# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'date' require 'tempfile' class DatabaseTest < MiniTest::Test def setup @db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') @db.query('create table if not exists t (x,y,z)') @db.query('delete from t') @db.query('insert into t values (1, 2, 3)') @db.query('insert into t values (4, 5, 6)') end def test_database r = @db.query('select 1 as foo') assert_equal [{foo: 1}], r end def test_query r = @db.query('select * from t') assert_equal [{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}, {x: 4, y: 5, z: 6}], r r = @db.query('select * from t where x = 2') assert_equal [], r end def test_invalid_query assert_raises(Extralite::SQLError) { @db.query('blah') } end def test_query_hash r = @db.query_hash('select * from t') assert_equal [{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}, {x: 4, y: 5, z: 6}], r r = @db.query_hash('select * from t where x = 2') assert_equal [], r end def test_query_ary r = @db.query_ary('select * from t') assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], r r = @db.query_ary('select * from t where x = 2') assert_equal [], r end def test_query_single_row r = @db.query_single_row('select * from t order by x desc limit 1') assert_equal({ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }, r) r = @db.query_single_row('select * from t where x = 2') assert_nil r end def test_query_single_column r = @db.query_single_column('select y from t') assert_equal [2, 5], r r = @db.query_single_column('select y from t where x = 2') assert_equal [], r end def test_query_single_value r = @db.query_single_value('select z from t order by Z desc limit 1') assert_equal 6, r r = @db.query_single_value('select z from t where x = 2') assert_nil r end def test_columns r = @db.columns('select x, z from t') assert_equal [:x, :z], r end def test_transaction_active? assert_equal false, @db.transaction_active? @db.query('begin') assert_equal true, @db.transaction_active? @db.query('rollback') assert_equal false, @db.transaction_active? end def test_multiple_statements @db.query("insert into t values ('a', 'b', 'c'); insert into t values ('d', 'e', 'f');") assert_equal [1, 4, 'a', 'd'], @db.query_single_column('select x from t order by x') end def test_multiple_statements_with_error error = nil begin @db.query("insert into t values foo; insert into t values ('d', 'e', 'f');") rescue => error end assert_kind_of Extralite::SQLError, error assert_equal 'near "foo": syntax error', error.message end def test_empty_sql r = @db.query(' ') assert_nil r r = @db.query('select 1 as foo; ') assert_equal [{ foo: 1 }], r end def test_close assert_equal false, @db.closed? r = @db.query_single_value('select 42') assert_equal 42, r assert_equal @db, @db.close assert_equal true, @db.closed? assert_raises(Extralite::Error) { @db.query_single_value('select 42') } end def test_parameter_binding_simple r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where x = ?', 1) assert_equal [{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }], r r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where z = ?', 6) assert_equal [{ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }], r error = assert_raises(Extralite::ParameterError) { @db.query_single_value('select ?', Date.today) } assert_equal error.message, 'Cannot bind parameter at position 1 of type Date' end def test_parameter_binding_with_index r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where x = ?2', 0, 1) assert_equal [{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }], r r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where z = ?3', 3, 4, 6) assert_equal [{ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }], r end def test_parameter_binding_with_name r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where x = :x', x: 1, y: 2) assert_equal [{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }], r r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where z = :zzz', 'zzz' => 6) assert_equal [{ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }], r r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where z = :bazzz', ':bazzz' => 6) assert_equal [{ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }], r end def test_parameter_binding_with_index_key r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where z = ?', 1 => 3) assert_equal [{ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }], r r = @db.query('select x, y, z from t where x = ?2', 1 => 42, 2 => 4) assert_equal [{ x: 4, y: 