require 'test_helper' class LockTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest def visit_user_unlock_with_token(unlock_token) visit user_unlock_path(:unlock_token => unlock_token) end def send_unlock_request user = create_user(:locked => true) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear visit new_user_session_path click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" fill_in 'email', :with => click_button 'Resend unlock instructions' end test 'user should be able to request a new unlock token' do send_unlock_request assert_template 'sessions/new' assert_contain 'You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes' assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size assert_equal [''], ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.from end test 'user should receive the instructions from a custom mailer' do User.any_instance.stubs(:devise_mailer).returns(Users::Mailer) send_unlock_request assert_equal [''], ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.from end test 'unlocked user should not be able to request a unlock token' do user = create_user(:locked => false) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear visit new_user_session_path click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" fill_in 'email', :with => click_button 'Resend unlock instructions' assert_template 'unlocks/new' assert_contain 'not locked' assert_equal 0, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end test 'unlocked pages should not be available if email strategy is disabled' do visit "/admin_area/sign_in" assert_raise Webrat::NotFoundError do click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" end assert_raise NameError do visit new_admin_unlock_path end assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do visit "/admin_area/unlock/new" end end test 'user with invalid unlock token should not be able to unlock an account' do visit_user_unlock_with_token('invalid_token') assert_response :success assert_current_url '/users/unlock?unlock_token=invalid_token' assert_have_selector '#error_explanation' assert_contain /Unlock token(.*)invalid/ end test "locked user should be able to unlock account" do user = create_user(:locked => true) assert user.access_locked? visit_user_unlock_with_token(user.unlock_token) assert_current_url "/users/sign_in" assert_contain 'Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue.' assert_not user.reload.access_locked? end test "redirect user to sign in page after unlocking its account" do user = create_user(:locked => true) visit_user_unlock_with_token(user.unlock_token) assert_not warden.authenticated?(:user) end test "user should not send a new e-mail if already locked" do user = create_user(:locked => true) user.failed_attempts = User.maximum_attempts + 1! ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear sign_in_as_user(:password => "invalid") assert_contain 'Your account is locked.' assert ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.empty? end test 'error message is configurable by resource name' do store_translations :en, :devise => { :failure => {:user => {:locked => "You are locked!"}} } do user = create_user(:locked => true) user.failed_attempts = User.maximum_attempts + 1! sign_in_as_user(:password => "invalid") assert_contain "You are locked!" end end test "user should not be able to sign in when locked" do store_translations :en, :devise => { :failure => {:user => {:locked => "You are locked!"}} } do user = create_user(:locked => true) user.failed_attempts = User.maximum_attempts + 1! sign_in_as_user(:password => "123456") assert_contain "You are locked!" end end test 'user should be able to request a new unlock token via XML request' do user = create_user(:locked => true) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post user_unlock_path(:format => 'xml'), :user => {:email =>} assert_response :success assert_equal response.body, {}.to_xml assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end test 'unlocked user should not be able to request a unlock token via XML request' do user = create_user(:locked => false) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear post user_unlock_path(:format => 'xml'), :user => {:email =>} assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert response.body.include? %(\n) assert_equal 0, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end test 'user with valid unlock token should be able to unlock account via XML request' do user = create_user(:locked => true) assert user.access_locked? get user_unlock_path(:format => 'xml', :unlock_token => user.unlock_token) assert_response :success assert response.body.include? %(\n) end test 'user with invalid unlock token should not be able to unlock the account via XML request' do get user_unlock_path(:format => 'xml', :unlock_token => 'invalid_token') assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert response.body.include? %(\n) end test "when using json to ask a unlock request, should not return the user" do user = create_user(:locked => true) post user_unlock_path(:format => "json", :user => {:email =>}) assert_response :success assert_equal response.body, {}.to_json end test "in paranoid mode, when trying to unlock an user that exists it should not say that it exists if it is locked" do swap Devise, :paranoid => true do user = create_user(:locked => true) visit new_user_session_path click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" fill_in 'email', :with => click_button 'Resend unlock instructions' assert_current_url "/users/sign_in" assert_contain "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes." end end test "in paranoid mode, when trying to unlock an user that exists it should not say that it exists if it is not locked" do swap Devise, :paranoid => true do user = create_user(:locked => false) visit new_user_session_path click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" fill_in 'email', :with => click_button 'Resend unlock instructions' assert_current_url "/users/sign_in" assert_contain "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes." end end test "in paranoid mode, when trying to unlock an user that does not exists it should not say that it does not exists" do swap Devise, :paranoid => true do visit new_user_session_path click_link "Didn't receive unlock instructions?" fill_in 'email', :with => "" click_button 'Resend unlock instructions' assert_not_contain "1 error prohibited this user from being saved:" assert_not_contain "Email not found" assert_current_url "/users/sign_in" assert_contain "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock it in a few minutes." end end end