--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
name: bougyman-freeswitcher
version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
version: 0.4.1
platform: ruby
- Jayson Vaughn
- Michael Fellinger
- Kevin Berry
- TJ Vanderpoel
bindir: bin
cert_chain: []
date: 2009-06-03 00:00:00 -07:00
- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
name: eventmachine
type: :runtime
version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- - ">="
- !ruby/object:Gem::Version
version: "0"
description: "========================================================= FreeSWITCHeR Copyright (c) 2009 The Rubyists (Jayson Vaughn, Tj Vanderpoel, Michael Fellinger, Kevin Berry) Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. ========================================================== ABOUT ----- A ruby library for interacting with the \"FreeSWITCH\" (http://www.freeswitch.org) opensource telephony platform REQUIREMENTS ------------ * ruby (>= 1.8) * eventmachine (If you wish to use Outbound and Inbound listener) USAGE ----- An Outbound Event Listener Example that reads and returns DTMF input: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply just create a subclass of FSR::Listner::Outbound and all new calls/sessions will invoke the \"session_initiated\" callback method. NOTE: FSR uses blocks within the 'session_inititated' method to ensure that the next \"freeswich command\" is not executed until the previous \"Freeswitch command\" has finished. This is kicked off by \"answer do\" #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'fsr' require 'fsr/listener/outbound' class OutboundDemo < FSR::Listener::Outbound def session_initiated exten = @session.headers[:caller_caller_id_number] FSR::Log.info \"*** Answering incoming call from #{exten}\" answer do FSR::Log.info \"***Reading DTMF from #{exten}\" read(\"/home/freeswitch/freeswitch/sounds/music/8000/sweet.wav\", 4, 10, \"input\", 7000) do |read_var| FSR::Log.info \"***Success, grabbed #{read_var.strip} from #{exten}\" # Tell the caller what they entered speak(\"Got the DTMF of: #{read_var}\") do #Hangup the call hangup end end end end end FSR.start_oes! OutboundDemo, :port => 8084, :host => \"\" An Inbound Event Socket Listener example using FreeSWITCHeR's hook system: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'pp' require 'fsr' require \"fsr/listener/inbound\" # EXAMPLE 1 # This adds a hook on CHANNEL_CREATE events. You can also create a method to handle the event you're after. See the next example FSL::Inbound.add_event_hook(:CHANNEL_CREATE) {|event| FSR::Log.info \"*** [#{event.content[:unique_id]}] Channel created - greetings from the hook!\" } # EXAMPLE 2 # Define a method to handle CHANNEL_HANGUP events. def custom_channel_hangup_handler(event) FSR::Log.info \"*** [#{event.content[:unique_id]}] Channel hangup. The event:\" pp event end # This adds a hook for EXAMPLE 2 FSL::Inbound.add_event_hook(:CHANNEL_HANGUP) {|event| custom_channel_hangup_handler(event) } # Start FSR Inbound Listener FSR.start_ies!(FSL::Inbound, :host => \"localhost\", :port => 8021) An Inbound Event Socket Listener example using the on_event callback method instead of hooks: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'pp' require 'fsr' require \"fsr/listener/inbound\" class IesDemo < FSR::Listener::Inbound def on_event(event) pp event.headers pp event.content[:event_name] end end FSR.start_ies!(IesDemo, :host => \"localhost\", :port => 8021) An example of using FSR::CommandSocket to originate a new call in irb: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- irb(main):001:0> require 'fsr' => true irb(main):002:0> FSR.load_all_commands => [:sofia, :originate] irb(main):003:0> sock = FSR::CommandSocket.new => #, @port=\"8021\", @auth=\"ClueCon\"> irb(main):007:0> sock.originate(:target => 'sofia/gateway/carlos/8179395222', :endpoint => FSR::App::Bridge.new(\"user/bougyman\")).run => {\"Job-UUID\"=>\"732075a4-7dd5-4258-b124-6284a82a5ae7\", \"body\"=>\"\", \"Content-Type\"=>\"command/reply\", \"Reply-Text\"=>\"+OK Job-UUID: 732075a4-7dd5-4258-b124-6284a82a5ae7\"} SUPPORT ------- Home page at http://code.rubyists.com/projects/fs #rubyists on FreeNode"
