# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yard' require 'rubocop' require 'rubocop-minitest' require 'rubocop/cops_documentation_generator' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:yard_for_generate_documentation) do |task| task.files = ['lib/rubocop/cop/**/*.rb'] task.options = ['--no-output'] end task update_cops_documentation: :yard_for_generate_documentation do deps = ['Minitest'] CopsDocumentationGenerator.new(departments: deps).call end desc 'Generate docs of all cops departments (obsolete)' task :generate_cops_documentation do puts 'Updating the documentation is now done automatically!' end desc 'Syntax check for the documentation comments' task documentation_syntax_check: :yard_for_generate_documentation do require 'parser/ruby30' ok = true YARD::Registry.load! cops = RuboCop::Cop::Registry.global cops.each do |cop| examples = YARD::Registry.all(:class).find do |code_object| next unless RuboCop::Cop::Badge.for(code_object.to_s) == cop.badge break code_object.tags('example') end examples.to_a.each do |example| buffer = Parser::Source::Buffer.new('', 1) buffer.source = example.text parser = Parser::Ruby30.new(RuboCop::AST::Builder.new) parser.diagnostics.all_errors_are_fatal = true parser.parse(buffer) rescue Parser::SyntaxError => e path = example.object.file puts "#{path}: Syntax Error in an example. #{e}" ok = false end end abort unless ok end