class ContributorsAssociation #< ActiveFedora::Associations::Association TODO when AF 7 is out instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m.to_s =~ /^(?:nil\?|send|object_id|to_a|should)$|^__|^respond_to|proxy_/ } delegate :each, :size, :first, :last, :to_s, :blank?, :is_a?, :map, :==, :inspect, :pretty_print, to: :to_a attr_reader :owner def initialize(owner, reflection) @owner = owner @reflection = reflection end def loaded? @loaded end def <<(*records) result = true load_target unless loaded? records.flatten.each do |record| raise_on_type_mismatch(record) add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) do |r| result &&= insert_record(record) end end # return self so you can do method chaining (e.g. assoc << record1 << record2 ) result && self end def to_ary load_target unless loaded? @target end alias to_a to_ary def build args={} p = klass.create!(args) insert_record(p) end def delete record owner.send(field_name).delete( load_target end protected def insert_record(record) object = predicate = owner.config_for_term_or_uri(field_name).predicate owner.graph.insert([owner.rdf_subject, predicate, object ]) owner.reset_child_cache! @target << record end # TODO after upgrading to AF 7, we can extend ActiveFedora::Associations::Association and remove this method # Raises ActiveFedora::AssociationTypeMismatch unless +record+ is of # the kind of the class of the associated objects. Meant to be used as # a sanity check when you are about to assign an associated record. def raise_on_type_mismatch(record) unless record.is_a?(@reflection.klass) || record.is_a?(@reflection.class_name.constantize) message = "#{@reflection.class_name}(##{@reflection.klass.object_id}) expected, got #{record.class}(##{record.class.object_id})" raise ActiveFedora::AssociationTypeMismatch, message end end # TODO after upgrade to AF 7 we can remove this method def add_record_to_target_with_callbacks(record) # callback(:before_add, record) yield(record) if block_given? @target ||= [] unless loaded? if index = @target.index(record) @target[index] = record else @target << record end # callback(:after_add, record) # set_inverse_instance(record, @owner) record end def load_target pids = ActiveFedora::Base.pids_from_uris(owner.send(field_name).map(&:to_s)) @loaded = true @target = klass.find(pids) end def field_name :creator end def klass Person end end