if defined?(ActiveAdmin) and defined?(ApplicationPage) ActiveAdmin.register ApplicationPage, :as => 'Page' do config.filters = false index as: :tree_table, paginator: false, download_links: false do selectable_column column :title actions defaults: false do |page| links = ''.html_safe if authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::CREATE, page) classes = page.allowed_child_classes.select(&:allow_create) if classes.size > 0 dropdown_menu "Add" do classes.each do |page_class| item page_class.to_s.underscore.humanize, new_resource_path(parent_id: page.to_param, page_type: page_class.to_s) end end end end if authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::UPDATE, page) links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.edit'), edit_resource_path(page), :class => "member_link edit_link") elsif authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::READ, page) links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.view'), resource_path(page), :class => "member_link view_link") end if authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::DESTROY, page) and page.allow_destroy links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.delete'), resource_path(page), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => I18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation')}, :class => "member_link delete_link") end links end end form do |f| h = "".html_safe if f.object.new_record? h << f.input(:parent_id, as: :hidden, wrapper_html: { :style => "display:none;" }) h << f.input(:page_type, as: :hidden, value: f.object.class.to_s, wrapper_html: { :style => "display:none;" }) end h << self.instance_exec(f, &f.object.form) h end controller do def new parent = ApplicationPage.find(params[:parent_id]) page_classname = params[:page_type] unless parent.allowed_children.include?(page_classname) raise "Invalid page" end page_class = page_classname.constantize @page = page_class.new(params[:page]) @page.parent_id = parent.id new! end def create page_params = params[:page] parent = ApplicationPage.find(page_params.delete(:parent_id)) page_classname = page_params.delete(:page_type) unless parent.allowed_children.include?(page_classname) raise "Invalid page" end page_class = page_classname.constantize @page = page_class.new(params[:page]) r = create! parent.children << @page r end end end end