# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'time_picker input' do include FormtasticSpecHelper before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything end context "with an object" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:time_picker) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:input) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:stringish) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("post_publish_at_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Publish at/) it_should_have_label_for("post_publish_at") it_should_have_input_with_id("post_publish_at") it_should_have_input_with_type(:time) it_should_have_input_with_name("post[publish_at]") it_should_apply_custom_input_attributes_when_input_html_provided(:date_picker) it_should_apply_custom_for_to_label_when_input_html_id_provided(:date_picker) # TODO why does this blow-up it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:date_picker) end describe "size attribute" do it "defaults to 5 chars (HH:MM)" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[size='5']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :size => "11" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[size='11']" end it "can be set from options (ignoring input_html)" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :size => '12', :input_html => { :size => "11" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[size='12']" end end describe "maxlength attribute" do it "defaults to 5 chars (HH:MM:SS)" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[maxlength='5']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :maxlength => "11" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[maxlength='11']" end it "can be set from options (ignoring input_html)" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :maxlength => 12, :input_html => { :maxlength => "11" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[maxlength='12']" end end describe "value attribute" do context "when method returns nil" do it "has no value" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker )) end ) expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag "li input[value]" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :value => "12:00" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='12:00']" end end context "when method returns a Date" do before do @date = Date.new(2000, 11, 11) allow(@new_post).to receive(:publish_at).and_return(@date) end it "renders 00:00" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker )) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='00:00']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :value => "23:59" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='23:59']" end end context "when method returns a Time" do before do @time = Time.utc(2000,11,11,11,11,11) allow(@new_post).to receive(:publish_at).and_return(@time) end it "renders the time as a HH:MM" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker )) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='11:11']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :value => "12:12" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='12:12']" end end context "when method returns an empty String" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:publish_at).and_return("") end it "will be empty" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker )) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :value => "12:12:12" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='12:12:12']" end end context "when method returns a String" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:publish_at).and_return("yeah") end it "will be the string" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker )) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='yeah']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :value => "12:12:12" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[value='12:12:12']" end end end describe "min attribute" do it "will be omitted by default" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag "input[min]" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :min => "13:00" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[min='13:00']" end end describe "max attribute" do it "will be omitted by default" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag "input[max]" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :max => "13:00" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[max='13:00']" end end describe "step attribute" do it "defaults to 60 (seconds)" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='60']" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :step => "3600" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='3600']" end describe "macros" do before do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :date_picker, :input_html => { :step => step })) end ) end context ":second" do let(:step) { :second } it "uses 1" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='1']" end end context ":minute" do let(:step) { :minute } it "uses 60" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='60']" end end context ":fifteen_minutes" do let(:step) { :fifteen_minutes } it "uses 900" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='900']" end end context ":quarter_hour" do let(:step) { :quarter_hour } it "uses 900" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='900']" end end context ":thirty_minutes" do let(:step) { :thirty_minutes } it "uses 1800" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='1800']" end end context ":half_hour" do let(:step) { :half_hour } it "uses 1800" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='1800']" end end context ":hour" do let(:step) { :hour } it "uses 3600" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='3600']" end end context ":sixty_minutes" do let(:step) { :sixty_minutes } it "uses 3600" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[step='3600']" end end end end describe "placeholder attribute" do it "will be omitted" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end ) expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag "input[placeholder]" end it "can be set from :input_html options" do concat( semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |f| concat(f.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :placeholder => "HH:MM" })) end ) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag "input[placeholder='HH:MM']" end context "with i18n set" do before do ::I18n.backend.store_translations :en, :formtastic => { :placeholders => { :publish_at => 'HH:MM' }} end it "can be set with i18n" do with_config :i18n_lookups_by_default, true do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@placeholder="HH:MM"]') end end it "can be set with input_html, trumping i18n" do with_config :i18n_lookups_by_default, true do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :input_html => { :placeholder => "Something" })) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('input[@placeholder="Something"]') end end end end describe "when namespace is provided" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post, :namespace => "context2") do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("context2_post_publish_at_input") it_should_have_label_and_input_with_id("context2_post_publish_at") end describe "when index is provided" do before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.fields_for(:author, :index => 3) do |author| concat(author.input(:created_at, :as => :time_picker)) end) end) end it 'should index the id of the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("li#post_author_attributes_3_created_at_input") end it 'should index the id of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("input#post_author_attributes_3_created_at") end it 'should index the name of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("input[@name='post[author_attributes][3][created_at]']") end end describe "when required" do it "should add the required attribute to the input's html options" do with_config :use_required_attribute, true do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:publish_at, :as => :time_picker, :required => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("input[@required]") end end end end