describe 'up.modal', -> u = up.util describe 'Javascript functions', -> assumedScrollbarWidth = 15 describe 'up.modal.follow', -> it "loads the given link's destination in a dialog window", (done) -> $link = affix('a[href="/path/to"][up-modal=".middle"]').text('link') promise = up.modal.follow($link) expect(@lastRequest().url).toMatch /\/path\/to$/ @respondWith """ <div class="before">new-before</div> <div class="middle">new-middle</div> <div class="after">new-after</div> """ promise.then -> expect($('.up-modal')).toExist() expect($('.up-modal-dialog')).toExist() expect($('.up-modal-dialog .middle')).toExist() expect($('.up-modal-dialog .middle')).toHaveText('new-middle') expect($('.up-modal-dialog .before')).not.toExist() expect($('.up-modal-dialog .after')).not.toExist() done() describe 'up.modal.visit', -> it "brings its own scrollbar, padding the body on the right in order to prevent jumping", (done) -> promise = up.modal.visit('/foo', target: '.container') @respondWith('<div class="container">text</div>') promise.then -> $modal = $('.up-modal') $body = $('body') expect($modal).toExist() expect($modal.css('overflow-y')).toEqual('scroll') expect($body.css('overflow-y')).toEqual('hidden') expect(parseInt($body.css('padding-right'))).toBeAround(assumedScrollbarWidth, 10) up.modal.close().then -> expect($body.css('overflow-y')).toEqual('scroll') expect(parseInt($body.css('padding-right'))).toBe(0) done() it 'pushes right-anchored elements away from the edge of the screen in order to prevent jumping', (done) -> $anchoredElement = affix('div[up-anchored=right]').css position: 'absolute' top: '0' right: '30px' promise = up.modal.visit('/foo', target: '.container') @respondWith('<div class="container">text</div>') promise.then -> expect(parseInt($anchoredElement.css('right'))).toBeAround(30 + assumedScrollbarWidth, 10) up.modal.close().then -> expect(parseInt($anchoredElement.css('right'))).toBeAround(30 , 10) done() it 'does not explode if the modal was closed before the response was received', -> up.modal.visit('/foo', target: '.container') up.modal.close() respond = => @respondWith('<div class="container">text</div>') expect(respond).not.toThrowError() expect($('.up-error')).not.toExist() describe 'up.modal.coveredUrl', -> it 'returns the URL behind the modal overlay', (done) -> up.history.replace('/foo') expect(up.modal.coveredUrl()).toBeUndefined() up.modal.visit('/bar', target: '.container') @respondWith('<div class="container">text</div>') expect(up.modal.coveredUrl()).toEndWith('/foo') up.modal.close().then -> expect(up.modal.coveredUrl()).toBeUndefined() done() describe 'up.modal.close', -> it 'closes a currently open modal' it 'does nothing if no modal is open' describe 'up.modal.source', -> it 'should have tests' describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe 'a[up-modal]', -> it 'opens the clicked link in a modal', -> followSpy = up.modal.knife.mock('follow') $link = affix('a[href="/path"][up-modal=".foo"]') up.hello($link) $ expect(followSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith($link) describe '[up-close]', -> describe 'when clicked inside a modal', -> it 'closes the open modal and prevents the default action', -> $modal = affix('.up-modal') $link = $modal.affix('a[up-close]') # link is within the modal up.hello($link) wasDefaultPrevented = false wasClosed = false up.on 'click', 'a[up-close]', (event) -> wasDefaultPrevented = event.isDefaultPrevented() true # the line above might return false and cancel propagation / prevent default up.on 'up:modal:close', -> wasClosed = true $ expect(wasClosed).toBe(true) expect(wasDefaultPrevented).toBe(true) describe 'when no modal is open', -> it 'does neither close the modal nor prevent the default action', -> $link = affix('a[up-close]') # link is outside the modal up.hello($link) wasDefaultPrevented = false wasClosed = false up.on 'click', 'a[up-close]', (event) -> wasDefaultPrevented = event.isDefaultPrevented() true # the line above might return false and cancel propagation / prevent default up.on 'up:modal:close', -> wasClosed = true $ expect(wasClosed).toBe(false) expect(wasDefaultPrevented).toBe(false) describe 'when replacing content', -> beforeEach -> up.motion.config.enabled = false it 'prefers to replace a selector within the modal', -> $outside = affix('.foo').text('old outside') up.modal.visit('/path', target: '.foo') @respondWith("<div class='foo'>old inside</div>") up.flow.implant('.foo', "<div class='foo'>new text</div>") expect($outside).toBeInDOM() expect($outside).toHaveText('old outside') expect($('.up-modal-content')).toHaveText('new text') it 'auto-closes the modal when a replacement from inside the modal affects a selector behind the modal', -> affix('.outside').text('old outside') up.modal.visit('/path', target: '.inside') @respondWith("<div class='inside'>old inside</div>") up.flow.implant('.outside', "<div class='outside'>new outside</div>", origin: $('.inside')) expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside') expect($('.up-modal')).not.toExist() it 'does not auto-close the modal when a replacement from inside the modal affects a selector inside the modal', -> affix('.outside').text('old outside') up.modal.visit('/path', target: '.inside') @respondWith("<div class='inside'>old inside</div>") up.flow.implant('.inside', "<div class='inside'>new inside</div>", origin: $('.inside')) expect($('.inside')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.up-modal')).toExist() it 'does not auto-close the modal when a replacement from outside the modal affects a selector outside the modal', -> affix('.outside').text('old outside') up.modal.visit('/path', target: '.inside') @respondWith("<div class='inside'>old inside</div>") up.flow.implant('.outside', "<div class='outside'>new outside</div>", origin: $('.outside')) expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside') expect($('.up-modal')).toExist() it 'does not auto-close the modal when a replacement from outside the modal affects a selector inside the modal', -> affix('.outside').text('old outside') up.modal.visit('/path', target: '.inside') @respondWith("<div class='inside'>old inside</div>") up.flow.implant('.inside', "<div class='inside'>new inside</div>", origin: $('.outside')) expect($('.inside')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.up-modal')).toExist() it 'does not auto-close the modal when the new fragment is within a popup', -> up.modal.visit('/modal', target: '.modal-content') @respondWith("<div class='modal-content'></div>") up.popup.attach('.modal-content', url: '/popup', target: '.popup-content') @respondWith("<div class='popup-content'></div>") expect($('.up-modal')).toExist() expect($('.up-popup')).toExist() describe 'when following links inside a modal', -> it 'prefers to replace a selector within the modal', -> it 'auto-closes the modal if a selector behind the modal gets replaced' it "doesn't auto-close the modal if a selector behind the modal if the modal is sticky" it "doesn't auto-close the modal if the new fragment is a popup"