Class: R509::Cert
- Inherits:
- Object
- R509::Cert
- Includes:
- IOHelpers
- Defined in:
- lib/r509/cert.rb,
The primary certificate object.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Extensions
Instance Attribute Summary (collapse)
- (Object) cert
Returns the value of attribute cert.
- (Object) issuer
Returns the value of attribute issuer.
- (Object) key
Returns the value of attribute key.
- (Object) subject
Returns the value of attribute subject.
Class Method Summary (collapse)
+ (R509::Cert) load_from_file(filename)
Helper method to quickly load a cert from the filesystem.
Instance Method Summary (collapse)
- (Array) all_names
Return the CN, as well as all the subject alternative names (SANs).
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityInfoAccess) authority_info_access
(also: #aia)
Returns this object's AuthorityInfoAccess extension as an R509 extension.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityKeyIdentifier) authority_key_identifier
Returns this object's AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension as an R509 extension.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::BasicConstraints) basic_constraints
Returns this object's BasicConstraints extension as an R509 extension.
- (Integer) bit_strength
Returns the bit strength of the key used to create the certificate.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::CertificatePolicies) certificate_policies
Returns this object's CertificatePolicies extension as an R509 extension.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::CRLDistributionPoints) crl_distribution_points
(also: #cdp)
Returns this object's CRLDistributionPoints extension as an R509 extension.
- (String) curve_name
Returns the short name of the elliptic curve used to generate the public key if the key is EC.
- (Boolean) dsa?
Returns whether the public key is DSA.
- (Boolean) ec?
Returns whether the public key is EC.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::ExtendedKeyUsage) extended_key_usage
(also: #eku)
Returns this object's ExtendedKeyUsage extension as an R509 extension.
- (Hash) extensions
Returns the certificate extensions as a hash of R509::Cert::Extensions specific objects.
- (String) fingerprint(algorithm = 'sha1')
Returns the certificate fingerprint with the specified algorithm (default sha1).
- (Boolean) has_private_key?
Boolean of whether the object contains a private key.
- (String) hexserial
Returns the serial number of the certificate in hexadecimal form.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::InhibitAnyPolicy) inhibit_any_policy
Returns this object's InhibitAnyPolicy extension as an R509 extension.
- (Cert) initialize(opts = {})
A new instance of Cert.
- (Boolean) is_revoked_by_crl?(r509_crl)
Checks the given CRL for this certificate's serial number.
- (Symbol) key_algorithm
Returns key algorithm (RSA, DSA, EC).
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::KeyUsage) key_usage
(also: #ku)
Returns this object's KeyUsage extension as an R509 extension.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::NameConstraints) name_constraints
Returns this object's NameConstraints extension as an R509 extension.
- (Time) not_after
Returns ending (notAfter) of certificate validity period.
- (Time) not_before
Returns beginning (notBefore) of certificate validity period.
- (Boolean) ocsp_no_check?
Returns true if the OCSP No Check extension is present (value is irrelevant to this extension).
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::PolicyConstraints) policy_constraints
Returns this object's PolicyConstraints extension as an R509 extension.
- (OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) public_key
Returns the certificate public key.
- (Boolean) rsa?
Returns whether the public key is RSA.
- (Integer) serial
Returns the serial number of the certificate in decimal form.
- (String) signature_algorithm
Returns signature algorithm.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName) subject_alternative_name
(also: #san, #subject_alt_name)
Returns this object's SubjectAlternativeName extension as an R509 extension.
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectKeyIdentifier) subject_key_identifier
Returns this object's SubjectKeyIdentifier extension as an R509 extension.
- (String) to_der
Converts the Cert into the DER format.
- (String) to_pem
(also: #to_s)
Converts the Cert into the PEM format.
- (Array) unknown_extensions
Returns an array of OpenSSL::X509::Extension objects representing the extensions that do not have R509 implementations.
- (Boolean) valid?
Returns whether the current time is between the notBefore and notAfter times in the certificate.
- (Boolean) valid_at?(time)
Returns whether the certificate was between its notBefore and notAfter at the time provided.
- (Object) write_der(filename_or_io)
Writes the Cert into the DER format.
- (Object) write_pem(filename_or_io)
Writes the Cert into the PEM format.
- (Object) write_pkcs12(filename_or_io, password, friendly_name = 'r509 pkcs12')
Writes cert and key into PKCS12 format using OpenSSL defaults for encryption (des3).
