require 'simple_xlsx' require 'fileutils' =begin rdoc Spreadsheet is module to create spreadsheet documents (csv or xlsx). =end module Bricks module Spreadsheet # Wrappers to expose rendering engine to RubyLess. class Row attr_reader :cells include RubyLess # we use Zafu to declare . See r_cell below. def initialize @cells = [] end def cell(value) if value.kind_of?(Time) tz = value = tz.utc_to_local(value) end @cells << (value || '') "#{value};" end end class Head < Row end class Sheet attr_reader :rows, :name def initialize(name) @name = name @rows = [] end def row row = @rows << row row end def head row = @rows << row row end end class Document def initialize @sheets = [] end def sheet(name = nil) if name.kind_of?(Hash) name = name[:name] end s = || 'Sheet1') @sheets << s s end def render_xlsx tmpf ='output.xlsx') tmpf.close # Zip does not want the file to exist beforehand. path = tmpf.path FileUtils.rm(path) do |doc| @sheets.each do |s| doc.add_sheet( do |sheet| s.rows.each do |r| sheet.add_row r.cells end # each row end end # each @sheet end, 'rb') { |file| } end def render_html html = [] @sheets.each do |s| html << '' s.rows.each do |r| html << '' r.cells.each do |c| html << "" end html << '' end # each row html << '
' end # each @sheet html.join("\n") end def render_csv csv = '' @sheets.each_with_index do |s, i| if i > 1 csv << "\n\n" end s.rows.each do |r| r.cells.each do |c| csv << "#{escape_csv(c)};" end csv << "\n" end # each row end # each @sheet csv end def escape_csv(val) if val =~ /[\n;]/ val.to_s.inspect else val.to_s end end def escape_html(val) val.to_s.gsub('&', '&').gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>') end end module ControllerMethods def render_to_csv(opts) render_spreadsheet(opts, :csv) end def render_to_xlsx(opts) render_spreadsheet(opts, :xlsx) end def render_spreadsheet(opts, type) if opts[:debug] type = :html end # Get zafu template (compile if needed) if opts[:inline] # This is used during testing else template_path = template_url(opts) end # temporary file @spreadsheet = if opts[:inline] err = render_to_string(:inline => opts[:inline]) else err = render_to_string(:file => template_path, :layout=>false) end if err =~ /parser_error/ data = err type = :html end begin if type == :xlsx { :data => @spreadsheet.render_xlsx, :type => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', :disposition => 'attachment', } elsif type == :csv { :data => @spreadsheet.render_csv, :type => 'text/csv', :disposition => 'attachment', } else data = data || @spreadsheet.render_html { :data => %Q{

Render as #{type}

#{data} }, :type => 'text/html', :disposition => 'inline', } end rescue => err { :data => %Q{

Could not render #{type}

}, :type => 'text/html', :disposition => 'inline', } end end end # ControllerMethods module ZafuMethods def r_spreadsheet # Enter xlsx context. r = get_var_name('spreadsheet', 'doc') set_context_var('spreadsheet', 'doc', r, :class => Bricks::Spreadsheet::Document )) expand_if("#{r} = @spreadsheet") end def r_sheet(expand = true) if doc = get_context_var('spreadsheet', 'doc') s = get_var_name('spreadsheet', 'sheet') if name = @params[:name] code = RubyLess.translate_string(self, name) else code = '' end out "<% #{s} = #{doc}.sheet(#{code}) %>" set_context_var('spreadsheet', 'sheet', s, :class => Bricks::Spreadsheet::Sheet )) if expand expand_with end else parser_error("Should only be called in a spreadsheet context.") end end def r_row sheet = get_context_var('spreadsheet', 'sheet') if !sheet # Allow sheet to be omitted. r_sheet(false) sheet = get_context_var('spreadsheet', 'sheet') end if sheet r = get_var_name('spreadsheet', 'row') out "<% #{r} = #{sheet}.row %>" set_context_var('spreadsheet', 'row', r, :class => Bricks::Spreadsheet::Row )) expand_with else parser_error("Should only be called in a spreadsheet/sheet context.") end end def r_head if sheet = get_context_var('spreadsheet', 'sheet') r = get_var_name('spreadsheet', 'head') out "<% #{r} = #{sheet}.head %>" set_context_var('spreadsheet', 'row', r, :class => Bricks::Spreadsheet::Head )) expand_with else parser_error("Should only be called in a spreadsheet/sheet context.") end end def r_cell if row = get_context_var('spreadsheet', 'row') code = get_attribute_or_eval if not code code = get_var_name('spreadsheet', 'cell') out "<% #{code} = capture do %>" out expand_with out "<% end %>" end out "<% #{row}.cell(#{code}) %>" else parser_error("Should only be called in a spreadsheet/sheet/row context.") end end end # ZafuMethods end # Spreadsheet end # Bricks