module Spree class Variant < Spree::Base acts_as_paranoid acts_as_list scope: :product belongs_to :product, touch: true, class_name: 'Spree::Product', inverse_of: :variants belongs_to :tax_category, class_name: 'Spree::TaxCategory', optional: true delegate :name, :name=, :description, :slug, :available_on, :shipping_category_id, :meta_description, :meta_keywords, :shipping_category, to: :product # we need to have this callback before any dependent: :destroy associations # before_destroy :ensure_no_line_items # must include this after ensure_no_line_items to make sure price won't be deleted before validation include Spree::DefaultPrice with_options inverse_of: :variant do has_many :inventory_units has_many :line_items has_many :stock_items, dependent: :destroy end has_many :orders, through: :line_items with_options through: :stock_items do has_many :stock_locations has_many :stock_movements end has_many :option_value_variants, class_name: 'Spree::OptionValueVariant' has_many :option_values, through: :option_value_variants, class_name: 'Spree::OptionValue' has_many :images, -> { order(:position) }, as: :viewable, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Spree::Image' has_many :prices, class_name: 'Spree::Price', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :variant before_validation :set_cost_currency validate :check_price validates :option_values, presence: true, unless: :is_master? with_options numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, allow_nil: true } do validates :cost_price validates :price end validates :sku, uniqueness: { conditions: -> { where(deleted_at: nil) } }, allow_blank: true after_create :create_stock_items after_create :set_master_out_of_stock, unless: :is_master? after_touch :clear_in_stock_cache scope :in_stock, -> { joins(:stock_items).where('count_on_hand > ? OR track_inventory = ?', 0, false) } scope :not_discontinued, -> do where( arel_table[:discontinue_on].eq(nil).or( arel_table[:discontinue_on].gteq(Time.current) ) ) end scope :not_deleted, -> { where("#{Variant.quoted_table_name}.deleted_at IS NULL") } scope :for_currency_and_available_price_amount, ->(currency = nil) do currency ||= Spree::Config[:currency] joins(:prices).where('spree_prices.currency = ?', currency).where('spree_prices.amount IS NOT NULL').distinct end scope :active, ->(currency = nil) do not_discontinued.not_deleted. for_currency_and_available_price_amount(currency) end LOCALIZED_NUMBERS = %w(cost_price weight depth width height) LOCALIZED_NUMBERS.each do |m| define_method("#{m}=") do |argument| self[m] = Spree::LocalizedNumber.parse(argument) if argument.present? end end self.whitelisted_ransackable_associations = %w[option_values product prices default_price] self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = %w[weight sku] def available? !discontinued? && product.available? end def tax_category if self[:tax_category_id].nil? product.tax_category else TaxCategory.find(self[:tax_category_id]) end end def options_text values = option_values.sort do |a, b| a.option_type.position <=> b.option_type.position end! do |ov| "#{ov.option_type.presentation}: #{ov.presentation}" end values.to_sentence(words_connector: ', ', two_words_connector: ', ') end # Default to master name def exchange_name is_master? ? name : options_text end def descriptive_name is_master? ? name + ' - Master' : name + ' - ' + options_text end # use deleted? rather than checking the attribute directly. this # allows extensions to override deleted? if they want to provide # their own definition. def deleted? !!deleted_at end # Product may be created with deleted_at already set, # which would make AR's default finder return nil. # This is a stopgap for that little problem. def product Spree::Product.unscoped { super } end def options=(options = {}) options.each do |option| set_option_value(option[:name], option[:value]) end end def set_option_value(opt_name, opt_value) # no option values on master return if is_master option_type = Spree::OptionType.where(name: opt_name).first_or_initialize do |o| o.presentation = opt_name! end current_value = option_values.detect { |o| == opt_name } if current_value.nil? # then we have to check to make sure that the product has the option type unless product.option_types.include? option_type product.option_types << option_type end else return if == opt_value option_values.delete(current_value) end option_value = Spree::OptionValue.where(option_type_id:, name: opt_value).first_or_initialize do |o| o.presentation = opt_value! end option_values << option_value save end def option_value(opt_name) option_values.detect { |o| == opt_name }.try(:presentation) end def price_in(currency) prices.detect { |price| price.currency == currency } || currency) end def amount_in(currency) price_in(currency).try(:amount) end def price_modifier_amount_in(currency, options = {}) return 0 unless options.present? do |key| m = "#{key}_price_modifier_amount_in".to_sym if respond_to? m send(m, currency, options[key]) else 0 end end.sum end def price_modifier_amount(options = {}) return 0 unless options.present? do |key| m = "#{key}_price_modifier_amount".to_sym if respond_to? m send(m, options[key]) else 0 end end.sum end def name_and_sku "#{name} - #{sku}" end def sku_and_options_text "#{sku} #{options_text}".strip end def in_stock? Rails.cache.fetch(in_stock_cache_key) do total_on_hand > 0 end end delegate :total_on_hand, :can_supply?, :backorderable?, to: :quantifier alias is_backorderable? backorderable? # Shortcut method to determine if inventory tracking is enabled for this variant # This considers both variant tracking flag and site-wide inventory tracking settings def should_track_inventory? track_inventory? && Spree::Config.track_inventory_levels end def track_inventory should_track_inventory? end def volume (width || 0) * (height || 0) * (depth || 0) end def dimension (width || 0) + (height || 0) + (depth || 0) end def discontinue! update_attribute(:discontinue_on, Time.current) end def discontinued? !!discontinue_on && discontinue_on <= Time.current end private def ensure_no_line_items if line_items.any? errors.add(:base, :cannot_destroy_if_attached_to_line_items) throw(:abort) end end def quantifier end def set_master_out_of_stock if product.master && product.master.in_stock? product.master.stock_items.update_all(backorderable: false) product.master.stock_items.each(&:reduce_count_on_hand_to_zero) end end # Ensures a new variant takes the product master price when price is not supplied def check_price if price.nil? && Spree::Config[:require_master_price] raise 'No master variant found to infer price' unless product && product.master raise 'Must supply price for variant or master.price for product.' if self == product.master self.price = product.master.price end if price.present? && currency.nil? self.currency = Spree::Config[:currency] end end def set_cost_currency self.cost_currency = Spree::Config[:currency] if cost_currency.blank? end def create_stock_items StockLocation.where(propagate_all_variants: true).each do |stock_location| stock_location.propagate_variant(self) end end def in_stock_cache_key "variant-#{id}-in_stock" end def clear_in_stock_cache Rails.cache.delete(in_stock_cache_key) end end end