= Html2Doc
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== Purpose
Gem to convert an HTML document into a Word document (.doc) format. This is intended for automated generation of Microsoft Word documents, given HTML documents, which are much more readily crafted.
== Origin
This gem originated out of https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-iso, which creates a Word document from a automatically generated HTML document (created in turn by processing Asciidoc).
This work is driven by the Word document generation procedure documented in http://sebsauvage.net/wiki/doku.php?id=word_document_generation. For more on the approach taken, and on alternative approaches, see https://github.com/metanorma/html2doc/wiki/Why-not-docx%3F
== Functions
The gem currently does the following:
* Convert any AsciiMath and MathML to Word's native mathematical formatting language, OOXML. Word supports copy-pasting MathML into Word and converting it into OOXML; however the conversion is not infallible (we have in the past found problems with `\sum`: Word claims parameters were missing, and inserting dotted squares to indicate as much), and you may need to post-edit the OOXML.
** The gem does attempt to repair the MathML input, to bring it in line with Word's OOXML's expectations. If you find any issues with AsciiMath or MathML input, please raise an issue.
* Identify any footnotes in the document (defined as hyperlinks with attributes `class = "Footnote"` or `epub:type = "footnote"`), and render them as Microsoft Word footnotes.
** The corresponding footnote content is any `div` or `aside` element with the same `@id` attribute as the footnote points to; e.g. `3`, pointing to `