require 'rbconfig' def say(*msg) puts(*msg) unless RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == false end def sh!(*args, &block) old_verbose = RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag begin RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = nil if RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == :default sh(*args, &block) ensure RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag = old_verbose end end def _(f, base = File.dirname(__FILE__)) File.expand_path(f, base) end dl_ext = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] ext_dir = _("lib/parser/ext") parser_e = _("fancy_parser.#{dl_ext}", ext_dir) load_rb = _("boot/load.rb") namespace :parser do lexer_lex = _("lexer.lex", ext_dir) lexer_c = _("lexer.c", ext_dir) parser_y = _("parser.y", ext_dir) parser_c = _("parser.c", ext_dir) extconf = _("extconf.rb", ext_dir) makefile = _("Makefile", ext_dir) file lexer_c => file(lexer_lex) do Dir.chdir(ext_dir) do sh! 'flex', '--outfile', lexer_c, '--header-file=lexer.h', lexer_lex end end file parser_c => file(parser_y) do Dir.chdir(ext_dir) { sh! 'bison', '--output', parser_c, '-d', '-v', parser_y } end file makefile => file(extconf) do Dir.chdir(ext_dir) { sh! 'rbx', extconf } end desc "Generate parser source from flex/bison" task :generate => [parser_c, lexer_c, makefile] file parser_e => file(makefile) do sh! 'make', '-C', ext_dir end desc "Compile the parser extension" task :compile => file(parser_e) desc "Removed generated parser sources" task :remove do rm_f [_("parser.h", ext_dir), _("lexer.h", ext_dir)], :verbose => false rm_f [makefile, parser_c, lexer_c], :verbose => false end desc "Clean compiled files." task :clean do rm_f Dir.glob(_("*.{o,so,rbc,log,output,bundle}", ext_dir)), :verbose => false rm_rf [_("conftest.dSYM", ext_dir)], :verbose => true end end namespace :compiler do boot_parser_e = _("boot/compiler/parser/ext/"+File.basename(parser_e)) file boot_parser_e => file(parser_e) do mkdir_p File.dirname(boot_parser_e), :verbose => false cp parser_e, boot_parser_e, :verbose => false end task :clean do rm_f boot_parser_e, :verbose => false rm_rf _("boot/rbx-compiler/parser/conftest.dSYM") rm_rf _("boot/compiler"), :verbose => false end desc "Compile fancy using the stable compiler (from boot/compiler)." task :compile => file(boot_parser_e) do say "Compiling fancy using stable compiler." cmd = ['rbx -Xint', load_rb] cmd << _("boot/compiler/boot.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compiler/compiler.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compiler/compiler/command.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compiler/compile.fyc") cmd << "--" cmd << "--batch" if RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == true sources = Dir.glob("lib/**/*.fy") system (cmd + sources).join(" ") end load("boot/rbx-compiler/parser/Rakefile") desc "Compile fancy using boot/rbx-compiler into boot/compiler/" task :rootstrap => "compiler:rbx_parser:ext" do say "Compiling fancy into boot/compiler using ruby-based compiler from boot/rbx-compiler." output = _("boot/compiler") cmd = ['rbx -Xint'] cmd << _("boot/rbx-compiler/compiler.rb") cmd << "--batch" if RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == true cmd << "--output-path" << output src_path = ["--source-path", _("lib")] sources = Dir.glob(_("lib/**/*.fy")) system (cmd + src_path + sources).join(" ") src_path = ["--source-path", _("boot")] sources = Dir.glob(_("boot/*.fy")) system (cmd + src_path + sources).join(" ") sh! "rbx", _("boot/rbx-compiler/compiler.rb"), _("boot/compile.fy") end desc "Compile fancy using lib/ compiler into boot/compiler/" task :wootstrap do say "Compiling fancy into boot/compiler using development compiler from lib/" output = _("boot/.wootstrap") cmd = ['rbx -Xint', load_rb] cmd << _("lib/boot.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler/command.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compiler/compile.fyc") cmd << "--" cmd << "--batch" if RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == true cmd << "--output-path" << output sources = Dir.glob("lib/**/*.fy") system (cmd + sources).join(" ") mkdir_p _("parser/ext", output), :verbose => false cp parser_e, _("parser/ext", output), :verbose => false say "Using fresh built compiler as `stable compiler' in boot/compiler" rm_rf _("boot/compiler") mv _("boot/.wootstrap"), _("boot/compiler") end task :compile_tests do say "Compiling test files" system("bin/fancy -c tests/*.fy > /dev/null") end task :bootstrap => ["parser:generate", "rbx_parser:ext", file(boot_parser_e)] do ["compiler:rootstrap", "compiler:compile", "compiler:wootstrap"].each do |t| task(t).reenable task(t).execute end end task :diff do require 'open3' sources = Dir.glob(_("lib/**/*.fy")) say "Compiling fancy using stable compiler." cmd = ['rbx', load_rb] cmd << _("lib/boot.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler/command.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compiler/compiler.fyc") cmd << "--" sources.each do |file| f = file.gsub(_("lib"), _("diff/fy-compiler")).gsub(/.fy$/, ".asm") puts f mkdir_p File.dirname(f), :verbose => false Open3.popen3 *(cmd + [file, "-B"]) do |stdin, stdout, stderr|, "w") { |bc| bc.print } end end cmd = ['rbx'] cmd << _("boot/rbx-compiler/compiler.rb") sources.each do |file| f = file.gsub(_("lib"), _("diff/rb-compiler")).gsub(/.fy$/, ".asm") puts f mkdir_p File.dirname(f), :verbose => false Open3.popen3 *(cmd + [file, "-B"]) do |stdin, stdout, stderr|, "w") { |bc| bc.print } end end sources.each do |file| a = file.gsub(_("lib"), _("diff/rb-compiler")).gsub(/.fy$/, ".asm") b = file.gsub(_("lib"), _("diff/fy-compiler")).gsub(/.fy$/, ".asm") f = file.gsub(_("lib"), _("diff/diffs")).gsub(/.fy$/, ".diff") mkdir_p File.dirname(f), :verbose => false puts f Open3.popen3 'diff', '-u9999', a, b do |stdin, stdout|, "w") { |bc| bc.print } end end end end desc "Deletes all .rbc and .fyc files." task :clean_compiled do compiled = Dir.glob(_ "**/*.{rbc,fyc}") rm_f compiled, :verbose => false end desc "Clean compiled files." task :clean => ["parser:clean", "parser:remove", "compiler:clean", :clean_compiled] def compile(source) cmd = ['rbx', _("boot/load.rb")] cmd << _("lib/boot.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler.fyc") cmd << _("lib/compiler/command.fyc") cmd << _("boot/compile.fyc") cmd << "--" cmd << "--batch" if RakeFileUtils.verbose_flag == true cmd << source.to_s sh! *cmd end sources = Dir.glob(_("{lib,boot}/**/*.fy")).map { |f| file f } compiled = { |s| file((s.to_s+"c") => [s, file(parser_e)]) { compile s } } task :bootstrap_if_needed do task(:bootstrap).invoke unless _("boot/compiler") end task :compile => compiled desc "Runs the test suite." task :test do sh! _('bin/fspec') end task :tests do task(:test).invoke end task "tests/" do task(:test).invoke end task :bootstrap => ["compiler:bootstrap"] task :default => [:bootstrap_if_needed, :compile] desc "Runs all example files in examples/ dir" task :examples do Dir.glob(_("examples/*.fy")).each do |f| puts "Running #{f}" puts sh! _('bin/fancy'), f puts end end task "examples/" do task(:examples).invoke end