5, z: 6 }], r end class Foo; end def test_parameter_binding_from_hash assert_equal 42, @db.query_single_value('select :bar', foo: 41, bar: 42) assert_equal 42, @db.query_single_value('select :bar', 'foo' => 41, 'bar' => 42) assert_equal 42, @db.query_single_value('select ?8', 7 => 41, 8 => 42) assert_nil @db.query_single_value('select :bar', foo: 41) error = assert_raises(Extralite::ParameterError) { @db.query_single_value('select ?', Foo.new => 42) } assert_equal error.message, 'Cannot bind parameter with a key of type DatabaseTest::Foo' error = assert_raises(Extralite::ParameterError) { @db.query_single_value('select ?', %w[a b] => 42) } assert_equal error.message, 'Cannot bind parameter with a key of type Array' end def test_parameter_binding_from_struct foo_bar = Struct.new(:":foo", :bar) value = foo_bar.new(41, 42) assert_equal 41, @db.query_single_value('select :foo', value) assert_equal 42, @db.query_single_value('select :bar', value) assert_nil @db.query_single_value('select :baz', value) end def test_parameter_binding_from_data_class skip "Data isn't supported in Ruby < 3.2" if RUBY_VERSION < '3.2' foo_bar = Data.define(:":foo", :bar) value = foo_bar.new(":foo": 41, bar: 42) assert_equal 42, @db.query_single_value('select :bar', value) assert_nil @db.query_single_value('select :baz', value) end def test_parameter_binding_for_blobs sql = 'SELECT typeof(data) AS type, data FROM blobs WHERE ROWID = ?' blob_path = File.expand_path('fixtures/image.png', __dir__) @db.execute('CREATE TABLE blobs (data BLOB)') # it's a string, not a blob @db.execute('INSERT INTO blobs VALUES (?)', 'Hello, 世界!') result = @db.query_single_row(sql, @db.last_insert_rowid) assert_equal 'text', result[:type] assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, result[:data].encoding data = File.binread(blob_path) @db.execute('INSERT INTO blobs VALUES (?)', data) result = @db.query_single_row(sql, @db.last_insert_rowid) assert_equal 'blob', result[:type] assert_equal data, result[:data] data = (+'Hello, 世界!').force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) @db.execute('INSERT INTO blobs VALUES (?)', data) result = @db.query_single_row(sql, @db.last_insert_rowid) assert_equal 'blob', result[:type] assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, result[:data].encoding assert_equal 'Hello, 世界!', result[:data].force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) data = Extralite::Blob.new('Hello, 世界!') @db.execute('INSERT INTO blobs VALUES (?)', data) result = @db.query_single_row(sql, @db.last_insert_rowid) assert_equal 'blob', result[:type] assert_equal Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, result[:data].encoding assert_equal 'Hello, 世界!', result[:data].force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def test_parameter_binding_for_simple_types assert_nil @db.query_single_value('select ?', nil) # 32-bit integers assert_equal -2** 31, @db.query_single_value('select ?', -2**31) assert_equal 2**31 - 1, @db.query_single_value('select ?', 2**31 - 1) # 64-bit integers assert_equal -2 ** 63, @db.query_single_value('select ?', -2 ** 63) assert_equal 2**63 - 1, @db.query_single_value('select ?', 2**63 - 1) # floats assert_equal Float::MIN, @db.query_single_value('select ?', Float::MIN) assert_equal Float::MAX, @db.query_single_value('select ?', Float::MAX) # boolean assert_equal 1, @db.query_single_value('select ?', true) assert_equal 0, @db.query_single_value('select ?', false) # strings and symbols assert_equal 'foo', @db.query_single_value('select ?', 'foo') assert_equal 'foo', @db.query_single_value('select ?', :foo) end def test_value_casting r = @db.query_single_value("select 'abc'") assert_equal 'abc', r r = @db.query_single_value('select 123') assert_equal 123, r r = @db.query_single_value('select 12.34') assert_equal 12.34, r r = @db.query_single_value('select zeroblob(4)') assert_equal "\x00\x00\x00\x00", r r = @db.query_single_value('select null') assert_nil r end def test_extension_loading case RUBY_PLATFORM when /linux/ @db.load_extension(File.join(__dir__, 'extensions/text.so')) when /darwin/ @db.load_extension(File.join(__dir__, 'extensions/text.dylib')) end r = @db.query_single_value("select reverse('abcd')") assert_equal 'dcba', r end def test_tables assert_equal ['t'], @db.tables @db.query('create table foo (bar text)') assert_equal ['t', 'foo'], @db.tables @db.query('drop table t') assert_equal ['foo'], @db.tables @db.query('drop table foo') assert_equal [], @db.tables end def test_tables_with_db_name