require 'spec_helper' require 'http_helper' describe(BugherdClient::Resources::V2::Project) do let(:client) do client = 'testing') end let(:project_id) { 40093 } context 'api_methods' do it 'should list available api_methods' do t = client.tasks [:priorities, :statuses, :all, :find, :create, :update].each do |public_method| expect(t.api_methods).to include(public_method) end end end context 'priorities' do it 'should return a list of available task priorities' do priorities = client.tasks.priorities ['not set', 'critical', 'important', 'normal','minor'].each do |p| expect(priorities).to include(p) end end end context 'statuses' do it 'should return a list of available task statuses' do statuses = client.tasks.statuses ['backlog','todo','doing','done','closed'].each do |s| expect(statuses).to include(s) end end end context 'filter_querying' do it 'should raise an error for invalid filter queries' do expect { client.tasks.all(project_id, { foo: 'whatever' }) }.to raise_error(BugherdClient::Errors::InvalidQueryKey) end end context 'all', vcr: { cassette_name: 'tasks_all', record: :new_episodes } do it 'should return a list of tasks in a project' do tasks = client.tasks.all(project_id) expect(tasks).to be_an(Array) expect(tasks.count).to eq(7) t = tasks.first expect(t).to have_key(:id) expect(t).to have_key(:created_at) expect(t).to have_key(:updated_at) expect(t).to have_key(:local_task_id) expect(t).to have_key(:priority_id) expect(t).to have_key(:assigned_to_id) expect(t).to have_key(:status_id) expect(t).to have_key(:description) expect(t).to have_key(:tag_names) expect(t.tag_names).to be_an(Array) expect(t).to have_key(:external_id) expect(t).to have_key(:requester_id) expect(t).to have_key(:requester_email) end end context 'find_success', vcr: { cassette_name: 'tasks_find_success', record: :new_episodes } do let(:task_id) { 1035995 } it 'should return a task when it exists' do t = client.tasks.find(project_id, task_id) expect(t).to have_key(:id) expect(t).to have_key(:created_at) expect(t).to have_key(:updated_at) expect(t).to have_key(:priority) expect(t).to have_key(:status) end end context 'update', vcr: { cassette_name: 'tasks_update', record: :new_episodes } do let(:task_id) { 1035995 } it 'should update an existing task' do t = client.tasks.update(project_id, task_id, { status: 'doing' }) expect(t).to have_key(:id) expect(t).to have_key(:status) expect(t.status).to eq('doing') end end context 'create', vcr: { cassette_name: 'tasks_create', record: :new_episodes } do let(:user_id) { 50190 } it 'should return a task when it exists' do description = 'A Test Task for Testing Tests' payload = { status: 'backlog', description: description, priority: 'normal', requester_id: user_id } t = client.tasks.create(project_id, payload) expect(t).to have_key(:id) expect(t).to have_key(:created_at) expect(t).to have_key(:updated_at) expect(t).to have_key(:local_task_id) expect(t).to have_key(:priority_id) expect(t).to have_key(:status_id) expect(t).to have_key(:description) expect(t.description).to eq(description) expect(t).to have_key(:tag_names) expect(t.tag_names).to be_an(Array) expect(t).to have_key(:external_id) expect(t).to have_key(:requester) expect(t.requester).to be_a(Hash) end end end