class UsersController < ApplicationController # Be sure to include AuthenticationSystem in Application Controller instead # include AuthenticatedSystem # render new.rhtml def new @user = end def create logout_keeping_session! @user =[:user]) success = @user && if success && @user.errors.empty? email_error = false begin UserMailer.deliver_signup_notification(@user, activate_path(:activation_code => @user.activation_code, :only_path => false)) rescue Exception => e logger.error("ERROR: Could not deliver activation request email, user account will remain unactive: #{e}") email_error = true end redirect_back_or_default(root_path) flash[:notice] = "Thanks for signing up! " unless email_error flash[:notice] << " We're sending you an email with your activation code." else flash[:error] = "We were unable to send you an activation email, please contact the pool administrator to get your account activated." end else flash[:error] = "We couldn't set up that account, sorry. Please try again, or contact an admin." render :action => 'new' end end def activate logout_keeping_session! user = User.find_by_activation_code(params[:activation_code]) unless params[:activation_code].blank? case when (!params[:activation_code].blank?) && user && ! user.activate! begin UserMailer.deliver_activation(user, root_path(:only_path => false)) if user.recently_activated? rescue Exception => e logger.error("Could not deliver post-activation email: #{e}") end flash[:notice] = "Signup complete! Please sign in to continue." redirect_to login_path when params[:activation_code].blank? flash[:error] = "The activation code was missing. Please follow the URL from your email." redirect_back_or_default(root_path) else flash[:error] = "We couldn't find a user with that activation code -- check your email? Or maybe you've already activated -- try signing in." redirect_back_or_default(root_path) end end end