assert_equal ['t'], @db.tables('main') @db.query('create table foo (bar text)') assert_equal ['t', 'foo'], @db.tables('main') @db.query('drop table t') assert_equal ['foo'], @db.tables('main') @db.query('drop table foo') assert_equal [], @db.tables('main') assert_raises { @db.tables('foo') } fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_tables_with_db_name').path @db.execute "attach database '#{fn}' as foo" assert_equal [], @db.tables('foo') @db.execute 'create table foo.bar (x, y)' assert_equal ['bar'], @db.tables('foo') end def test_pragma assert_equal 'memory', @db.pragma('journal_mode') assert_equal 2, @db.pragma('synchronous') assert_equal 1, @db.pragma(:schema_version) assert_equal 0, @db.pragma(:recursive_triggers) assert_equal [], @db.pragma(schema_version: 33, recursive_triggers: 1) assert_equal 33, @db.pragma(:schema_version) assert_equal 1, @db.pragma(:recursive_triggers) end def test_execute changes = @db.execute('update t set x = 42') assert_equal 2, changes end def test_execute_with_params changes = @db.execute('update t set x = ? where z = ?', 42, 6) assert_equal 1, changes assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [42, 5, 6]], @db.query_ary('select * from t order by x') end def test_execute_with_params_array changes = @db.execute('update t set x = ? where z = ?', [42, 6]) assert_equal 1, changes assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [42, 5, 6]], @db.query_ary('select * from t order by x') end def test_batch_execute @db.query('create table foo (a, b, c)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') records = [ [1, '2', 3], ['4', 5, 6] ] changes = @db.batch_execute('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?)', records) assert_equal 2, changes assert_equal [ { a: 1, b: '2', c: 3 }, { a: '4', b: 5, c: 6 } ], @db.query('select * from foo') end def test_batch_execute_single_values @db.query('create table foo (bar)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') records = [ 'hi', 'bye' ] changes = @db.batch_execute('insert into foo values (?)', records) assert_equal 2, changes assert_equal [ { bar: 'hi' }, { bar: 'bye' } ], @db.query('select * from foo') end def test_batch_execute_with_each_interface @db.query('create table foo (bar)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') changes = @db.batch_execute('insert into foo values (?)', 1..3) assert_equal 3, changes assert_equal [ { bar: 1 }, { bar: 2 }, { bar: 3 } ], @db.query('select * from foo') end def test_batch_execute_with_proc source = [42, 43, 44] @db.query('create table foo (a)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') pr = proc { source.shift } changes = @db.batch_execute('insert into foo values (?)', pr) assert_equal 3, changes assert_equal [ { a: 42 }, { a: 43 }, { a: 44 } ], @db.query('select * from foo') end def test_batch_query_with_array @db.query('create table foo (a, b, c)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') data = [ [1, '2', 3], ['4', 5, 6] ] results = @db.batch_query('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?) returning *', data) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: '2', c: 3 }], [{ a: '4', b: 5, c: 6 }] ], results results = @db.batch_query('update foo set c = ? returning *', [42, 43]) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: '2', c: 42 }, { a: '4', b: 5, c: 42 }], [{ a: 1, b: '2', c: 43 }, { a: '4', b: 5, c: 43 }] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query('update foo set c = ? returning *', [44, 45]) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 4, changes assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: '2', c: 44 }, { a: '4', b: 5, c: 44 }], [{ a: 1, b: '2', c: 45 }, { a: '4', b: 5, c: 45 }] ], array end def test_batch_query_with_enumerable @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') results = @db.batch_query('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning *', 11..13) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 11 }], [{ a: 2, b: 12 }], [{ a: 3, b: 13 }] ], results results = @db.batch_query('update foo set b = ? returning *', [42, 43]) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 42 }, { a: 2, b: 42 }, { a: 3, b: 42 }], [{ a: 1, b: 43 }, { a: 2, b: 43 }, { a: 3, b: 43 }] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query('update foo set b = ? returning *', [44, 45]) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 44 }, { a: 2, b: 44 }, { a: 3, b: 44 }], [{ a: 1, b: 45 }, { a: 2, b: 45 }, { a: 3, b: 45 }] ], array end def parameter_source_proc(values) proc { values.shift } end def test_batch_query_with_proc @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') pr = parameter_source_proc([5, 4, 3]) assert_kind_of Proc, pr results = @db.batch_query('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning *', pr) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 5 }], [{ a: 2, b: 4 }], [{ a: 3, b: 3 }] ], results pr = parameter_source_proc([42, 43]) results = @db.batch_query('update foo set b = ? returning *', pr) assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 42 }, { a: 2, b: 42 }, { a: 3, b: 42 }], [{ a: 1, b: 43 }, { a: 2, b: 43 }, { a: 3, b: 43 }] ], results array = [] pr = parameter_source_proc([44, 45]) changes = @db.batch_query('update foo set b = ? returning *', pr) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [{ a: 1, b: 44 }, { a: 2, b: 44 }, { a: 3, b: 44 }], [{ a: 1, b: 45 }, { a: 2, b: 45 }, { a: 3, b: 45 }] ], array end def test_batch_query_ary_with_array @db.query('create table foo (a, b, c)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') data = [ [1, '2', 3], ['4', 5, 6] ] results = @db.batch_query_ary('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?) returning *', data) assert_equal [ [[1, '2', 3]], [['4', 5, 6]] ], results results = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set c = ? returning *', [42, 43]) assert_equal [ [[1, '2', 42], ['4', 5, 42]], [[1, '2', 43], ['4', 5, 43]] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set c = ? returning *', [44, 45]) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 4, changes assert_equal [ [[1, '2', 44], ['4', 5, 44]], [[1, '2', 45], ['4', 5, 45]] ], array end def test_batch_query_ary_with_enumerable @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') results = @db.batch_query_ary('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning *', 11..13) assert_equal [ [[1, 11]], [[2, 12]], [[3, 13]] ], results results = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set b = ? returning *', [42, 43]) assert_equal [ [[1, 42], [2, 42], [3, 42]], [[1, 43], [2, 43], [3, 43]] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set b = ? returning *', [44, 45]) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [[1, 44], [2, 44], [3, 44]], [[1, 45], [2, 45], [3, 45]] ], array end def test_batch_query_ary_with_proc @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') pr = parameter_source_proc([5, 4, 3]) assert_kind_of Proc, pr results = @db.batch_query_ary('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning *', pr) assert_equal [ [[1, 5]], [[2, 4]], [[3, 3]] ], results pr = parameter_source_proc([42, 43]) results = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set b = ? returning *', pr) assert_equal [ [[1, 42], [2, 42], [3, 42]], [[1, 43], [2, 43], [3, 43]] ], results array = [] pr = parameter_source_proc([44, 45]) changes = @db.batch_query_ary('update foo set b = ? returning *', pr) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [[1, 44], [2, 44], [3, 44]], [[1, 45], [2, 45], [3, 45]] ], array end def test_batch_query_single_column_with_array @db.query('create table foo (a, b, c)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') data = [ [1, '2', 3], ['4', 5, 6] ] results = @db.batch_query_single_column('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?) returning c', data) assert_equal [ [3], [6] ], results results = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set c = ? returning c * 10 + cast(b as integer)', [42, 43]) assert_equal [ [422, 425], [432, 435] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set c = ? returning c * 10 + cast(b as integer)', [44, 45]) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 4, changes assert_equal [ [442, 445], [452, 455] ], array end def test_batch_query_single_column_with_enumerable @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') results = @db.batch_query_single_column('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning b * 10 + a', 11..13) assert_equal [ [111], [122], [133] ], results results = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set b = ? returning b * 10 + a', 42..43) assert_equal [ [421, 422, 423], [431, 432, 433] ], results array = [] changes = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set b = ? returning b * 10 + a', 44..45) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [441, 442, 443], [451, 452, 453] ], array end def test_batch_query_single_column_with_proc @db.query('create table