Given /^I am searching for trials where "([^\"]*)" is "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field, value| @params ||= {} if value == "true" value = true elsif value == "false" value = false end @params[field.to_sym] = value end When /^I perform the search$/ do @trials = Clinical::Trial.find(:conditions => @params) end When /^I perform the extended search$/ do @trials = Clinical::Trial.find(:conditions => @params, :extended => true) end When /^I attempt to retrieve trial "([^\"]*)"$/ do |id| @trial = Clinical::Trial.find_by_id(id) end When /^I attempt to retrieve keywords for trial "([^\"]*)"$/ do |id| @trial = Clinical::Trial.find_by_id(id) @trial.get_metadata end Then /^I should get trials that are (not )?"([^\"]*)"$/ do |not_included, field| if not_included result = false else result = true end @trials.each do |trial| trial.send(field + "?").should(eql(result)) end end Then /^I should get trials where the "([^\"]*)" contains "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field, value| @trials.each do |trial| item_values = [] result = trial.send(field) if result.is_a?(Array) found = false result.each do |i| found = true if i.to_s =~ /#{value}/i end found.should be_true else result.to_s.should =~ /#{value}/i end end end Then /^I should get a trial$/ do @trial.should_not be_nil end Then /^the trial should have an? "([^\"]*)" of "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field, value| @trial.send(field).to_s.should eql(value) end Then /^the trial should have (an\s)?"([^\"]*)" like "([^\"]*)"$/ do |an, field, value| @trial.send(field).to_s.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape(value)}/ end Then /^I should not get a trial$/ do @trial.should be_nil end