require "bundler/setup" Bundler.require(:default) require "minitest/autorun" require "minitest/pride" require "logger" require "active_support/core_ext" if defined?(NoBrainer) require "active_support/notifications" Searchkick.index_suffix = ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"] ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "test" Minitest::Test = Minitest::Unit::TestCase unless defined?(Minitest::Test) if !defined?(ParallelTests) || ParallelTests.first_process? File.delete("elasticsearch.log") if File.exist?("elasticsearch.log") end Searchkick.client.transport.logger ="elasticsearch.log") Searchkick.search_timeout = 5 if defined?(Redis) if defined?(ConnectionPool) Searchkick.redis = { } else Searchkick.redis = end end puts "Running against Elasticsearch #{Searchkick.server_version}" I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = true if defined?(ActiveJob) ActiveJob::Base.logger = nil ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :inline end ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.logger = if ENV["NOTIFICATIONS"] def elasticsearch_below50? Searchkick.server_below?("5.0.0-alpha1") end def elasticsearch_below22? Searchkick.server_below?("2.2.0") end def nobrainer? defined?(NoBrainer) end def cequel? defined?(Cequel) end if defined?(Mongoid) Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::INFO Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::INFO if defined?(Mongo::Logger) Mongoid.configure do |config| config.connect_to "searchkick_test" end class Product include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :name field :store_id, type: Integer field :in_stock, type: Boolean field :backordered, type: Boolean field :orders_count, type: Integer field :found_rate, type: BigDecimal field :price, type: Integer field :color field :latitude, type: BigDecimal field :longitude, type: BigDecimal field :description field :alt_description end class Store include Mongoid::Document has_many :products field :name end class Region include Mongoid::Document field :name field :text end class Speaker include Mongoid::Document field :name end class Animal include Mongoid::Document field :name end class Dog < Animal end class Cat < Animal end elsif defined?(NoBrainer) NoBrainer.configure do |config| config.app_name = :searchkick config.environment = :test end class Product include NoBrainer::Document include NoBrainer::Document::Timestamps field :id, type: Object field :name, type: String field :in_stock, type: Boolean field :backordered, type: Boolean field :orders_count, type: Integer field :found_rate field :price, type: Integer field :color, type: String field :latitude field :longitude field :description, type: String field :alt_description, type: String belongs_to :store, validates: false end class Store include NoBrainer::Document field :id, type: Object field :name, type: String end class Region include NoBrainer::Document field :id, type: Object field :name, type: String field :text, type: Text end class Speaker include NoBrainer::Document field :id, type: Object field :name, type: String end class Animal include NoBrainer::Document field :id, type: Object field :name, type: String end class Dog < Animal end class Cat < Animal end elsif defined?(Cequel) cequel = Cequel.connect( host: "", port: 9042, keyspace: "searchkick_test", default_consistency: :all ) # cequel.logger = cequel.schema.drop! if cequel.schema.exists? cequel.schema.create! Cequel::Record.connection = cequel class Product include Cequel::Record key :id, :uuid, auto: true column :name, :text, index: true column :store_id, :int column :in_stock, :boolean column :backordered, :boolean column :orders_count, :int column :found_rate, :decimal column :price, :int column :color, :text column :latitude, :decimal column :longitude, :decimal column :description, :text column :alt_description, :text column :created_at, :timestamp end class Store include Cequel::Record key :id, :timeuuid, auto: true column :name, :text # has issue with id serialization def search_data { name: name } end end class Region include Cequel::Record key :id, :timeuuid, auto: true column :name, :text column :text, :text end class Speaker include Cequel::Record key :id, :timeuuid, auto: true column :name, :text end class Animal include Cequel::Record key :id, :timeuuid, auto: true column :name, :text # has issue with id serialization def search_data { name: name } end end class Dog < Animal end class Cat < Animal end [Product, Store, Region, Speaker, Animal].each(&:synchronize_schema) else require "active_record" # for debugging # ActiveRecord::Base.logger = # rails does this in activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes = true # migrations ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:" ActiveRecord::Base.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.start_with?