Methods included from IOHelpers
#read_data, read_data, #write_data, write_data
Constructor Details
- (Cert) initialize(opts = {})
A new instance of Cert
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 17 def initialize(opts={}) if not opts.kind_of?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Must provide a hash of options' end if opts.has_key?(:pkcs12) and ( opts.has_key?(:key) or opts.has_key?(:cert) ) raise ArgumentError, "When providing pkcs12, do not pass cert or key" elsif opts.has_key?(:pkcs12) pkcs12 = opts[:pkcs12], opts[:password] ) parse_certificate(pkcs12.certificate) key = :key => pkcs12.key ) elsif not opts.has_key?(:cert) raise ArgumentError, 'Must provide :cert or :pkcs12' else csr_check(opts[:cert]) parse_certificate(opts[:cert]) end if opts.has_key?(:key) if opts[:key].kind_of?(R509::PrivateKey) key = opts[:key] else key = :key => opts[:key], :password => opts[:password] ) end end associate_private_key(key) end |
Instance Attribute Details
- (Object) cert (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute cert
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 11 def cert @cert end |
- (Object) issuer (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute issuer
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 11 def issuer @issuer end |
- (Object) key (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute key
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 11 def key @key end |
- (Object) subject (readonly)
Returns the value of attribute subject
11 12 13 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 11 def subject @subject end |
Class Method Details
+ (R509::Cert) load_from_file(filename)
Helper method to quickly load a cert from the filesystem
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 48 def self.load_from_file( filename ) return => IOHelpers.read_data(filename) ) end |
Instance Method Details
- (Array) all_names
Return the CN, as well as all the subject alternative names (SANs).
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 156 def all_names ret = [] ret << @subject.CN unless @subject.CN.nil? ret.concat( { |n| n.value } ) unless self.san.nil? return ret.sort.uniq end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityInfoAccess) authority_info_access Also known as: aia
Returns this object's AuthorityInfoAccess extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a AuthorityInfoAccess extension.
349 350 351 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 349 def return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityInfoAccess] end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityKeyIdentifier) authority_key_identifier
Returns this object's AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.
331 332 333 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 331 def return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::AuthorityKeyIdentifier] end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::BasicConstraints) basic_constraints
Returns this object's BasicConstraints extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a BasicConstraints extension.
297 298 299 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 297 def basic_constraints return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::BasicConstraints] end |
- (Integer) bit_strength
Returns the bit strength of the key used to create the certificate
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 188 def bit_strength if self.rsa? return @cert.public_key.n.num_bits elsif self.dsa? return @cert.public_key.p.num_bits elsif raise R509::R509Error, 'Bit strength is not available for EC at this time.' end end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::CertificatePolicies) certificate_policies
Returns this object's CertificatePolicies extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a CertificatePolicies extension.
375 376 377 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 375 def certificate_policies return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::CertificatePolicies] end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::CRLDistributionPoints) crl_distribution_points Also known as: cdp
Returns this object's CRLDistributionPoints extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a CRLDistributionPoints extension.
358 359 360 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 358 def crl_distribution_points return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::CRLDistributionPoints] end |
- (String) curve_name
Returns the short name of the elliptic curve used to generate the public key if the key is EC. If not, raises an error.
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 202 def curve_name if else raise R509::R509Error, 'Curve name is only available with EC certs' end end |
- (Boolean) dsa?
Returns whether the public key is DSA
174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 174 def dsa? @cert.public_key.kind_of?(OpenSSL::PKey::DSA) end |
- (Boolean) ec?
Returns whether the public key is EC
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 181 def ec? @cert.public_key.kind_of?(OpenSSL::PKey::EC) end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::ExtendedKeyUsage) extended_key_usage Also known as: eku
Returns this object's ExtendedKeyUsage extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
314 315 316 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 314 def extended_key_usage return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::ExtendedKeyUsage] end |
- (Hash) extensions
Returns the certificate extensions as a hash of R509::Cert::Extensions specific objects.
R509::Cert::Extensions module, each specific to the extension. The hash is keyed with the R509 extension class. Extensions without an R509 implementation are ignored (see #get_unknown_extensions).
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 273 def extensions if @r509_extensions.nil? @r509_extensions = Extensions.wrap_openssl_extensions( self.cert.extensions ) end return @r509_extensions end |
- (String) fingerprint(algorithm = 'sha1')
Returns the certificate fingerprint with the specified algorithm (default sha1)
112 113 114 115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 112 def fingerprint(algorithm='sha1') = md = .digest md.update(@cert.to_der) md.to_s end |
- (Boolean) has_private_key?
Boolean of whether the object contains a private key
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 144 def has_private_key? if not @key.nil? true else false end end |
- (String) hexserial
Returns the serial number of the certificate in hexadecimal form
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 90 def hexserial @cert.serial.to_s(16) end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::InhibitAnyPolicy) inhibit_any_policy
Returns this object's InhibitAnyPolicy extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a InhibitAnyPolicy extension.
