queue.on('invalid', _.once(callbacks.invalid)); } return queue; }; }).call(this); ;TI"dependency_digest;TI"%72b74d6e481394a88de34fa1592051e4;FI"required_paths;T[I"X/Library/WebServer/Documents/work/open_source/judge/app/assets/javascripts/judge.js;FI"dependency_paths;T[{I" path;TI"X/Library/WebServer/Documents/work/open_source/judge/app/assets/javascripts/judge.js;FI" mtime;TI"2015-05-02T00:17:11-07:00;TI" digest;TI"%b98834c4491cc36ec3ceddffa892e942;FI" _version;TI"%64e62ddc273c2f5847f30d698ca14b67;F