foo (a integer primary key, b)') assert_equal [], @db.query('select * from foo') pr = parameter_source_proc([5, 4, 3]) assert_kind_of Proc, pr results = @db.batch_query_single_column('insert into foo (b) values (?) returning b', pr) assert_equal [ [5], [4], [3] ], results pr = parameter_source_proc([42, 43]) results = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set b = ? returning b * 10 + a', pr) assert_equal [ [421, 422, 423], [431, 432, 433] ], results array = [] pr = parameter_source_proc([44, 45]) changes = @db.batch_query_single_column('update foo set b = ? returning b * 10 + a', pr) do |rows| array << rows end assert_equal 6, changes assert_equal [ [441, 442, 443], [451, 452, 453] ], array end def test_interrupt t = Thread.new do sleep 0.5 @db.interrupt end n = 2**31 assert_raises(Extralite::InterruptError) { @db.query <<-SQL WITH RECURSIVE fibo (curr, next) AS ( SELECT 1,1 UNION ALL SELECT next, curr+next FROM fibo LIMIT #{n} ) SELECT curr, next FROM fibo LIMIT 1 OFFSET #{n}-1; SQL } t.join end def test_database_status assert_operator 0, :<, @db.status(Extralite::SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED).first end def test_database_limit result = @db.limit(Extralite::SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED) assert_equal 10, result result = @db.limit(Extralite::SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED, 5) assert_equal 10, result result = @db.limit(Extralite::SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED) assert_equal 5, result assert_raises(Extralite::Error) { @db.limit(-999) } end def test_database_busy_timeout fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_database_busy_timeout').path db1 = Extralite::Database.new(fn) db2 = Extralite::Database.new(fn) db1.query('begin exclusive') assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) { db2.query('begin exclusive') } db2.busy_timeout = 3 t0 = Time.now t = Thread.new { sleep 0.1; db1.query('rollback') } result = db2.query('begin exclusive') t1 = Time.now assert_equal [], result assert t1 - t0 >= 0.1 db2.query('rollback') t.join # try to provoke a timeout db1.query('begin exclusive') db2.busy_timeout = nil assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) { db2.query('begin exclusive') } db2.busy_timeout = 0.2 t0 = Time.now t = Thread.new do sleep 3 ensure db1.query('rollback') end assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) { db2.query('begin exclusive') } t1 = Time.now assert t1 - t0 >= 0.2 t.kill t.join db1.query('begin exclusive') db2.busy_timeout = 0 assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) { db2.query('begin exclusive') } db2.busy_timeout = nil assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) { db2.query('begin exclusive') } end def test_database_total_changes assert_equal 2, @db.total_changes @db.query('insert into t values (7, 8, 9)') assert_equal 3, @db.total_changes end def test_database_errcode_errmsg assert_equal 0, @db.errcode assert_equal 'not an error', @db.errmsg @db.query('select foo') rescue nil assert_equal 1, @db.errcode assert_equal 'no such column: foo', @db.errmsg if Extralite.sqlite3_version >= '3.38.5' assert_equal 7, @db.error_offset end @db.query('create table t2 (v not null)') assert_raises(Extralite::Error) { @db.query('insert into t2 values (null)') } assert_equal Extralite::SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_NOTNULL, @db.errcode assert_equal 'NOT NULL constraint failed: t2.v', @db.errmsg end def test_close_with_open_prepared_statement query = @db.prepare('select * from t') query.next @db.close end def test_read_only_database db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') db.query('create table foo (bar)') assert_equal false, db.read_only? db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:', read_only: true) assert_raises(Extralite::Error) { db.query('create table foo (bar)') } assert_equal true, db.read_only? end def test_database_initialize_options db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:', gvl_release_threshold: 23) assert_equal 23, db.gvl_release_threshold fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_database_initialize_options_1').path db = Extralite::Database.new(fn, wal_journal_mode: true) assert_equal 'wal', db.pragma(:journal_mode) fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_database_initialize_options_2').path db = Extralite::Database.new(fn, synchronous: true) assert_equal 1, db.pragma(:synchronous) end def test_database_inspect