import { DEBUG } from '@glimmer/env'; import { addObserver, computed, get, set, isWatching, removeObserver } from 'ember-metal'; import { HAS_NATIVE_PROXY } from 'ember-utils'; import ObjectProxy from '../../lib/system/object_proxy'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'ObjectProxy', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test should not proxy properties passed to create'](assert) { let Proxy = ObjectProxy.extend({ cp: computed({ get() { return this._cp; }, set(key, value) { this._cp = value; return this._cp; }, }), }); let proxy = Proxy.create({ prop: 'Foo', cp: 'Bar', }); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'prop'), 'Foo', 'should not have tried to proxy set'); assert.equal(proxy._cp, 'Bar', 'should use CP setter'); } ['@test should proxy properties to content'](assert) { let content = { firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Dale', unknownProperty(key) { return key + ' unknown'; }, }; let proxy = ObjectProxy.create(); assert.equal( get(proxy, 'firstName'), undefined, 'get on proxy without content should return undefined' ); expectAssertion(() => { set(proxy, 'firstName', 'Foo'); }, /Cannot delegate set\('firstName', Foo\) to the 'content'/i); set(proxy, 'content', content); assert.equal( get(proxy, 'firstName'), 'Tom', 'get on proxy with content should forward to content' ); assert.equal( get(proxy, 'lastName'), 'Dale', 'get on proxy with content should forward to content' ); assert.equal( get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo unknown', 'get on proxy with content should forward to content' ); set(proxy, 'lastName', 'Huda'); assert.equal( get(content, 'lastName'), 'Huda', 'content should have new value from set on proxy' ); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'lastName'), 'Huda', 'proxy should have new value from set on proxy'); set(proxy, 'content', { firstName: 'Yehuda', lastName: 'Katz' }); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'firstName'), 'Yehuda', 'proxy should reflect updated content'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'lastName'), 'Katz', 'proxy should reflect updated content'); } ['@test getting proxied properties with Ember.get should work'](assert) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ content: { foo: 'FOO', }, }); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'FOO'); } [`@test JSON.stringify doens't assert`](assert) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ content: { foo: 'FOO', }, }); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(proxy), JSON.stringify({ content: { foo: 'FOO' } })); } ['@test calling a function on the proxy avoids the assertion'](assert) { if (DEBUG && HAS_NATIVE_PROXY) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.extend({ init() { if (!this.foobar) { this.foobar = function() { let content = get(this, 'content'); return content.foobar.apply(content, []); }; } }, }).create({ content: { foobar() { return 'xoxo'; }, }, }); assert.equal(proxy.foobar(), 'xoxo', 'should be able to use a function from a proxy'); } else { assert.expect(0); } } [`@test setting a property on the proxy avoids the assertion`](assert) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ toJSON: undefined, content: { toJSON() { return 'hello'; }, }, }); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(proxy), JSON.stringify({ content: 'hello' })); } [`@test setting a property on the proxy's prototype avoids the assertion`](assert) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.extend({ toJSON: null, }).create({ content: { toJSON() { return 'hello'; }, }, }); assert.equal(JSON.stringify(proxy), JSON.stringify({ content: 'hello' })); } ['@test getting proxied properties with [] should be an error'](assert) { if (DEBUG && HAS_NATIVE_PROXY) { let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ content: { foo: 'FOO', }, }); expectAssertion(() =>, /\.get\('foo'\)/); } else { assert.expect(0); } } ['@test should work with watched properties'](assert) { let content1 = { firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Dale' }; let content2 = { firstName: 'Yehuda', lastName: 'Katz' }; let count = 0; let last; let Proxy = ObjectProxy.extend({ fullName: computed(function() { let firstName = this.get('firstName'); let lastName = this.get('lastName'); if (firstName && lastName) { return firstName + ' ' + lastName; } return firstName || lastName; }).property('firstName', 'lastName'), }); let proxy = Proxy.create(); addObserver(proxy, 'fullName', function() { last = get(proxy, 'fullName'); count++; }); // proxy without content returns undefined assert.equal(get(proxy, 'fullName'), undefined); // setting content causes all watched properties to change set(proxy, 'content', content1); // both dependent keys changed assert.equal(count, 2); assert.equal(last, 'Tom Dale'); // setting property in content causes proxy property to change set(content1, 'lastName', 'Huda'); assert.equal(count, 3); assert.equal(last, 'Tom Huda'); // replacing content causes all watched properties to change set(proxy, 'content', content2); // both dependent keys changed assert.equal(count, 5); assert.equal(last, 'Yehuda Katz'); // content1 is no longer watched assert.ok(!isWatching(content1, 'firstName'), 'not watching firstName'); assert.ok(!isWatching(content1, 'lastName'), 'not watching lastName'); // setting property in new content set(content2, 'firstName', 'Tomhuda'); assert.equal(last, 'Tomhuda Katz'); assert.equal(count, 6); // setting property in proxy syncs with new content set(proxy, 'lastName', 'Katzdale'); assert.equal(count, 7); assert.equal(last, 'Tomhuda Katzdale'); assert.equal(get(content2, 'firstName'), 'Tomhuda'); assert.equal(get(content2, 'lastName'), 'Katzdale'); } ['@test set and get should work with paths'](assert) { let content = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }; let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ content }); let count = 0; proxy.set('', 'hello'); assert.equal(proxy.get(''), 'hello'); assert.equal(proxy.get(''), 'hello'); proxy.addObserver('', function() { count++; }); proxy.set('', 'bye'); assert.equal(count, 1); assert.equal(proxy.get(''), 'bye'); assert.equal(proxy.get(''), 'bye'); } ['@test should transition between watched and unwatched strategies'](assert) { let content = { foo: 'foo' }; let proxy = ObjectProxy.create({ content: content }); let count = 0; function observer() { count++; } assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo'); set(content, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'bar'); set(proxy, 'foo', 'foo'); assert.equal(get(content, 'foo'), 'foo'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo'); addObserver(proxy, 'foo', observer); assert.equal(count, 0); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo'); set(content, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(count, 1); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'bar'); set(proxy, 'foo', 'foo'); assert.equal(count, 2); assert.equal(get(content, 'foo'), 'foo'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo'); removeObserver(proxy, 'foo', observer); set(content, 'foo', 'bar'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'bar'); set(proxy, 'foo', 'foo'); assert.equal(get(content, 'foo'), 'foo'); assert.equal(get(proxy, 'foo'), 'foo'); } ['@test setting `undefined` to a proxied content property should override its existing value']( assert ) { let proxyObject = ObjectProxy.create({ content: { prop: 'emberjs', }, }); set(proxyObject, 'prop', undefined); assert.equal( get(proxyObject, 'prop'), undefined, 'sets the `undefined` value to the proxied content' ); } } );