("4.2.") if defined?(Apartment) class Rails def self.env ENV["RACK_ENV"] end end tenants = ["tenant1", "tenant2"] Apartment.configure do |config| config.tenant_names = tenants config.database_schema_file = false config.excluded_models = ["Product", "Store", "Animal", "Dog", "Cat"] end class Tenant < ActiveRecord::Base searchkick index_prefix: -> { Apartment::Tenant.current } end tenants.each do |tenant| begin Apartment::Tenant.create(tenant) rescue Apartment::TenantExists # do nothing end Apartment::Tenant.switch!(tenant) ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :tenants, force: true do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps null: true end Tenant.reindex end Apartment::Tenant.reset end ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :products do |t| t.string :name t.integer :store_id t.boolean :in_stock t.boolean :backordered t.integer :orders_count t.decimal :found_rate t.integer :price t.string :color t.decimal :latitude, precision: 10, scale: 7 t.decimal :longitude, precision: 10, scale: 7 t.text :description t.text :alt_description t.timestamps null: true end ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :stores do |t| t.string :name end ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :regions do |t| t.string :name t.text :text end ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :speakers do |t| t.string :name end ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :animals do |t| t.string :name t.string :type end class Product < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :store end class Store < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :products end class Region < ActiveRecord::Base end class Speaker < ActiveRecord::Base end class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base end class Dog < Animal end class Cat < Animal end end class Product searchkick \ synonyms: [ ["clorox", "bleach"], ["scallion", "greenonion"], ["saranwrap", "plasticwrap"], ["qtip", "cottonswab"], ["burger", "hamburger"], ["bandaid", "bandag"], ["UPPERCASE", "lowercase"], "lightbulb => led,lightbulb", "lightbulb => halogenlamp" ], suggest: [:name, :color], conversions: [:conversions], locations: [:location, :multiple_locations], text_start: [:name], text_middle: [:name], text_end: [:name], word_start: [:name], word_middle: [:name], word_end: [:name], highlight: [:name], searchable: [:name, :color], filterable: [:name, :color, :description], similarity: "BM25", match: ENV["MATCH"] ? ENV["MATCH"].to_sym : nil attr_accessor :conversions, :user_ids, :aisle, :details def search_data serializable_hash.except("id").merge( conversions: conversions, user_ids: user_ids, location: {lat: latitude, lon: longitude}, multiple_locations: [{lat: latitude, lon: longitude}, {lat: 0, lon: 0}], aisle: aisle, details: details ) end def should_index? name != "DO NOT INDEX" end def search_name { name: name } end end class Store searchkick \ routing: true, merge_mappings: true, mappings: { store: { properties: { name: elasticsearch_below50? ? {type: "string", analyzer: "keyword"} : {type: "keyword"} } } } def search_document_id id end def search_routing name end end class Region searchkick \ geo_shape: { territory: {tree: "quadtree", precision: "10km"} } attr_accessor :territory def search_data { name: name, text: text, territory: territory } end end class Speaker searchkick \ conversions: ["conversions_a", "conversions_b"] attr_accessor :conversions_a, :conversions_b, :aisle def search_data serializable_hash.except("id").merge( conversions_a: conversions_a, conversions_b: conversions_b, aisle: aisle ) end end class Animal searchkick \ text_start: [:name], suggest: [:name], index_name: -> { "#{name.tableize}-#{}#{Searchkick.index_suffix}" }, callbacks: defined?(ActiveJob) ? :async : true # wordnet: true end Product.searchkick_index.delete if Product.searchkick_index.exists? Product.reindex Product.reindex # run twice for both index paths Product.create!(name: "Set mapping") Store.reindex Animal.reindex Speaker.reindex Region.reindex class Minitest::Test def setup Product.destroy_all Store.destroy_all Animal.destroy_all Speaker.destroy_all end protected def store(documents, klass = Product) documents.shuffle.each do |document| klass.create!(document) end klass.searchkick_index.refresh end def store_names(names, klass = Product) store { |name| {name: name} }, klass end # no order def assert_search(term, expected, options = {}, klass = Product) assert_equal expected.sort,, options).map(&:name).sort end def assert_order(term, expected, options = {}, klass = Product) assert_equal expected,, options).map(&:name) end def assert_equal_scores(term, options = {}, klass = Product) assert_equal 1,, options) { |a| a["_score"] }.uniq.size end def assert_first(term, expected, options = {}, klass = Product) assert_equal expected,, options).map(&:name).first end end