email: FreeSWITCHeR@rubyists.com
executables: []
extensions: []
extra_rdoc_files: []
- .gitignore
- License.txt
- Rakefile
- examples/inbound_event_socket.rb
- examples/inbound_socket_events.rb
- examples/outbound_event_socket.rb
- freeswitcher.gemspec
- lib/fsr.rb
- lib/fsr/app.rb
- lib/fsr/app/answer.rb
- lib/fsr/app/bridge.rb
- lib/fsr/app/conference.rb
- lib/fsr/app/fifo.rb
- lib/fsr/app/fs_break.rb
- lib/fsr/app/fs_sleep.rb
- lib/fsr/app/hangup.rb
- lib/fsr/app/limit.rb
- lib/fsr/app/log.rb
- lib/fsr/app/play_and_get_digits.rb
- lib/fsr/app/playback.rb
- lib/fsr/app/read.rb
- lib/fsr/app/set.rb
- lib/fsr/app/speak.rb
- lib/fsr/app/transfer.rb
- lib/fsr/app/uuid_dump.rb
- lib/fsr/app/uuid_getvar.rb
- lib/fsr/app/uuid_setvar.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/calls.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/fsctl.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/originate.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/sofia.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/sofia/profile.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/sofia/status.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/sofia_contact.rb
- lib/fsr/cmd/status.rb
- lib/fsr/command_socket.rb
- lib/fsr/database.rb
- lib/fsr/database/call_limit.rb
- lib/fsr/database/core.rb
- lib/fsr/database/sofia_reg_external.rb
- lib/fsr/database/sofia_reg_internal.rb
- lib/fsr/database/voicemail_default.rb
- lib/fsr/event_socket.rb
- lib/fsr/fake_socket.rb
- lib/fsr/listener.rb
- lib/fsr/listener/header_and_content_response.rb
- lib/fsr/listener/inbound.rb
- lib/fsr/listener/inbound/event.rb
- lib/fsr/listener/outbound.rb
- lib/fsr/model/call.rb
- lib/fsr/version.rb
- tasks/authors.rake
- tasks/bacon.rake
- tasks/changelog.rake
- tasks/copyright.rake
- tasks/gem.rake
- tasks/gem_installer.rake
- tasks/install_dependencies.rake
- tasks/manifest.rake
- tasks/rcov.rake
- tasks/release.rake
- tasks/reversion.rake
- tasks/setup.rake
- tasks/spec.rake
- tasks/yard.rake
- spec/helper.rb
- spec/fsr/app.rb
- spec/fsr/app/answer.rb
- spec/fsr/app/bridge.rb
- spec/fsr/app/conference.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fifo.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fs_break.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fs_sleep.rb
- spec/fsr/app/hangup.rb
- spec/fsr/app/limit.rb
- spec/fsr/app/log.rb
- spec/fsr/app/play_and_get_digits.rb
- spec/fsr/app/playback.rb
- spec/fsr/app/set.rb
- spec/fsr/app/transfer.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/calls.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/originate.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/sofia.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/sofia/profile.rb
- spec/fsr/listener.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/header_and_content_response.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/inbound.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/outbound.rb
- spec/fsr/loading.rb
has_rdoc: false
homepage: http://code.rubyists.com/projects/fs
post_install_message: |
Copyright (c) 2009 The Rubyists (Jayson Vaughn, Tj Vanderpoel, Michael Fellinger, Kevin Berry)
Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
A ruby library for interacting with the "FreeSWITCH" (http://www.freeswitch.org) opensource telephony platform
* ruby (>= 1.8)
* eventmachine (If you wish to use Outbound and Inbound listener)
An Outbound Event Listener Example that reads and returns DTMF input:
Simply just create a subclass of FSR::Listner::Outbound and all
new calls/sessions will invoke the "session_initiated" callback method.