383 384 385 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 383 def inhibit_any_policy return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::InhibitAnyPolicy] end |
- (Boolean) is_revoked_by_crl?(r509_crl)
Checks the given CRL for this certificate's serial number. Note that this does NOT check to verify that the CRL you're checking is signed by the same CA as the cert so do that check yourself
262 263 264 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 262 def is_revoked_by_crl?( r509_crl ) return r509_crl.revoked?( self.serial ) end |
- (Symbol) key_algorithm
Returns key algorithm (RSA, DSA, EC)
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 220 def key_algorithm if self.rsa? :rsa elsif self.dsa? :dsa elsif :ec end end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::KeyUsage) key_usage Also known as: ku
Returns this object's KeyUsage extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a KeyUsage extension.
305 306 307 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 305 def key_usage return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::KeyUsage] end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::NameConstraints) name_constraints
Returns this object's NameConstraints extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a NameConstraints extension.
399 400 401 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 399 def name_constraints return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::NameConstraints] end |
- (Time) not_after
Returns ending (notAfter) of certificate validity period
97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 97 def not_after @cert.not_after end |
- (Time) not_before
Returns beginning (notBefore) of certificate validity period
76 77 78 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 76 def not_before @cert.not_before end |
- (Boolean) ocsp_no_check?
Returns true if the OCSP No Check extension is present (value is irrelevant to this extension)
367 368 369 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 367 def ocsp_no_check? return (extensions.has_key?(R509::Cert::Extensions::OCSPNoCheck)) end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::PolicyConstraints) policy_constraints
Returns this object's PolicyConstraints extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a PolicyConstraints extension.
391 392 393 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 391 def policy_constraints return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::PolicyConstraints] end |
- (OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) public_key
Returns the certificate public key
104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 104 def public_key @cert.public_key end |
- (Boolean) rsa?
Returns whether the public key is RSA
167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 167 def rsa? @cert.public_key.kind_of?(OpenSSL::PKey::RSA) end |
- (Integer) serial
Returns the serial number of the certificate in decimal form
83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 83 def serial @cert.serial.to_i end |
- (String) signature_algorithm
Returns signature algorithm
213 214 215 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 213 def signature_algorithm @cert.signature_algorithm end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName) subject_alternative_name Also known as: san, subject_alt_name
Returns this object's SubjectAlternativeName extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a SubjectAlternativeName extension.
339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 339 def subject_alternative_name return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName] end |
- (R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectKeyIdentifier) subject_key_identifier
Returns this object's SubjectKeyIdentifier extension as an R509 extension
if this cert does not have a SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.
323 324 325 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 323 def subject_key_identifier return extensions[R509::Cert::Extensions::SubjectKeyIdentifier] end |
- (String) to_der
Converts the Cert into the DER format
67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 67 def to_der if @cert.kind_of?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) return @cert.to_der end end |
- (String) to_pem Also known as: to_s
Converts the Cert into the PEM format
56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 56 def to_pem if @cert.kind_of?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) return @cert.to_pem.chomp end end |
- (Array) unknown_extensions
Returns an array of OpenSSL::X509::Extension objects representing the extensions that do not have R509 implementations.
285 286 287 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 285 def unknown_extensions return Extensions.get_unknown_extensions( self.cert.extensions ) end |
- (Boolean) valid?
Returns whether the current time is between the notBefore and notAfter times in the certificate.
123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 123 def valid? valid_at?( end |
- (Boolean) valid_at?(time)
Returns whether the certificate was between its notBefore and notAfter at the time provided
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 131 def valid_at?(time) if time.kind_of?(Integer) time = end if (self.not_after < time) or (self.not_before > time) false else true end end |
- (Object) write_der(filename_or_io)
Writes the Cert into the DER format
240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 240 def write_der(filename_or_io) write_data(filename_or_io, @cert.to_der) end |
- (Object) write_pem(filename_or_io)
Writes the Cert into the PEM format
233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 233 def write_pem(filename_or_io) write_data(filename_or_io, @cert.to_pem) end |
- (Object) write_pkcs12(filename_or_io, password, friendly_name = 'r509 pkcs12')
Writes cert and key into PKCS12 format using OpenSSL defaults for encryption (des3)
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 |
# File 'lib/r509/cert.rb', line 249 def write_pkcs12(filename_or_io,password,friendly_name='r509 pkcs12') if @key.nil? raise R509::R509Error, "Writing a PKCS12 requires both key and cert" end pkcs12 = OpenSSL::PKCS12.create(password,friendly_name,@key.key,@cert) write_data(filename_or_io, pkcs12.to_der) end |