db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') assert_match /^\#\$/, db.inspect end def test_database_inspect_on_closed_database db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') assert_match /^\#\$/, db.inspect db.close assert_match /^\#\$/, db.inspect end def test_string_encoding db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') v = db.query_single_value("select 'foo'") assert_equal 'foo', v assert_equal 'UTF-8', v.encoding.name end def test_database_transaction_commit path = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_database_transaction_commit').path db1 = Extralite::Database.new(path) db2 = Extralite::Database.new(path) db1.execute('create table foo(x)') assert_equal ['foo'], db1.tables assert_equal ['foo'], db2.tables q1 = Queue.new q2 = Queue.new th = Thread.new do db1.transaction do assert_equal true, db1.transaction_active? db1.execute('insert into foo values (42)') q1 << true q2.pop end assert_equal false, db1.transaction_active? end q1.pop # transaction not yet committed assert_equal false, db2.transaction_active? assert_equal [], db2.query('select * from foo') q2 << true th.join # transaction now committed assert_equal [{ x: 42 }], db2.query('select * from foo') end def test_database_transaction_rollback db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') db.execute('create table foo(x)') assert_equal [], db.query('select * from foo') exception = nil begin db.transaction do db.execute('insert into foo values (42)') raise 'bar' end rescue => e exception = e end assert_equal [], db.query('select * from foo') assert_kind_of RuntimeError, exception assert_equal 'bar', exception.message end end class ScenarioTest < MiniTest::Test def setup @fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_scenario_test').path @db = Extralite::Database.new(@fn) @db.query('create table if not exists t (x,y,z)') @db.query('delete from t') @db.query('insert into t values (1, 2, 3)') @db.query('insert into t values (4, 5, 6)') end def test_concurrent_transactions done = false t = Thread.new do db = Extralite::Database.new(@fn) db.query 'begin immediate' sleep 0.01 until done while true begin db.query 'commit' break rescue Extralite::BusyError sleep 0.01 end end end sleep 0.1 @db.query 'begin deferred' result = @db.query_single_column('select x from t') assert_equal [1, 4], result assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) do @db.query('insert into t values (7, 8, 9)') end done = true sleep 0.1 assert_raises(Extralite::BusyError) do @db.query('insert into t values (7, 8, 9)') end assert_equal true, @db.transaction_active? # the thing to do in this case is to commit the read transaction, allowing # the other thread to commit its write transaction, and then we can # "upgrade" to a write transaction @db.query('commit') while true begin @db.query('begin immediate') break rescue Extralite::BusyError sleep 0.1 end end @db.query('insert into t values (7, 8, 9)') @db.query('commit') result = @db.query_single_column('select x from t') assert_equal [1, 4, 7], result end def test_concurrent_queries @db.query('delete from t') @db.gvl_release_threshold = 1 q1 = @db.prepare('insert into t values (?, ?, ?)') q2 = @db.prepare('insert into t values (?, ?, ?)') t1 = Thread.new do data = (1..50).each_slice(10).map { |a| a.map { |i| [i, i + 1, i + 2] } } data.each do |params| q1.batch_execute(params) end end t2 = Thread.new do data = (51..100).each_slice(10).map { |a| a.map { |i| [i, i + 1, i + 2] } } data.each do |params| q2.batch_execute(params) end end t1.join t2.join assert_equal (1..100).to_a, @db.query_single_column('select x from t order by x') end def test_database_trace sqls = [] @db.trace { |sql| sqls << sql } GC.start @db.query('select 1') assert_equal ['select 1'], sqls @db.query('select 2') assert_equal ['select 1', 'select 2'], sqls query = @db.prepare('select 3') query.to_a assert_equal ['select 1', 'select 2', 'select 3'], sqls # turn off @db.trace query.to_a @db.query('select 4') assert_equal ['select 1', 'select 2', 'select 3'], sqls end end class BackupTest < MiniTest::Test def setup @src = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') @dst = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') @src.query('create table t (x,y,z)') @src.query('insert into t values (1, 2, 3)') @src.query('insert into t values (4, 5, 6)') end def test_backup @src.backup(@dst) assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], @dst.query_ary('select * from t') end def test_backup_with_block progress = [] @src.backup(@dst) { |r, t| progress << [r, t] } assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], @dst.query_ary('select * from t') assert_equal [[2, 2]], progress end def test_backup_with_schema_names @src.backup(@dst, 'main', 'temp') assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], @dst.query_ary('select * from temp.t') end def test_backup_with_fn tmp_fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_backup_with_fn').path @src.backup(tmp_fn) db = Extralite::Database.new(tmp_fn) assert_equal [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], db.query_ary('select * from t') end end class GVLReleaseThresholdTest < Minitest::Test def setup @sql = <<~SQL WITH RECURSIVE r(i) AS ( VALUES(0) UNION ALL SELECT i FROM r LIMIT 3000000 ) SELECT i FROM r WHERE i = 1; SQL end def test_default_gvl_release_threshold db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') assert_equal 1000, db.gvl_release_threshold end def test_gvl_always_release skip if !IS_LINUX delays = [] running = true t1 = Thread.new do last = Time.now while running sleep 0.1 now = Time.now delays << (now - last) last = now end end t2 = Thread.new do db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') db.gvl_release_threshold = 1 db.query(@sql) ensure running = false end t2.join t1.join assert delays.size > 4 assert_equal 0, delays.select { |d| d > 0.15 }.size end def test_gvl_always_hold skip if !IS_LINUX delays = [] running = true signal = Queue.new db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') db.gvl_release_threshold = 0 t1 = Thread.new do last = Time.now while running signal << true sleep 0.1 now = Time.now delays << (now - last) last = now end end t2 = Thread.new do signal.pop db.query(@sql) ensure running = false end t2.join t1.join assert delays.size >= 1 assert delays.first > 0.2 end def test_gvl_mode_get_set db = Extralite::Database.new(':memory:') assert_equal 1000, db.gvl_release_threshold db.gvl_release_threshold = 42 assert_equal 42, db.gvl_release_threshold db.gvl_release_threshold = 0 assert_equal 0, db.gvl_release_threshold assert_raises(ArgumentError) { db.gvl_release_threshold = :foo } db.gvl_release_threshold = nil assert_equal 1000, db.gvl_release_threshold end end class RactorTest < Minitest::Test def test_ractor_simple skip if SKIP_RACTOR_TESTS fn = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_database_in_ractor').path r = Ractor.new do path = receive db = Extralite::Database.new(path) i = receive db.execute 'insert into foo values (?)', i end r << fn db = Extralite::Database.new(fn) db.execute 'create table foo (x)' r << 42 r.take # wait for ractor to terminate assert_equal 42, db.query_single_value('select x from foo') end # Adapted from here: https://github.com/sparklemotion/sqlite3-ruby/pull/365/files def test_ractor_share_database skip if SKIP_RACTOR_TESTS db_receiver = Ractor.new do db = Ractor.receive Ractor.yield db.object_id begin db.execute("create table foo (b)") raise "Should have raised an exception in db.execute()" rescue => e Ractor.yield e end end sleep 0.1 db_creator = Ractor.new(db_receiver) do |db_receiver| db = Extralite::Database.new(":memory:") Ractor.yield db.object_id db_receiver.send(db) sleep 0.1 db.execute("create table foo (a)") end first_oid = db_creator.take second_oid = db_receiver.take refute_equal first_oid, second_oid ex = db_receiver.take assert_kind_of Extralite::Error, ex assert_equal "Database is closed", ex.message end STRESS_DB_NAME = Tempfile.new('extralite_test_ractor_stress').path # Adapted from here: https://github.com/sparklemotion/sqlite3-ruby/pull/365/files def test_ractor_stress skip if SKIP_RACTOR_TESTS Ractor.make_shareable(STRESS_DB_NAME) db = Extralite::Database.new(STRESS_DB_NAME) db.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL") # A little slow without this db.execute("create table stress_test (a integer primary_key, b text)") random = Random.new.freeze ractors = (0..9).map do |ractor_number| Ractor.new(random, ractor_number) do |random, ractor_number| db_in_ractor = Extralite::Database.new(STRESS_DB_NAME) db_in_ractor.busy_timeout = 3 10.times do |i| db_in_ractor.execute("insert into stress_test(a, b) values (#{ractor_number * 100 + i}, '#{random.rand}')") end end end ractors.each { |r| r.take } final_check = Ractor.new do db_in_ractor = Extralite::Database.new(STRESS_DB_NAME) count = db_in_ractor.query_single_value("select count(*) from stress_test") Ractor.yield count end count = final_check.take assert_equal 100, count end end