NOTE: FSR uses blocks within the 'session_inititated' method to ensure that the next "freeswich command" is not executed until the previous "Freeswitch command" has finished. This is kicked off by "answer do"
require 'fsr'
require 'fsr/listener/outbound'
class OutboundDemo < FSR::Listener::Outbound
def session_initiated
exten = @session.headers[:caller_caller_id_number]
FSR::Log.info "*** Answering incoming call from #{exten}"
answer do
FSR::Log.info "***Reading DTMF from #{exten}"
read("/home/freeswitch/freeswitch/sounds/music/8000/sweet.wav", 4, 10, "input", 7000) do |read_var|
FSR::Log.info "***Success, grabbed #{read_var.strip} from #{exten}"
# Tell the caller what they entered
speak("Got the DTMF of: #{read_var}") do
#Hangup the call
FSR.start_oes! OutboundDemo, :port => 8084, :host => ""
An Inbound Event Socket Listener example using FreeSWITCHeR's hook system:
require 'pp'
require 'fsr'
require "fsr/listener/inbound"
# This adds a hook on CHANNEL_CREATE events. You can also create a method to handle the event you're after. See the next example
FSL::Inbound.add_event_hook(:CHANNEL_CREATE) {|event| FSR::Log.info "*** [#{event.content[:unique_id]}] Channel created - greetings from the hook!" }
# Define a method to handle CHANNEL_HANGUP events.
def custom_channel_hangup_handler(event)
FSR::Log.info "*** [#{event.content[:unique_id]}] Channel hangup. The event:"
pp event
# This adds a hook for EXAMPLE 2
FSL::Inbound.add_event_hook(:CHANNEL_HANGUP) {|event| custom_channel_hangup_handler(event) }
# Start FSR Inbound Listener
FSR.start_ies!(FSL::Inbound, :host => "localhost", :port => 8021)
An Inbound Event Socket Listener example using the on_event callback method instead of hooks:
require 'pp'
require 'fsr'
require "fsr/listener/inbound"
class IesDemo < FSR::Listener::Inbound
def on_event(event)
pp event.headers
pp event.content[:event_name]
FSR.start_ies!(IesDemo, :host => "localhost", :port => 8021)
An example of using FSR::CommandSocket to originate a new call in irb:
irb(main):001:0> require 'fsr'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> FSR.load_all_commands
=> [:sofia, :originate]
irb(main):003:0> sock = FSR::CommandSocket.new
=> #, @port="8021", @auth="ClueCon">
irb(main):007:0> sock.originate(:target => 'sofia/gateway/carlos/8179395222', :endpoint => FSR::App::Bridge.new("user/bougyman")).run
=> {"Job-UUID"=>"732075a4-7dd5-4258-b124-6284a82a5ae7", "body"=>"", "Content-Type"=>"command/reply", "Reply-Text"=>"+OK Job-UUID: 732075a4-7dd5-4258-b124-6284a82a5ae7"}
Home page at http://code.rubyists.com/projects/fs
#rubyists on FreeNode
rdoc_options: []
- lib
required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- - ">="
- !ruby/object:Gem::Version
version: "0"
required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
- - ">="
- !ruby/object:Gem::Version
version: "0"
requirements: []
rubyforge_project: freeswitcher
rubygems_version: 1.2.0
specification_version: 3
summary: A library for interacting with the "FreeSWITCH":http://freeswitch.org telephony platform
- spec/fsr/app.rb
- spec/fsr/app/answer.rb
- spec/fsr/app/bridge.rb
- spec/fsr/app/conference.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fifo.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fs_break.rb
- spec/fsr/app/fs_sleep.rb
- spec/fsr/app/hangup.rb
- spec/fsr/app/limit.rb
- spec/fsr/app/log.rb
- spec/fsr/app/play_and_get_digits.rb
- spec/fsr/app/playback.rb
- spec/fsr/app/set.rb
- spec/fsr/app/transfer.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/calls.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/originate.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/sofia.rb
- spec/fsr/cmd/sofia/profile.rb
- spec/fsr/listener.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/header_and_content_response.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/inbound.rb
- spec/fsr/listener/outbound.rb
- spec/fsr/loading.rb